Our Republican Form of Government: Section 17 — Clerks and Bondsmen from Anna Von Reitz
Section 17 — Clerks and Bondsmen
There are two Offices in our Public Courts that derive from
the ancient Ecclesiastical Courts: Clerks were originally Clerics and Bondsmen
were Bondsmen of Christ.
Clerks set the venue of court cases — that is, they
determine where a case belongs, in which court and jurisdiction, and they
assign it to a specific Judge, a Justice, or a Justice of the Peace to
“shepherd” the proceedings.
So the first duty of a Court Clerk is to recognize the kind
of action being pursued and the nature of the people or the persons pursuing
it, and thereby, to correctly direct it to the appropriate jurisdiction and the
appropriate court within that jurisdiction.
For many years now (since around 1965 in most places) Court
Clerks have had no “People Courts” to refer people to. All the Public Courts we
are owed were unlawfully converted into private courts serving only “Persons”
when our often disloyal and often clueless employees incorporated the
Territorial States of States and then the Counties, and began operating them as
local franchises of federal corporations in exchange for federal kickbacks.
Now we have overcome the presumption and mistakes that led
to this
Everyone else has been reduced to “person-hood” via a process of adhesion contracts and non- disclosure and fraud.
Unfortunately, until they all wake up and explicitly change their “presumed” political status, and join the State Jural Assembly, they are outside our jurisdiction just as they are outside of ours.
Our Clerks have to turn away people who are coming to our courts seeking redress while still functioning as “foreign persons” on our shores.
This can be determined simply by asking if they are members of a State Jural Assembly? And by looking at the subject of the case.
Does it involve one of the People?
Does it involve things that occurred within the boundaries of our State or at the County level, inside our County?
Is it an issue that pertains to the land and soil and to actual, factual people and things? That is our jurisdiction.
Or is it something intangible and theoretical, like two corporations arguing over patent rights? That is THEIR jurisdiction.
A good Court Clerk can determine the jurisdiction of a case from determining the capacity in which parties to a case are acting, the nature of the controversy and what it involves as subject matter.
Obviously, though a great many living people have valid issues that need to be addressed — so long as they continue to act as “persons” instead of choosing to act as people, we are powerless to assist.
Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 76 of 209
The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz
If they continue to
knowingly or unknowingly subject themselves to private incorporated courts —
and be abused accordingly, there isn’t much, if anything we can do.
JOHN O. KING vs. JOANN A.KING seeking a DIVORCE and voiding
of their MARRIAGE LICENSE are two Municipal Corporations wanting to end a JOINT
VENTURE ENTERPRISE and asking their parent corporation (the entity granting the
license) and Silent Partner for permission to dissolve this business
There isn’t a living man or woman involved in that whole
So even though it impacts two people and their children and
everything they own, they can’t be treated as people because they didn’t act as
people to begin with.
To get out of this situation they would have to petition the
entity issuing the Marriage License and give Notice that they made a
mistake...and annul the “marriage” instead of seeking a DIVORCE.
A good Court Clerk operating a lawful Court as one of the
People and a member of the State Jural Assembly can “observe the facts” though
not offer “legal advice” since our lawful system is foreign to their legal
Court Clerks also maintain meticulous records of all the
paperwork involved in a case, assigning numbers to case records and keeping
track as more paperwork and evidence comes in and is added to the court record.
Land and soil jurisdiction Courts keep records. Sea
jurisdiction Courts keep files.
Many Paralegals can readily fulfill the duties of Court
Clerk once they are brought up to speed and understand that we are reopening
Public Courts to serve the people (State Nationals) and People (State Citizens)
of our State.
Bondsmen are the land counterparts to the Bailiffs in sea
jurisdiction courts.
In early times the Ecclesiastical Courts had Bondsmen serve
to keep order in the court, but even more, to serve in the capacity of
“brother’s keeper”. This is a role at the court level, to take charge of prisoners
and ensure their safety and good conduct while in court. This role can also
extend beyond the boundaries of the Court as Bondsmen may assist Sheriffs and
other Public Law Officials in performance of their duties.
Just as the Clerks determine venue and keep the records,
Bondsmen maintain the security of the actual courtroom and direct traffic
within it. They may also seat people in the court gallery, help those who are
physically injured or disabled, distribute educational information to members of
the Jural Assembly, instruct people on how to post bonds — fees guaranteeing
future performance of actions — that are retained and accounted for by the
Court Clerk’s Office, and act in similar capacities. A Bondsman may serve as a
Witness to official paperwork and confirms the Bond Roster for each day the
Court is in Session — he signs the list of Bonds set by the Court and confirms
receipt of bonding fees together with the Court Clerk at close of the Court’s
business each day. He secures and locks the safe containing the bond fees.
The Bondsmen typically make a public affirmation declaring
that he will serve the People of the State in Good Faith and Honor, to protect
the Court and the Public, and to assist in providing and securing peace and
justice for all.
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The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz
A similar simple
Declaration (no Oaths, no “so help me God” — those are the for sea courts)
applies to all Court Officials.
A written copy of this Declaration is kept in the Court
Clerk’s Office available for view along with the similar Declarations of the
Justices and other officials.
The Bondsman in a court is meant to be a reassuring figure
for those participating in or witnessing the proceedings, as well as a stalwart
protector of everyone concerned, including those accused of crimes.
At first there will be only a small number of the People
functioning as people (State National) and People (State Citizens) and it will
take time for them to close out transactions that were purposefully or
mistakenly undertaken in the capacity of persons.
This affords the State Jural Assemblies the opportunity to
get firmly established and work out the details and procedures and
record-keeping before they are faced with an avalanche of caseloads.
It is to be hoped that when presented with the facts and the
history many members of the Bar Associations will revoke their memberships and
choose to serve the Public Courts and the people of their States as “Counselors
in Law” and also to be hoped that many Judges and Magistrates will accept
actual Public Office as Justices and Justices of the Peace.
The actual power of the Law is in the Public Law and in the
Divine Law that underlies it.
The shameful and indeed criminal misapplication of statutory
law to people unconscionably kidnapped in its jurisdiction as babies cannot be
condoned and cannot be continued.
Each and every court case that is misaddressing living
Americans in the NAME of such corporate franchises is evidence of crimes of
personage and fraud against the Public Law and against our States and our
Confronted with these facts those running and administering
these foreign corporate Courts/ COURTS on our shores must come to terms with
the crimes and injustices they have perpetuated against millions of innocent
people, and the damage they have secretively done to this country for their own
—Posted: Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 78 of 209
The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz
Section 18 — Jurors and Citizenships
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