Saturday, December 28, 2024
5190: International Public Notice: The End of All Hysteria from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
Please notice:
1100 A.D. England was a major wine producer, in competition with France
and Spain. This is because the climate was significantly warmer than
it is today, making England as sunny and fertile as the Loire Valley and
Let that fact sink in.
That was only 900 years ago, give or take a few. Not the Pleistocene.
Then, think -- how much warmer would England have to be, to grow wine grapes again?
the answer is --- a lot warmer. Not just a degree or two.
Ten degrees higher average temperature for champagne grapes, fifteen
degrees higher for red wine grapes. More sun, more heat, more carbon
dioxide, more everything ---- a lot more, is required for England to be a
competitive wine producer.
we know that during the reign of Eleanor of Aquitaine (1137-1204)
England was growing grapes and producing wine and exporting it with
gusto. "Port wine", though now primarily the product of Portugal, was
developed in England, and before rum, was the favorite beverage of the
British Fleet.
why the hysteria over melting ice and higher average temperatures? It
has obviously happened before, and probably many times.
the ridiculous attempt to vilify carbon dioxide, the primary gas that
is the basis for the whole process of photosynthesis--- and life on this
Carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant. It's a natural and necessary component of the biosphere.
Without carbon dioxide, and plenty of it, we all die.
We need to stop this insanity before we are all barking mad.
excess of carbon dioxide gets turned into more plant growth and such
beneficial structures as coral reefs. And that leads to more oxygen and
more life.
We are supposed to be afraid of --and fight against-- that outcome?
it does not take rocket science to discern what this preposterous war
against CO2 is aimed at--- a new basis for taxation and guilt --- and
more coercive power for governments.
invisible gas, like an invisible God, is being used to frighten people
and make them feel guilty, so that they are willing to punish themselves
and pay taxes to make amends.
It's the same old proviso of the Roman Catholic Church. You are a Sinner and you must pay ---literally--- for your sins.
is a ridiculous and patently self-serving old schtick, a formula for
deceit like so many others we have seen, adapted to entrap modern
industrial era populations in a web of false assumptions that leads to
one thing --- paying the Perpetrators money and labor to fix a problem
that isn't really a problem.
Just as we have paid the Church all these centuries to placate an angry invisible God.
change hysteria has been engendered as a purposeful and
self-interested fraud scheme, an intelligence test for the planet, and
unfortunately, for one reason or another --- self-interest on one side,
and scientific ignorance on the other, we have largely failed the test.
concept of an angry judgmental "God" is losing it's fear-factor value,
so another bug-a-boo must be found, another invisible scourge --- a gas,
or a virus --- that can be used to terrify the population of this
planet into "voluntary" submission, must be found.
We've seen two (2) versions of this same schtick in ten years.
Climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic are both the same kind of outrageous fraud scheme.
To date, nobody has proven that carbon dioxide has any known ill-effect on the biosphere.
To date, nobody has proven that any "Covid-19" virus exists.
There haven't even been any attempts to complete the Koch Protocols and prove the existence of any Covid-19 virus.
only thing that does exist is a genetically modified SARS virus that
was deliberately developed as a bioweapon ----and a deceitful campaign
to inject this crap into millions of trusting people.
was a do-it-yourself pandemic, using a virus that had to be injected or
encountered during sex, just like HIV. Or have we been lied to
about the AIDS connection to sex and everything about AIDS, too?
is true and verifiable, is that more than a billion hapless people have
been injected and infected, but none of this has anything to do with
nature or the Chinese government.
about this blockbuster? The CDC knew that mercury in vaccines was
causing autism and other problems two decades ago and lied about it:
The "pandemic" was, once again, visited upon humankind by Britain and Rome.
extent of the British insanity and the source of it is clearly known:
King Charles III. He is, apparently, stupid enough to believe in all
this rot, and those intent on toppling the Monarchy have taken full
advantage of his gullibility.
not only signed the WEF "Treaty" -- which is a euphemistic "sea treaty"
not an actual treaty at all, merely at a business agreement among
corporations--- he called for an end to national sovereignty, which, in
case he missed it, means an end to his office as British Monarch and all
his other titles as well.
men (and women) responsible for this are the worst kind of criminal ---
white collar criminals, deceitful cowards who hide and smirk at us from
the shadows, waiting to see if we will be dumb enough to swallow their
snake oil.
Unfortunately, for more than a billion people, the answer was yes.
addition to other poisons and genetic triggers, the recipients of the
Covid-19 witches' brew have been infected with a variety of Auto-immune
Deficiency Syndrome--- AIDS, Tony Fauci's specialty. Only this version
is being called VAIDS --- Vaccine induced AIDS.
Remaining silent and motionless in the face of such crime is to become an accomplice to it.
is yet another example --- a large, irrefutable example --- of just how
flawed the "history" and "science" we've been taught really is, and why
we should never just accept and believe what the government and
supposed authorities may say:
"My Lunch Break" ("Timeline Begins at 1800?" on YouTube) proves without
breaking wind, the entire narrative we have been fed concerning our
collective past and the architecture we have inherited, is false. And
obviously so. Just look and see. Think.
People often ask us how we know all the seemingly arcane things that we know. We look. We see. Anyone else can do the same.
must face the truth and search for truth in order to remain sane
on this planet, otherwise, we are doomed to react to phantasms as if
they were real, and to ignore those threats that are indeed dangerous:
crackpots in control of entire nations, "news" media used to
propagandize commercial profit narratives, bureaucracies misled and run
wild, science that is politicized, financial empires built on hot air,
courts run as rigged casinos, corporations masquerading as governments,
and religions based on fraud.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
December 28th 2024
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