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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Will Trump’s Near Assassination by the Deep State Be Covered Up?/My Take on the Assassination Attempt


Will Trump’s Near Assassination by the Deep State Be Covered Up?

Will Trump’s Near Assassination by the Deep State Be Covered Up?

Paul Craig Roberts

After many years of accusing truth tellers of being “conspiracy theorists,” presstitutes join the ranks of conspiracy theorists.

Keith Olbermann says Trump is lying about being shot and that there is no confirmation from police or doctors that Trump was hit by a bullet.

Joy Reid (MSNBC) agrees there was no bullet. It might have been a piece of glass she said.

Olbermann was one of those who expressed the hope Trump would be assassinated. When it nearly happened, why does Olbermann deny it?

Some on the idiot left insist the assassination attempt was staged in order to benefit Trump with a sympathy vote. Two dead people and two injured people are part of the staging.

The cover story to keep the public’s awareness away from the fact that the attack on Trump was a deep state assassination attempt is an alleged breakdown in Secret Service professionalism. Republicans will fall for this as it lets them raise DEI issues with the Secret Service director, her own appointment a result of DEI policy. Democrats will say that the Secret Service is not sufficiently inclusive to operate at a professional level and that more DEI appointments are necessary. This transforms the attempted assassination into a DEI dispute. The Secret Service will try to turn it into a funding dispute that produces a larger budget.

The way coverups work is by shifting the public’s focus, and that is what is underway. For example, the New York Times says that the “overstretched” Secret Service had to repeatedly deny Trump sufficient protection. https://www.rt.com/news/601412-nyt-secret-service-denied-trump-protection/

The coverup is also aided and abetted by the neoconservatives whose agenda is to have the US take out Iran for Israel.

Claims are being made that the alleged “lone gunman,” Crooks, had 3 offshore encrypted accounts, and insinuations are being made that they were recipients of Iranian resources for the assassination. The narrative that the Iranians are behind the attempted assassination serves the neoconservatives’ agenda of getting rid of Iran for Israel, and it focuses blame for the assassination attempt on a foreign country. https://www.westernjournal.com/trump-shooter-multiple-overseas-accounts-time-shooting-congressman-says/?utm_source=site&utm_medium=MSN&utm_campaign=syndication&utm_content=2024-07-19

CNN reports an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump:

“US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president, multiple people briefed on the matter told CNN.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/16/politics/iran-plot-assassinate-trump-secret-service/index.html

You can see where this is going: as far away as they can get it from a Democrat regime/deep state assassination of Trump. Keep in mind that the Secret Service, FBI, CIA, DOJ, Homeland Security are currently under the control of a Democrat regime. Keep in mind that the American whore media will do anything to get rid of Donald Trump and so will the liberal-left Trump-haters.

Have you heard anything from the whore media about the forensic evidence that proves conclusively there was more than one shooter?

Why haven’t you heard? Why is the most important evidence unreported?

As there undoubtedly was more than one shooter, it was a deep state assassination attempt. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/07/21/acoustic-evidence-proves-beyond-all-doubt-more-than-one-shooter/

It looks like nothing will be done about it other than modifications to DEI policy and the Secret Service budget.

When Trump himself is afraid to raise the most obvious of all issues, how is he going to “return power to the people”? Indeed, how is he even going to survive?


My Take on the Assassination Attempt

My Take on the Assassination Attempt

Paul Craig Roberts

Based on the acoustic analysis presented by Mike Adams and Chris Martenson ( https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/07/21/acoustic-evidence-proves-beyond-all-doubt-more-than-one-shooter/ ), here is my interpretation of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Adams concluded that the first three shots came from Crooks on the building roof. However, Adams later says he thinks shots afterward came from inside the building on which Crooks was perched. Adams concludes that the first three shots came from Crooks, because the calculated distance coincides with Crooks’ location. But shooters from inside the building would be at the same distance from Trump as Crooks.

Martenson provides evidence that the first three shots did not come from Crooks. He points out that the trajectory of the bullets was upward, not downward. Therefore, they could not have been fired from on top of the building.

Keep this in mind and remember the surprised reaction of the two police snipers who had been observing Crooks for 20 minutes prior to the shooting. When the first shots were fired, they jumped up and quickly repositioned their scopes. This suggests that they were surprised that the first shots did not come from Crooks but from a source they were not observing. It would be interesting to hear their explanation of their surprised reaction.

The value of the ballistic analysis is that it establishes conclusively that there were more than one shooter. But the upward trajectory of the bullets and the apparent police surprise that the initial shots did not come from the expected source indicate that more thought is required as to where the first shots originated.

As what clearly is a deep state assassination attempt will be covered up, it leaves Trump exposed to another attempt.


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