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An American Affidavit

Friday, August 16, 2024

4970: International Public Notice: Shiva from Lincoln County Watch


Thursday, August 15, 2024

4970: International Public Notice: Shiva from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

The strange tale of Demitrius Julius Shiva (means "Youthful Destroyer"-- not his real name) began when a group of elderly men appeared on his doorstep and told the young man of his extraordinary provenance and destiny.  

Like Nikola Tesla, he would change the world. 

Shiva is the name of one of the principal deities of Hinduism, and he is known as "the Destroyer of Worlds".  Obviously, if Shiva is busy destroying ignorance and poverty, slavery and blind idolatry, he is the most positive figure in the entire pantheon. 

So Demitrius Julius Shiva set out on a quest that would begin with his daring escape from the old Eastern Bloc by swimming across the Danube River to Austria -- which was no small feat in itself.  Having arrived in the West, he faced all the struggles of any other immigrant as he began the daunting task of proving, via DNA and other means, that he was (and is) the surviving heir of the Conquistador Hernan Cortes de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano, and the lawful Heir of the vast Avila Family Trust which has, since 1941, funded the Global Collateral Account System. 

The Trust Indenture establishes one fundamental goal for all this money --- to break the chains of poverty and ignorance. 

The CIA soon picked up on this young man and transported him forcefully to the U.S., where they provided him with a secret identity, and dubbed him a "permanent resident of the United States" -- which means he was allowed to stay here in this country on a permanent basis, but not considered to be an American. 

This was convenient to the overall scheme of the British Monarch and the Roman Pontiff, in that like everyone else, Demitrius Julius Shiva could now be impersonated as a franchise of their Territorial and Municipal Corporations, and they could take over as his "presumed" trustees. 

This allowed them to manage his fortune "for" him, but unfortunately, their use of his money had nothing to do with breaking the chains of poverty and ignorance and everything to do with war-mongering and profiteering and enslavement and theft. 

Shiva continued to bring his claim to the Avila Family Trust forward before the whole world, traveling and corresponding and meeting with heads of state and world leaders, gradually garnering recognition and release of General Powers of Attorney from all the pretended Trustees.  Now, finally, he could control his own money. 

The contracts that the purported Trustees established ran out in 1995.  The recipients, mainly the Global Federal Reserve operation in Switzerland, begged for more time.  They needed a ten year extension to continue to use his money --- land, precious metals, cash, and stock holdings -- to tie up loose ends from efforts like the Marshall Plan, which the Avila Family Trust assets funded.  

Shiva agreed, and a new date in 2005 was settled on to negotiate a go forward plan.  As he put it, okay, we are finished rebuilding and restoring what was lost in the Second World War --- what next?  What wonderful possibilities might there be, with the Global Collateral Accounts freed up to do positive things, used not merely to recover from devastation, but to thrive?  

Shiva was dreaming of cleaning up all the pollution in the world, paying farmers to reforest the Amazon Basin, bringing fresh water and electricity to Africa, turning the Sahara into grasslands and forests again, promoting universal education, so many good things occupied his mind as he waited for the appointed time in 2005, when the ugly past would be finished and a new mission for the Avila Family Trust Code F.L.A.T. Accounts could begin.  

But the appointed time came and went.  The Department of the Global Federal Reserve refused to meet with him and went on using his assets with impunity to foment war and increase poverty and suffering; they lied and said they didn't know him.  Nothing had changed.  He was the same man they had dealt with ten years before, living in the same place, but now, they didn't want to pay him, didn't want to let loose of his money, or accept a new mission for the assets to serve. 

So how could this be?  How could such an important institution, the Department of the Global Federal Reserve, be so totally criminal and reckless?  

The United States, Inc. claimed that Demetrius Julius Shiva was their franchise when they went bankrupt in 2000 --- just as they falsely claim that everyone in this country is their franchise and "confer" their Federal citizenship on people without their knowledge or consent.  Shiva's assets were subsumed in their bankruptcy, but of course, they didn't want to tell him that.  He might object.  Whatever was left over once the bankruptcy settled, was rolled over into what they called "the Global Collateral Accounts" and labeled "Abandoned Funds" belonging to Unknown Parties. 

This is what Karen Hudes was trying to handle and talking about, all this leftover unclaimed gold and other assets.  

To save themselves, all they had to do was cheat one guy from Eastern Europe.  They could easily brand him a spy or call him a fake or raise some other objection to paying him, so they did.  HSBC, tellingly, predictably, brought false claims of financial wrong-doing and had Julius in jail for 120 days, but of course, they could prove nothing against an honorable man, and their accusation bore no fruit. He was released and they failed to even complete, much less prove their claim. 

Then, the Schemers hit upon the idea that the Heir could be bypassed because the Avila Trust had used a professional for-hire Metals Depositor named Severina Sta Romano to move the gold bullion and other assets around the world and deposit them in the collateral accounts of the central banks.  Naturally, Severino's name was on the accounts as the Depositor, even though everyone knew he was working for hire and he, Severino himself, freely admitted to his family and everyone else that he had no interest in the assets.  

It was Severino, when he was dying, who told Shiva not to trust the rats, and who set up an ingenious plan by which the assets would be protected by his estate and his family and passed on to Shiva after his death in 1974.  Severino's family honored his wishes and directions and everything was settled privately, and with the probate courts.  

Shiva was recognized as the Attorney-in-Fact responsible for administering Severino's estate by the Federal District Court of Illinois; he set aside the Avila Trust Assets as Severino wished and disbursed Severino's own private assets to his family, but by then, many years had passed and the job of recouping and settling the Avila Trust assets was compounded by refusal by the Bank for International Settlements and other Players to honor both Shiva's position as the ultimate Heir of the Avila Trust assets and his position as Executor of Severino's estate. 

This was all very convenient for the banks who have continued to use Shiva's assets for their own profit, and has resulted in a long standoff during which Shiva has been hampered on every side and prevented from collecting and settling the trust assets and separating them out from Severino Sta Romano's personal estate, by the same banks that borrowed the assets from him in the first place. 

When a man works in a professional capacity for hire, say an artist is commissioned to paint a scene for a theater, or a writer is commissioned to ghostwrite a story, they gain nothing but the payment.  It is "work for hire", and the copyrights and physical product belong to the buyer who paid for the services. 

It is the same Severino's role as a professional Metals Depositor. He did this work for hire, made the deposits for hire, received his commission, and he acknowledged the entire circumstance to everyone.  He made no claims to own the assets he deposited for the Avila Trust or any other customer of his. 

This is well-known to the industry, to the banks, to the CIA and in particular the officers the CIA used as Witnesses to deposits, including Giovanni Riccello and the Treasury Officers working with the Department of the Global Federal Reserve in Switzerland. 

Their attitude has been to steal and keep on stealing, knowingly using assets that aren't theirs to pay their debts, willfully misrepresenting Julius and his rightful political status as a fully naturalized State National of South Carolina, and refusing to come to the table and settle all of this. 

Shiva has a court mandate to settle the estate of Severino Sta Romano and he has already distributed all that was owed to Severino's family; the rest, which is the bulk of the Global Collateral Accounts held by the central banks, has been in No Man's Land thanks to the stubborn refusal of the banks to either (A) recognize that, yes, indeed, Shiva is the known Heir holding Power of Attorney over all the assets in these accounts, or, (B) recognize that, yes, Shiva is the lawful Attorney-in-Fact acting as Executor of the Named Depositor's estate --- when by all rights, these banks are obligated by law and custom and their own records to honor both of these positions held by Demetrius Julius Shiva. 

We recognize that Demetrius Julius Shiva is the lawful Heir of the Avila Family Trust and also the legal Executor of the Estate of Severino Sta Romano.  We also recognize that he is a South Carolinian, fully naturalized and immigrated to the State known as South Carolina, and we affirm that he is not obligated to act as a franchise citizen of any foreign corporation.  

Any foreign public trust held in his name must be dissolved and control of his assets must be returned to him and proper negotiations regarding their deployment must commence without further obfuscation, excuses, or delays.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 15th 2024


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