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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

5191-5192: International Public Notice: No Cold War from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

5191-5192: International Public Notice: No Cold War from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Like everything else in this country, information about the economy and the world economy is surprisingly difficult for the general populace to access and analyze.  Part of this is a compartmentalization of information by the academics.  Part of this is ignorance and therefore, disinterest on the part of the public.  Part of this is merely the press-ganged nature of life in "the states" -- whichever states may be referred to.  

People are kept too busy responding to every misguided alarm sponsored by the Mainstream Media, too strained to make enough money to live at peace, and too busy trying to find a life with the few hours left of their days to worry about economic issues. It's only when they wake up and realize that the price of nearly every food and drug item has doubled or tripled that they nudge grudgingly toward interest in the economy. 

The attitude has been--- we work night and day to hire experts to take care of all that economic stuff for us.  We're not economists, right? Our employees should be taking care of all that for us.  That's the job of the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York Stock Exchange, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Secretary of the Treasury, the..... 

Unfortunately, all these institutions and offices are politicized and corrupt and largely incompetent, seduced by the post-World War II occupation accommodations in Europe and Japan, and the creation of the Federal Reserve Note as the "reserve currency" of the world, the establishment of the Economic Security Fund, and other measures, into thinking that the US Empire would last forever. 

As Richard Wolff points out in this video (below), such an expectation was never rational, and yet, the politicians and institutions of this country seem stuck in the past, unable to correctly analyze either the present or the future.  This has resulted in economic and policy blunders of epic magnitude, which, strangely enough to the uninitiated, are not American at all. 

They are the result of the myopic, elitist, bully boy politics of the British Parliament and British Crown, which continue to use and abuse American military muscle and economic resources for their own agendas --- thinly disguised as "American" initiatives. 

As Wolff observes, there were already 149 countries out of 196 opposed to Israel's aggression against the Palestinians and in favor of a Palestinian homeland BEFORE the most recent genocide in Gaza, and invasions of Lebanon and Syria began.  The atrocities committed by Israel have led to Norway, Spain, and Ireland withdrawing their support and joining the countries in support of a Palestinian homeland. 

This is largely political reality, because the people have seen and heard enough of what Israel is doing to take a stand against it, while in this country the bought-and-paid-for Zionist controlled media, like the media in Britain, covers up the truth and feeds us a constant narrative about the noble Israelis and their endless struggle against Anti-Semitism. 

Maybe if they would stop wholesale murdering their neighbors we would feel more warm and fuzzy toward them.  

That makes it 152 out of 196 countries standing against Israeli violence and aggression. The only major power acting in Israel's pocket is The United States, and The United States is being worked like a sock puppet by Britain --- the Company --- that caused the whole Mess in the Middle East in the first place. 

Please spend the brief amount of time that it will require for you to understand the economics. the insanity of the current situation, and the history of tariffs --- just in time for Donald Trump to start threatening everyone in sight with tariffs. 

This threatens to further isolate the American economy and damage our position worldwide, but like all the other moves that USA, Inc., and NATO have made, the abusive use of tariffs will reliably fuel inflation, shortages, loss of buying power and a faster and more violent demise of America as a world leader. 

This is not coming at the hands of Russia or China.  This is the result of population growth, earlier boneheaded economic sanctions that shoved the BRICs nations together, and lack of a realistic plan to adjust and coexist and maybe even respect and support each other as peaceable and responsible neighbors. 

Please listen to Richard Wolff's practical, sensible, easy-to-grasp explanation of the economics and the politics of the present situation. Realize that this is not the Cold War and that China and Russia have moved on, along with India and Brazil and the other member nations of BRICs.  

Notice also that Britain has joined BRICs and left us to suffer on our own little pity potty, yet another example of Britain's malicious and self-interested chiseling, seeking benefit from both sides of every situation that their agents have created.  

Isolating America and making us their scapegoat with one hand, and cozying up to and securing a place for themselves at the BRICs table with the other, Britain continues to play a deceitful two-handed and fork-tongued game of misdirection, malfeasance, and abuse, and continues to ignore the will of the British People, regarding BREXIT and nearly everything else. 

We have to ask --- in what sense is this Company calling itself "Great Britain" a nation or a country?  And by what right does it continually meddle with and occupy other countries using deceit, color of law, and other tactics reeking of secretive criminality?  

The one thing that Richard Wolff doesn't cover is the fact that the United Nations has stood by and profited from the illegal British Territorial military occupation of the British Homelands, the former Commonwealth, seventeen European countries, Japan, Iraq, Libya, and numerous other sovereign countries which have been usurped against in breach of trust and violation of international law by this same Company calling itself "Great Britain".  

When you add this to Richard Wolff's brilliant and brief summation of world economic history and current conditions, it is apparent why the United Nations has failed its mission and why it and all its Municipal Corporation franchises, including WHO, Inc.,  should be dissolved. 

Beginning now, we should all stop and consider the fact that Companies and Corporations are not now, and never were, the governments of countries.  All this rot has been brought to us by criminal corporate interests and corrupt corporate bureaucrats seeking to defraud their own employers. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 31st 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Monday, December 30, 2024

The Broken Cookies Plate

 By Anna Von Reitz

Every year, no matter what you do, you bake cookies and some of them break.  So, you have a whole plate of broken cookies in the kitchen, while their unbroken cousins are on the sideboard for the guests. 

This is called "The Broken Cookies Plate" which causes endless grammar arguments.  Is it a plate that is broken, or a plate full of broken cookies, or a plate intended to hold broken cookies, or, or, or.... but in our house, everyone knows that it's the repository for all damaged desserts.  

Broken cookies, smashed cream puffs, and gooey caramel imperfections all land on this one plate, and despite all good sense and decorum to the contrary, it is always the most popular cookie platter in the house.  Always.  

Everyone loves broken cookies.  They are more approachable, less substantial, and perhaps, that missing corner of the lemon bar or one absent raisin on a rum tart invites the subliminal idea that they contain fewer calories. 

We have observed this phenomenon for many years and have no cause to think that our house is unique in this respect.  We have gone so far as to advance "The Broken Cookie Theory" --- that is, that the edibility of a cookie is enhanced by a factor of three, if it is broken into three pieces. 

This year, there was no time to bake anything. None. Nada. 

We were not dismayed when The Minnesota Assembly decided to bake a dozen kinds of Christmas cookies and send them all the way to Alaska just in time for the holidays. And doubly not dismayed when ten of the twelve packages had a broken cookie or two. 

(Thank you!) 

While the guests were picking among the dainties, the hosts were having their share, quietly observing the fact that broken cookies taste the same as those that are intact. 

Sometimes it's our broken hearts that fill the Broken Cookies Plate of life, that make us feel compassion, that teach us humility, and give us vision to see beyond mere appearances. 

A haughty young man saw a drunk staggering along the wintry street just before Christmas.  He wrinkled his nose and said, "What purpose does such a man have?"  

"He gives us an opportunity to feel compassion and to do good works," we replied without blinking. "The poor and the sick and the miserable teach us compassion, just like our own sufferings." 

The rapid, practical, non-rhetorical reply startled our young friend right out of his complacent assumptions. 

As soon as we learn to have compassion without the need for suffering -- our own or anyone else's -- suffering will disappear.

Until then, we have our share of misery and our Broken Cookies to teach us what we need to learn.   

Whether you are a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddhist, the lessons are the same:

Learn the mysteries of compassion, so that it grows in this world. Study it and nurture it.  Learn its lessons well. 

Value the "Broken Cookies". 

Sometimes people try to fix broken cookies and are upset when they discover that this is not possible, no matter how they try to paste and glue the parts together, no matter how frustrated they get. 

A broken cookie is a broken cookie. 

The same may be true of the other kinds of Broken Cookies we encounter; some may be beyond repair, while others may mysteriously recover from what ails them, from resources hidden within.   

Invest your compassion freely, without any expectations of recovery.  It's okay to ask for miracles, but accept the Broken Cookies in your life for what they are, as they are. 

Love is a decision.  So decide in their favor.  Accept as is.  This doesn't mean you support them in self-destructive behaviors. It means you love them and see their beauty anyway. 

Just because. 

When you learn to do this, the miracle that will surely happen, is a miracle --- not for them --- but for you.  You catch a glimpse of the love of our Creator.  You learn what unconditional love is.  

The real McCoy. 

This understanding sets you free from what passes for "love" in the world of Barbie dolls and Disney heroes.

Love is not a quid pro quo.  It is not a good bargain, not a matter of what someone else can add to your world at a price you can afford. Love isn't commercial at all.  

Love doesn't care if you're broken or perfect.  Love sees beyond the fashion cycle. Love simply is, eternal, the same; love stays and bends and sways as the years fly away. 

And then one day, you are staring at the Broken Cookies Plate and the beauty of it all overwhelms you, and you know that this broken imperfection is perfect after all.  

When life gets challenging and you don't know what comes next, and all the terrors of unpaid bills and unknown futures and sudden turns come to visit, when you are alone and staring at the ceiling --- know this: love remains steadfast.  Love is right there beside you. 

Open your arms to the great Unseen and ask for what you think you need, but let that Greater Wisdom guide you.  Sometimes what you need is a blind cat, or a crippled dog or a broken cookie, and not what the tabloids advertise at all.  Sometimes what you need is something so unimaginable, so grand, that you can't even imagine it. 

Just stand there before the love that created you, that knows you far better than you know yourself, and ask for help, and help will come. Be sure of that. 



See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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