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An American Affidavit

Sunday, December 1, 2024

5133: International Public Notice: Gaza Genocide from Lincoln County Watch


Saturday, November 30, 2024

5133: International Public Notice: Gaza Genocide from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Tell the members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress. 

Over the years, we have become deadened to the most outrageous photos.  Soldiers holding the dead hands of dismembered children, for example.  Oh, ho-hum. 

This should not be "ho-hum", it should be a cause of deep alarm and bitter outrage, but so many of us have been so abused by news agencies flashing photos of bombs exploding and dead bodies everywhere for so many years, and by military-mercenaries shoving us into hellholes all over the Earth, that, sadly, we can no longer connect to these abstracted representations of the violence, misery, and horror. 

Another Christian crucified, another Jew flayed alive, another Muslim bombed into oblivion.  Ho-hum. 

Doesn't anyone ever stop to think that this is our money being spent on this?  That it is our sons and daughters ultimately put in harm's way, and spent on this?  

So, today, we are not trying to reach your logic centers by showing you any more horrifying photos of what has been done to the Gaza Strip by Israel.  There has been enough of that without response.  

Instead, we are going to show you a map.  The red dots represent places in Gaza that have been bombed by Israel.  

This is what purposeful, brutal, profit-drive genocide --- looks like on a map.

Will we put up with one more Senator or Congressman in receipt of, say, a half million dollars in AIPAC donations, waving the Israeli flag and telling us how we "stand in solidarity with Israel"?  

Speaking for the people who hold the other end of that Constitution contract you are all so proud of, we don't stand in solidarity with Israel on genocide. 

We don't want our money spent on bombs for Israel to use on its defenseless neighbors. 

We don't want a million Lebanese left homeless.

We don't want Gaza reduced to rubble. 

We don't want one penny more to go to Israel or Ukraine.  Period.  None at all. 


That is a number that the number-crunchers at the Pentagon should understand.  It stands for nullity.  It stands for none.  It stands for no credit and no money at all spent on giving Israel any air support, any more bombs, any more airplanes, any more missiles, any more anything at all, to spend on genocide. 

We stand on the other side of this issue, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that we do. 

If you are peddling genocide, go somewhere else.  Bend someone else's ear.  Try to make a case for yourselves as victims, when you do things like this to others.  We don't see Israel as a victim.  

We see Israel as a nasty little monster that Britain and Jacob Rothschild created out of thin air --- a monster that is depending on our assets, including our sons and daughters, to protect them and let them act as the Bully Boys of the Mideast under our auspices. 

We see the same Parties at work in Ukraine--- Britain and the Rothschild banks. Again. Still.  And the same presumptions at play. 
Britain has all 250 of its tanks lined up on the firing line, ready to take on Russia.  And their 50,000 member Armed Forces contingent, too.  

600,000 Ukrainians are dead. Isn't it comforting that Britain is ready to sacrifice 50,000, too?    

No, it's not comforting. It's appalling and ridiculous. 

The only threat that Britain or France, either, or the entire NATO block can pose to Russia depends entirely on being able to hornswoggle British Territorial politicians in this country into supporting Britain's position.  

Everyone knows that that part is easy, but here's the rest of the story that everyone needs to know.  The British Territorial U.S. Government isn't American.  It has pretended to be us.  It has pretended to work for us.  It has pretended to represent us. 

And they have done so in Breach of Trust and Bad Faith. 

How else is it, that we have been left to pay 96% of the defense costs of NATO for almost eighty years?  Does anyone believe that we voted for this, supported this, or have any rational reason to do this?  Cui bono?  

So they are rattling their sabers on our nickel, and counting on lies to see them through.  

NATO can go piss in the wind and start paying their own bills with their own money and their own blood so far as we are concerned. 

Look at the limitations of their contract, The Constitution of the United States of America, and know that we have never authorized them to do anything else that was not stipulated there. 

Our government has been out of Session for a long time, but it is back in Session, and we are here now, demanding that our hirelings come to heel and that the banks do so as well.  

We see the members of the Israeli government and ultimately, the members of the AIPAC political lobby, as perpetrators, breakers of the peace, schemers, and violent criminals --- not victims. 

One Holocaust does not justify another.... and another....and another. 

What has been done in Gaza is a religious and racial and "ethnic cleansing genocide" --- let's add that extra word, "genocide" and do away with the euphemism "ethnic cleansing"  --- no less than what Hitler did.  The fact that this genocide is profit-driven just makes it more heinous. 

So here is the world's condemnation coming back at you, Israel, and condemnation of all your friends and supporters in AIPAC, Britain, and in the U.S. Congress, too.  You deserve condemnation. It is the result of your own actions. 

Look at the map attached.   

Note to the banks: the members of the U.S. Congress don't represent us in this matter, and have no authority and no permission to access our credit or assets for any defense-related purpose beyond defending us and our borders.  

Read the contract.  We do not approve of nor acquiesce to any appropriations in support of foreign governments engaged in genocide.  This, The Constitution of the United States of America, is their public contract and they have no valid private contracts supporting their acts, either. 

We do not approve of nor acquiesce to any appropriations in support of breaking our treaty alliances with Russia.  

To the extent that complicit banks fork over our credit to these miscreants in the U.S. Congress, or according to their contrary directions after receiving this message, your bank and every member of your Board of Governors is liable, personally and commercially.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

November 30th 2024

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