Tragedy and Hope 101 The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Joseph Plummer: Chapter Ten: Final Thoughts
Chapter Ten: Final Thoughts
In May 2012 I began sorting through and organizing the reference material for this book. After a couple months of narrowing my choices, I came to a reasonably depressing conclusion: there was absolutely no way I could adequately condense Quigley’s work into just a couple hundred pages, let alone condense the Network- coordinated depravity exposed in the dozens of other excellent books1 that I wanted to cover.
By August 2012, it looked like a bomb had gone off in our house; notes and books were strewn everywhere, and counted among the scraps of paper were countless abandoned outlines. With no idea where to begin, and facing thousands of hours of additional work, I nearly put everything away. I’d convinced myself that my best effort would only come up short, so why bother? Ironically, one of the many topics that I knew I couldn’t adequately cover, summarized in a couple sentences that I’d scribbled on a piece of paper, started moving me (psychologically) back in the right direction:
How many of us do nothing because we feel that we cannot do enough?
How much “more than enough” could be done if all of us simply did something?
These two sentences led me to reevaluate the reason for writing this book. So what if I couldn’t “adequately” summarize all of the material that I wanted to cover? Even an inadequate summary
1 See the “recommended-reading” list on the last page
would be better than no summary at all. And was this really about writing a condensed version of a thirteen-hundred-page history book, or was it more about protecting myself and others from men who believe “there is no moral dimension...what is successful is right”? Clearly it was the latter, and this is what ultimately drove me to continue: a burning desire to expose and weaken the criminal ruling class.
At this point, I can only hope that you share my desire and that you feel the information you’ve read here is useful. If so, I would ask that you please tell people about the free online version of this book
available at TragedyAndHope.INFO, or if you have a hard copy, share it with friends and family. Take a few minutes and leave a short review at and other websites, or simply recommend the book on message boards if the topic is a good match. Never underestimate the impact you can have each time that you do something.On my end, I will be creating a “bonus material” section at the TragedyAndHope.INFO website. This will enable me to post my page-reference notes for Tragedy and Hope, as well as my notes for The Anglo-American Establishment, Diplomacy, NATO’s Secret Armies, and some of the other books listed on the following page. These page-reference notes will help you quickly find interesting reference material within each book.
I will also provide links to excellent articles like “The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics” available here . From there I can post related information, like how the government (following a 1974 policy report directed by Henry Kissinger) implemented a secret twenty- five-year plan to reduce global fertility,2 or how the Network, in cooperation with the “government,” created genetically modified corn that was designed to sterilize those who ate it and a “tetanus” vaccine designed to sterilize those who received the shot.3
2 See National
Security Study Memorandum 200,
3 Paraphrasing William Engdahl’s Seeds of Destruction, pages 270–275. Spermicidal corn: In September 2001
Epicyte reported that they had successfully created the ultimate GMO crop—
contraceptive corn. On October 6, 2002, CBS News reported that the United
States Department of
These and other topics were too much to squeeze between the covers of this book. Therefore, the bonus-material section will provide interested readers an opportunity to dig deeper into the Network’s long list of unpunished crimes. And on that note, if you’re ready to start digging now, here are just a handful of books that address the Network’s illegitimate power in one way or another. Many of them are available for free online. I’ve listed them by page count from shortest to longest.
Recommended Reading
War Is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler The Law, by Frederic Bastiat
Media Control, by Noam Chomsky
Dumbing Us Down, by John Taylor Gatto
The Impact of Science on Society, by Bertrand Russell
Agriculture had financed thirty-two field trials including Epicyte’s spermicidal corn. What was not revealed was that the USDA was also providing the field trial results to scientists at the US Department of Defense through one of their biological research laboratories. At the time of their brief public announcement, which they presented as a contribution to the world’s “overpopulation” problem, Epicyte estimated its spermicidal corn would be available in 2006 or 2007. After the press release, discussion of the breakthrough vanished. Nothing more was heard in any media about the development. Antifertility vaccines: The folks at the Rockefeller Foundation, in cooperation with World Health Organization researchers, sought to develop a double-whammy vaccine. In the early 1990s, according to a report from the Global Vaccine Institute, the World Health Organization oversaw massive vaccination campaigns against tetanus in Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. Numerous vials of the vaccine, tested under suspicion, were found to contain hCG, which, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, renders women incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. Also, rather curiously, this vaccination campaign against “tetanus” was directed only at women of child- bearing ages between fifteen and forty-five. (The men and boys apparently didn’t need tetanus protection.) “Pro Vida dug further and learned that the Rockefeller Foundation...the World Bank, the UN Development Program and the Ford Foundation, and others had been working with the World Health Organization for 20 years to develop an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG with tetanus as well as other vaccines.” None of the women who received the hCG-laced vaccines were told of the vaccine’s abortive properties or its long-term effect on their ability to have children.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen
Philip Dru: Administrator, by Edward Mandell House
Our Enemy the State, by Albert Jay Nock
Propaganda, by Edward Bernays
The Scientific Outlook, by Bertrand Russell
The Shadows of Power, by James Perloff
Confessions of an Economic Hitman, by John Perkins
The Fluoride Deception, by Christopher Bryson
NATO’S Secret Armies, by Daniele Ganser
A Century of War, by William Engdahl
The Case Against Fluoride, by Paul Connett, James Beck, and H. Spedding Micklem
To End all Wars, by Thomas Knock
The Molecular Vision
of Life,
by Lily E. Kay
The Virus and the Vaccine, by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher
The Anglo-American Establishment, by Carroll Quigley Eugenics: A Reassessment, by Richard Lynn
Seeds of Destruction, by William Engdahl
1984, by George Orwell
Blood Bankers, by James Henry
Foundations: Their Power and Influence, by Rene A. Wormser
War Against the Weak, by Edwin Black
Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine, by Daniel Haley
The Plutonium Files: America’s Secret Medical Experiments in
the Cold War, by Eileen Welsome
The Pinochet File, by Peter Kornbluh
The Creature from
Jekyll Island,
by G. Edward Griffin Diplomacy, by Henry Kissinger
Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley
Page numbers followed by “n” indicate footnotes.
Adams, John, 119, 119n1 Adams, Samuel, 116, 116n24 Alboth, Herbert, 177 Aldrich, Nelson, 61–62, 79,
Aldrich Plan, 61, 65, 81–83,
82n26 al-Qaeda, 161
American Communist Party, 6
American history, teaching of, 124
The Anglo-American Establishment (Quigley), 4–6, 34, 37, 69n2, 82, 141
Austria, 151–152, 154, 169, 179
Avanguardia Nazionale, 173
Ball, George, 188
Bamford, James, 130, 188 bankers, 69–70, 70n5, 143 barter, 94–97
Bastiat, Frederic, 67
Battle of Poland (1939), 156 Belgium, 145, 174, 177–178
Bernanke, Ben, 81
Bernays, Edward, 20–21, 59–
60, 107, 133, 133–
Biddle, Nicholas, 79
Bill of Rights, 112, 120, 168 Bitcoin, 110, 113
Black Hand, 133, 133n18,
192, 192n27
Bologna railway bombing,
172 Bosnia, 161
Boston Evening Transcript, 5 Brabant Massacres, 174n19 British Empire, 29–32 Bryce, James, 135
Bundy, McGeorge, 188
capitalism, 14, 69, 77, 88–89 financial, 69n2
capitalists, 4, 6–7, 89, 121, 169n7
Carnegie, Andrew, 72 Carnegie
Endowment, 12 Carnegie Foundation, 8, 122 Carr, E. H., 182–186
Casey, Katherine, 122–125,
131, 133
Casson, Felice, 171–174 Central Bank of England,
109, 109n10
central banks, 61–66, 77–79,
82n26, 84, 109–111 CFR. See Council on Foreign
Chamberlain, Neville, 155 Chambers, Whittaker, 12 Chatham House, 4, 37 Chiang
Kai-Shek, 11
China, 8–12, 169n7, 184–185 Christian
Science Monitor,
5 Churchill, Winston, 194–196 CIA, 49, 49n5, 54n15, 128–
132, 165, 168–170, 179–
180, 188
coercive power, 26–29, 67 collective security, 146–147,
commodity money, 95–97 Communism, 169n7 Communists, 131n14, 169n7 Communists
Communism, 4, 6–14, 121, 164, 168–174, 183, 186–187
competing currencies, 109– 111, 109n10, 110n12, 110n13, 113
concentration camps, 38, 41– 42, 163
Conditions of Peace (Carr), 182–183
confirmation bias, 166–167,
consumption value, 95 Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR), 4–5, 37, 47–48, 123, 123n6, 138, 160– 161
credit, 49, 75–78, 88, 92 Cruiser Rules, 195 Cuba Project, 127–131,
131n14, 165 currencies. See also money
competing, 109–111, 109n10, 110n12, 110n13, 113
digital, 110, 110n13, 113 currency. See money Cyprus, 176 Czechoslovakia, 145, 151–
152, 154–155
David Rockefeller Studies Program, 160
Dawes Plan, 143
De Beers, 32
debt, 49, 70, 75, 85–90,
86n32, 138–140, 143– 144, 157, 198–199, 198n38
debt money, 92–93, 102–105, 110, 139, 198n38
debtors, illiterate, 92–93 Declaration of Independence,
democracy, 1, 22, 26, 55, 58,
66, 107, 131–136, 134n19, 166–170, 174–
178, 183 diamonds, 32–33
digital currencies, 110, 110n13, 113
Diplomacy (Kissinger), 15 Dishonest Money (Plummer),
47, 93
Disraeli, Benjamin, 30 disruptive technologies, 116 Dodd, Norman, 122, 124
Dogecoin, 110, 110n13, 113 dollars, 97, 97n2, 110n12,
Douglass, Frederick, 105 dual policy, 146, 163, 170,
Dulles, Allen, 49n5 Dulles, John Foster, 48
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 111n17
To End All Wars (Knock), 54–57, 136n25
Engdahl, William, 123n6 Erserver, Cem, 176n24 Espionage Act, 136 Ethiopia, 146–147 European Union (EU), 177–
false and designing men, 118, 118n24, 163–180, 199
false flag operations, 162– 166, 174, 176n24, 179, 181, 187, 199
Franco, 146, 148–150, 174,
Hitler, 151–158, 163–164,
169, 185
Mussolini, 146–148, 158
FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Federal Reserve Act, 78, 80– 81, 83
Federal Reserve System, 5n9, 48–49, 62, 64, 71–72, 78–90, 109–110, 110n11, 134, 137–139, 199n40
Ferdinand, Franz, 133, 192, 192n27
fiat money, 100–101 financial capitalism, 69,
69n2, 77, 88–89 Fisher, Irving, 103
FM 30-31B, 179 Foundations:
Their Power
and Influence
(Wormser), 13
Fourteen Points, 136 fractional money, 98–100 France, 144–145, 149–152 Franco,
Francisco, 146, 148–
150, 174, 179
freedom, war on, 121–125 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA), 179 Freemasons, 35
Freud, Sigmund, 20, 56 Fugitive Slave Act, 115
Ganser, Daniele, 132, 168– 169, 174n19, 176n24, 179
Gardner, Richard, 47 Gelli, Licio, 180
Geneva Protocol, 145 Genro, 25, 27
George, King of England,
Germany, 27, 135, 141–146,
149–150, 163–164, 185, 195, 198n37. See also Hitler, Adolph
Gladstone, William, 29 Glass-Owen Federal Reserve
Act. See Federal Reserve
global domination, 45–50 global governance, 159–162 global government, 157–159
gold, 32–33, 71, 96–102,
110, 113, 138–139 gold standard, 87–90, 138–
Gonzales, Servando, 58 government debt, 138–140 Great Britain, 30–36, 43, 138,
144–154, 158
Great Depression, 138
Great Leap Forward, 185 Greece, 174–176
Greer, 189–190, 195
Grey, Edward, 193, 196, 198 Griffin, G. Edward, 46–47,
84, 195–196
Gulf of Tonkin Incident,
Hemphill, Robert, 103 Herald Tribune, 5, 9 Hindenberg, 164
Hiss, Alger, 12
Hitler, Adolph, 27, 38, 43, 146, 149, 151–158, 163– 164, 169, 185
Hoare, Samuel, 147
Hobbs, Thomas, 29
House, Edward Mandell, 45,
51–55, 54n15, 58, 63– 66, 73, 84–85, 123, 139, 192–193, 196–198
Huxley, Aldous, 29
illiterate debtors, 92–93, 104
Illuminati, 35
income tax, 61–66, 71–75,
74n11, 111–114, 111n16, 111n17, 113n18, 113n19, 114n18, 137, 139, 199n40
individualism, 25, 55, 182– 183, 185
The Inquiry, 123. See also Council on Foreign Relations
Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), 6–15
international bankers, 69–70, 70n5, 143
International Institutions and
Global Governance, 160
The Intimate Papers of Col House, 84
intrinsic value, 96 investment bankers, 70 Italicus Express attack, 172 Italy, 132, 145–150, 155,
169, 171–177, 176n24, 180
Jackson, Andrew, 79n20 Jameson Raid,
Japan, 23–25
Jefferson, Thomas, 120–121 Jekyll Island, 80–84, 82n26 Jesuits, 35
Johnson, Lyndon B., 176, 188–189
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 128– 129, 131n14, 165, 188
J. P. Morgan and Co., 5, 65 jury nullification, 115–116
Kennedy, John F., 130–131, 165
Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
(Jefferson), 120–121 Kenworthy, Joseph,
196 Kerr, Philip, 141
Kissinger, Henry, 15–16, 57,
133, 141, 181n1, 182,
Knock, Thomas J., 53–54,
135–136, 136n25, 193 Kosovo, 161
Kruger, Paul, 40–41, 41n35
Lamont, Thomas, 13 League of Nations, 38, 43,
66, 134–138, 144, 146–
147, 156–159 Lemnitzer, Lyman, 131n14,
165 Libya, 161
Litecoin, 110, 113 Locarno Pacts, 145, 152 Locke, John, 29 Lusitania, 134, 191–199,
194n30, 198n37
Machiavelli, 16
Madison, James, 121
Mao Zedong, 11, 184–185 Marx, Karl, 50–51, 182 Marxism, 183, 185 McCarran
Committee, 8 McCollum memo, 190 McKenna, Reginald, 76 McNamara, Robert, 188
media, influence of, 2, 5–8,
12, 59, 82, 120, 126, 165, 178, 186, 194. See also propaganda
medical marijuana, 114 Meiji Restoration, 23–25 Mersey, Lord, 194n30 MI6, 168–169
Miceli, Vito, 173n17 military-industrial complex,
74, 111, 111n17
Milner, Alfred, 36–37, 45, 89 Milner Group, 37, 43, 141–
145, 152–153, 159 Milner’s
Kindergarten, 36 MK Ultra, 167
Moirn, Marco, 171
money, 67–90, 91–117. See
also credit; debt; debt
barter, 94–97
combining and controlling,
69–72, 69n2
commodity, 95–97 competing currencies, 109–
111, 109n10, 110n12,
confiscating, 72–75 creating, 75–78
debt, 92–93, 102–105, 110,
139, 198n38 defined, 93–94
digital currencies, 110,
110n13, 113
dollars, 97, 97n2, 138–139 Federal Reserve System.
See Federal Reserve
fiat, 100–101
fractional, 98–100 Network control of, 91–93,
nullification and, 114–117,
116n24 overview, 67–68 receipt, 97–98
monopoly capitalism, 88–89
morality, 15–16, 19, 26, 30– 33, 105, 111, 116–117, 132, 167, 181–182, 196
Morgan, J. P., 5, 5n9, 8, 72, 74, 78–80, 83, 143
Morgan Bank, 13
Moro, Aldo, 179
Mullins, Eustace, 5n9 Mussolini, Benito, 146–148,
The Naked Capitalist
(Skousen), 14
national sovereignty, 18, 20,
27, 46–48, 61, 105, 122, 132, 139, 156, 159, 161, 170, 175, 187
NATO, 132, 165, 169–173, 173–174n17, 177
NATO’s Secret Armies
(Ganser), 176n24, 179 Nazis, 151, 153–156, 163–
164, 185–186. See also
Hitler, Adolph neo-isolationists, 10–11 the Network
background of, 4–6 birthplace of, 29–32
building of, 32–35
Carr and, 182–186 Casey on, 122–125, 131,
Churchill and, 194–196 control of money by, 91–
93, 104–108 control of money by,
solutions to, 108–117 debt traps and, 138–140 elections and, 59–66 Fascism and, 141–146,
first instruments and
accomplishments of, 35–
global domination and, 45–
global governance and,
157–161, 199–200 goal of, 4, 14, 105
IPR and, 6–15 Kissinger and, 187–191,
League of Nations and. See
League of Nations
1912 election and, 61–66 Operation Gladio and, 167–
170, 168n5, 170n7, 174–
Operation Northwoods and,
overview, 19–20
Phillip Dru:
and, 50–54
political influence of, 17–
recovery of America by,
45–66, 199
Second Boer War and, 40–
suppression of Tragedy
Hope by, 2–3
war on freedom by, 121–
Wilson and, 132–133 Woodrow Wilson and, 54–
World War I and, 132–138
The New Freedom (Wilson), 58
new imperialism, 31
New World Order, 20, 58,
61, 133, 141, 192, 199 The New York Times, 5, 9 1912 election, 61–66 nonintervention agreement,
149–150 Nonintervention Committee,
Norman, Montagu, 77 Northwoods Document, 127–
nullification, 114–117,
100% Money (Fisher), 103 one-world currency, 110n12 Operation Ajax, 161 Operation Cyclone, 161 Operation Gladio, 132, 165–
180, 186
Operation Himmler, 163–164 Operation Northwoods, 125–
132, 131n14, 131n15,
165, 179, 188
Ordine Nuovo, 171–173 Oxford, 29–32, 36–38, 43
panic of 1907, 78–79, 79n20 Peabody, George, 5, 5n9 Pearl Harbor, 190–191 peonage, 92–93
Perloff, James, 64–65 Peteano terror attack, 171–
Phillip Dru: Administrator
(House), 51, 193
Piazza Fontana massacre, 172 Pinochet, Augusto, 175 Poland, 145, 151–152, 155–
156, 163
Portugal, 149, 170 Prohibition, 115 propaganda, 20–23, 28, 36,
51, 59–60, 106–107, 122–124, 133–136, 158– 159, 197–199. See also media, influence of
Propaganda (Bernays), 20– 21, 59–60, 83
Queen Victoria’s Empire
(PBS), 33
Quigley, Carroll. See also
specific topics of discussion background of, 1–3
The Quigley Formula
(Griffin), 46–47
radical Right, 10–13 Rathkolb, Oliver, 179 REAL ID Act of 2005, 114
realists, 181, 185–187 Realpolitik, 12, 15–18, 181–
200, 181n1
receipt money, 97–98 Reece, B. Carroll, 13 Reece Committee, 12–13,
Reichstag fire, 164 Rhineland, 151–152
Rhodes, Cecil, 32–36, 39–45,
40n35, 69n2 Rhodes, Frank, 40 Rhodesia,
Rhodes Scholarship, 32,
Rhodes University, 32 Richelieu, Cardinal de, 15–16 Rockefeller, 72, 78–80, 83
Rockefeller, David, 160 Rockefeller, Nelson, 150 Rockefeller Foundation, 8
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
(FDR), 138–139, 189–
Roosevelt, Teddy, 64–66 Rothschild, 5n9, 80
Round Table Groups, 5, 36–
Royal Colonial Institute, 30 Royal Institute of
International Affairs, 4,
37, 43
Ruskin, John, 31–32
Russell, Bertrand, 21–22, 107 Russia, 26–27, 130, 144–145,
175, 183–185
Second Boer War, 39–44 Second World War. See
World War II
The Secrets of the Federal Reserve (Mullins), 5n9
Seeds of Destruction
(Engdahl), 123n6 Senate Judiciary Committee,
Shah of Iran, 175
Shinto ideology, 24
silver, 96–98, 97n2, 100–101,
110, 113
Skousen, W. Cleon, 14 Smith, Adam, 29
Smuts, Jan C., 40, 41n35 socialism, 14, 50–51, 54–55,
South Africa, 32–33, 36, 39,
41n35, 42 sovereignty. See national
The Soviet Impact on the Western World (Carr), 183
Soviet Union, 11–12, 155, 169n7, 182
Spain, 146, 148–150, 170, 174, 179
Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations, 13
state nullification, 114–117, 116n24
Strong, Benjamin, 77 Subcommittee on Internal
Security, 8 submarines and U-boats,
189–190, 198
Sutton, Anthony, 169n7 Switzerland, 169, 177–178 Syria, 161
Taft, William Howard, 61–66 Tamburino, Giovanni,
tax-exempt foundations, 13,
73, 111, 121–122
, 114
terrorism, 131–132, 131n14,
153, 161–162, 163–180, 169n7, 179n30, 183, 185–186
terrorists, 161
Tolkein, R. R., 29
Toynbee, Arnold J., 47 Toynbee Hall, 36
Tragedy and Hope (Quigley).
See also specific topics
of discussion
overview, 3–6
publication and suppression
of, 2–3
transparency, 26, 96, 100 Treaty of Versailles, 141,
U-boats and submarines, 195–196
Union of South Africa, 42.
See also South Africa United Nations, 157, 159 US Constitution, 27, 51, 54,
73, 112, 120–121, 160,
useful idiot, 58, 58n27 US Senate, 6–7, 137, 176,
US State Department, 10,
122–123, 123n6, 179, 179m30, 192
value, 95–96
Vanderlip, Frank A., 81, 83–
Van Zyl, Lizzie, 38–39, 42 Vietnam war, 187–188 Vinciguerra, Vincenzo, 166,
Wall Street, 5–6, 8, 75
War and Peace Studies
(CFR), 123, 123n6 Warburg, 48, 80, 84
Ward, Chester, 48
war on freedom, 121–125 Washington
Post, 5 Wilson, Woodrow,
45, 53–
66, 73, 78, 83–84, 123, 132–139, 133n19, 134n20, 191–193, 197– 198
World War I, 66, 87–88, 123, 132–138, 148, 198
World War II, 132, 138, 141– 162, 183, 189
Wormser, Rene A., 13
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