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An American Affidavit

Friday, July 6, 2018

Blockbuster Find From Walter Burien ---- Here is Where Your Wealth Went From an email from Anna Von Reitz

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Blockbuster Find From Walter Burien ---- Here is Where Your Wealth Went

From an email from Anna Von Reitz

The Big Picture of: "Government Wealth vs. Private Sector Wealth"
 by Walter Burien - CAFR1

1. What do Government corporations have the intent to do?

    ANSWER: Take over all other corporations (Private)

2. Look at the numbers. Who are all of the private corporations (and I note the public) in hock to?

    ANSWER: Government investment capital.

3. Look at the numbers of Financial Institution wealth (Banks, Brokerage, and Insurance) compared to government's controlling equity. Who wins out there?

Keep in mind that the investment capital those entities are holding and investing (Banks, Brokerage, and Insurance) is "primarily" collective government's equity, all of which are networked through private associations that government itself started and its own personnel are the primary members of.

4. The categories cover the entire wealth of the private sector; private corporate, and private non-incorporated. It also shows the debt liability of the private sector.

Is the private sector in hock to the "globalist banking cartel"?  No, they are in hock primarily to government. (75%). Per mortgages, the primary debt of the private sector, 90% is funded directly or indirectly by collective government investment capital.

Government "promotes" through their covert media sources the exact opposite of reality to the population. That being it is the big-bad international bankers and large corporations that is the cause of the peoples woes.

The reality of the situation is that government now controls by ownership; investment; and cash (debt provided) the above, and the beat goes on, and the public is played like a Stradivarius violin.

** It is all about greed and opportunity running unrestrained. **

When I first started with national disclosure, I use to give an example to impact parents the following analogy:

"Would you ever  give your 14 or 15-year old son cart-blanch to right his own allowance check?

Every one instantly said in so many words: "Hell no!"  Then I bring up the point: "That is exactly what we did with our own government" and I note: "A government primarily run by attorneys whereby the public gets screwed every time, with more and more wealth being taken from them and that wealth transferred to government and the government's inside players." The same applies to the takeover of the corporate private sector in all respects.

I have been actively looking for this "Collective" consolidated data for the last 20-years and found it two-weeks ago. Obscurely entitled the: Z.1. report.

The following document is put out by the Data division of the Federal Reserve.

The link is the category listings of wealth held for years 2011 through 2015. This covers total Federal Pension Funds; Local Government Pension Funds (L; 119. a, b, and c. L120 a, b, and c = 16-trillion+); Federal and Local total investment wealth held; the a showing for the private sector (L.118.a, b, and c); financial institutions; insurance Companies, Brokerage; Banks, etc.

Also included is Worldwide wealth held by all of the above. The categories also cover the "Total Debt" held by all of the above AND who is the investor holding that debt. After digesting the numbers you will see that the private sector; AND corporations; etc. are primarily in debt to government via government's (collective local and Federal) investment capital.

When you look at the data, I note two things:

1. The data is in billions of dollars. So when you see a figure such as 6457.23, that is six trillion, 457 billion dollars.

2. After you pull out your calculator and add up the category listings on a specific issue, (I suggest to do this with Federal and Local government pension accounts), the total there is in excess of 16-trillion dollars of wealth held. Now compare that figure with the same for the private sector.

Who do you think wins out on that comparison?

Then find and take a look at home and commercial mortgages by investor category. Who is funding the majority of that debt as the "investor"?

Between Government and all others, who do you think is the primary investor, (L.124 Government Sponsored Enterprises, 6.4 trillion dollars just there) So is it: Government or every one else that is the investor in that 24-trillion dollar private and commercial mortgage collective market place?

** On one last very important note that you could miss, if not told to you here:

When it lists "Private Sector" wealth in all respects, and in all categories, past and present government employees are part of the private sector in those totals shown. So, with the millions of government employees, what percentage of that wealth in fact was accomplished by government funds passed on to government employees compared to everyone else???

The data section starts off with L.100. Here it shows total wealth of "Non Financial" Domestic. For the end of the year of 2015, it shows total wealth at 98.7 trillion dollars and total liabilities at 61.14 trillion dollars.

Also when you see "Liabilities" especially for government Pension funds, keep in mind that is liability "projected out 35 to 45-years. The "Standing wealth" held today is the reality of the situation..

One last note: In most cases for government investments, the accounting used: The investment wealth held is offset for the same as a "liability". A 100% default or a 100% payout over the next 45-years is the only thing that would make it a 100% liability. Seems like a cute tactic to show a diminished "net" worth compared to actual wealth "standing" today...

The link for the data, L.100 to L.234 is:

The Federal Reserve's Z.1. Raw Data Report

Please share the link above and my comments made here with all you think would want to know the "Big Picture" of: Government Wealth vs. Everyone else.

Also, please copy and share across the land to every chat board and news site you have access to.

Walter Burien - CAFR1

PS: This is the raw data of which the Net Figures are derived from. The government boys will in some limited cases quote the net figures. They NEVER will quote the standing figures for an obvious reason: Total wealth built and now held by collective government, the people were never supposed to see; hear about; or comprehend.  THIS IS THEIR OWN DATA! Government shills will have a visceral reaction to this coming out, and use every and any tactic to misdirect; obfuscate; and intimidate the public away from this data so it can not be comprehended or seen. The implications are as severe as they get. Is this the USA we all use to know from decades ago, or is it now a form of true communism designed for absolute wealth take-over for and by a runaway for profit government with a fascist twist to maintain direction; enforcement; and absolute control?

The raw data in the Z.1. report answers that question succinctly .
Government's operating capital shown? Very low.
Government's collective investment capital shown? As big as it gets! "Government owns it all by investment!"

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