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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Former Pfizer VP: Why evidence is lacking for the existence of COVID-19 ‘virus’ or any other


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(LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, who formerly served as Pfizer’s vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, joined a host of other scientists in arguing there is no sufficient evidence that either the COVID-19 virus or any other virus actually exists. And thus, there was no pandemic but rather the killing of many with “a monstrous, long planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning.”

“Face it. The evidence is that our governments hate us and want us dead,” the retired executive wrote in an extended statement to LifeSiteNews.

Yeadon, who spent over 30 years working for the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, rose to the most senior research position in his field at Pfizer before resigning in 2011 to start his own biotech company, Ziarco, which he later sold to Novartis in 2017.

The British scientist is well-known for his acute criticism of the COVID-19 “supranational operation,” particularly the so-called vaccines that he charged are intended to “maim and kill deliberately.”

In a 2022 interview, Yeadon shared that as a result of conversations with fellow scientists who came to the conviction that virology itself was based on the unestablished premise that “viruses” actually exist, he was bothered by their reasoning. And after significant personal research he eventually “realized over time” he could “no longer maintain” his “understanding of respiratory viruses,” and after obtaining further information, this “collapsed the possibility that respiratory viruses, as described, exist at all. They don’t,” he concluded.

READ: Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist?

For at least a few decades, some medical scientists have pointed out that “no particle has ever been

sequenced, characterized, studied with valid controlled experiments and shown to fit the definition of a virus,” and thus, virology “has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements to prove” viruses even exist.

Furthermore, Canadian researcher Christine Massey has made freedom of information (FOI) requests to hundreds of scientific institutions in 40 different countries “asking for any records of anyone in the world ever finding this alleged (SARS-CoV-2) virus in the bodily fluid or tissue or excrement of any people anywhere on earth by anyone ever.”

“To date, we have responses from 216 different institutions in 40 different countries. And so far, no one has been able to provide us with even one record,” and further, “they can’t cite any record,” she said. “So they have all admitted that they don’t have a sample of the alleged virus and they don’t even know of anyone else who ever did obtain a sample of this alleged virus.”

Asked to respond to a statement defending the dominant view that viruses have been demonstrated to exist, by the widely respected Dr. Peter McCullough, Yeadon provided an extended reply seeking to offer readers further challenging arguments to consider for themselves.

In proposing one point in his reasoning, McCullough said, “for those who are kind of denying the presence of the (COVID-19) virus, I think we’re approaching 300,000 peer-reviewed papers on the topic. I mean, this is a mountain of evidence to dismiss out of hand.”

Yeadon replied, proposing,

My initial concerns are mainly with the attempt to pretend that lots of papers asserting the same unproven thing bolsters the unproven claim. It simply doesn’t.

Back in the day when people thought the earth was stationary and the sun orbited earth, had there then been ‘peer reviewed papers’, all the reviewers would pass papers on earth centric systems. The numbers don’t make it correct. Merely that once group think sets in, almost everyone will interpret evidence in that light. This continues until unequivocal evidence emerges to counter the errors of thinking.

The doctoral expert in respiratory pharmacology went on to offer three general points for readers to “weigh up” on this topic with the goal of showing:

  1. There was no COVID-19 pandemic,
  2. The cause of increased deaths was not due to any virus but rather “a monstrous, long planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning” incorporating deadly hospital and care home protocols, lockdowns, fraudulent PCR tests, and gene-based injections “designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility.”
  3. The most difficult point for readers to believe, for which he provides this “trigger warning,” is the scientific literature actually reveals “Acute respiratory illnesses” such as colds and the flu, “are NOT caused by viruses and also, are NOT CONTAGIOUS.” Therefore, “they cannot be infectious. That rules out the mendacious description of these illnesses as being caused by submicroscopic, infectious particles called viruses.”

Yeadon, who is also a specialist in toxicology, then provides some speculations on what actually causes illness if there are no viruses to do so and warns that having gotten away with this massive crime with regard to the COVID-19 attack, “the perpetrators are going to do it again.”

The rest of Dr. Yeadon’s entire statement is below. LifeSiteNews has provided some format and typographical edits, added noted sources, relevant “related” article inserts, and sectional titles.


WHO’s March 2020 COVID-19 pandemic declaration fraudulent

I offer just three very strong and simple pieces of evidence for the reader to weigh up.

1. Numerous reports from the group led by Professor Denis Rancourt, a multidisciplinary researcher of decades experience, famous for spotting errors of thinking in several areas he’s moved into over time. That ability has made him unpopular with some. His team has looked at all-causes mortality, state by state, by week, sex and age at date of death. It’s the purest form of epidemiology (LSN added source). Had there been a net additive cause of death, like a virulent infection that spreads readily by contagion, it could not fail to show itself in increases in all-cause mortality, particularly in the elderly.

It’s crucial people read this next piece carefully. Right up to the date that WHO called a pandemic, there was no increase in all causes mortality anywhere.

That means THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC. The WHO are not fortune tellers. They’ve no special powers for predicting pandemics. They’ve only the same tools the rest of us have access to. There cannot be a pandemic of severe, acute respiratory syndrome without increased deaths, notably in the elderly, BEFORE calling a pandemic. There was no such increase anywhere. So it’s a fraudulent call. There’s no doubt about that.

There was SUBSEQUENTLY a very substantial rise in deaths, unevenly, across many states and counties. But even here, the deaths rose swiftly then fell away again, showing no sign whatsoever of “spreading”. If there’d been a pathogen even then, it could not have arrived at a peak all on the same date, everywhere increased deaths were noted. Yet that’s what happened.

Subsequent increased deaths not caused by a virus, but coordinated deadly changes in medical protocols

2. Now, at the same time, that is, immediately after a pandemic was evidently fraudulently called, there were radical changes in medical procedures everywhere. These changes were purported to be necessary to cope with the new illness, of which the reader will have noted there was no prior sign. These changes, at any other time, would be recognised as CERTAIN to lead to increased deaths. That’s exactly what they did lead to. This is an iatrogenicide: death by doctor.

Unnecessary intubations with ventilators cause ‘death spiral’ in many

In hospitals, large numbers of innocent, frightened people arrived, who were mostly sick with one or more of the usual illnesses which afflict us. But they feared that they had “covid19”, a disease I’m not convinced even exists. Such patients should have received supportive care for an acute respiratory illness. Something to reduce anxiety. A prophylactic course of antibiotics to be considered. Possibly an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid. An oxygen mask for them to use if that reduced dyspnea (breathlessness). A cup of tea and a reassuring word, plus watchful waiting. Most people don’t die in this state. But what happened to very many is that they were sedated, intubated and put on a mechanical ventilator. This is almost always inappropriate if a patient is able to breathe for themselves, having an unobstructed airway and an intact chest wall. They do very much worse and often rapidly, if mechanically ventilated. It’s not a gentle procedure. You normally fill your lungs by drawing air in. A mechanical ventilator pushes air in under pressure, rupturing delicate respiratory tissues, causing fluid leak into the deep airways. This then requires higher pressures to overcome the increasing resistance to inflation of the lungs. This can become a death spiral.

Deadly Remdesivir given to isolated unconscious patients with govt financial incentives for medical facilities

Greatly made worse was when the unconscious, helpless patient, relatives excluded, was given other drugs which damaged their kidneys, like remdesivir. Nurses even joked about the drug, calling it “Run, death is near”. They clearly recognized what happened after the drug was started. The end often came swiftly. In my opinion this is, at best, malpractice. At worst, well, join the dots (LSN sources).

RELATED: Mom sues hospital after daughter died from forced ventilator, Remdesivir treatment for COVID

Note that the Federal Government greatly incentivised this pathway of treatment, awarding the hospitals tens of thousands of dollars for each patient progressing through multiple stages to dying on a ventilator, with a formal diagnosis of “covid19”. Recall the old saying? “Show me the incentives and I will show you the results” (LSN added source, here, here, and here).

‘A monstrous, long planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning’ originating from ‘ABOVE the level of nation’

It wasn’t only in hospitals that innocent people in numbers were badly treated and died as a result. In care homes, the helpless elderly, again sans relatives, were commonly given two drugs that suppressed their breathing. Midazolam and morphine were particularly widely used, or local variants of the same class of drugs. Did you know this is 2/3rds of what’s used in lethal injection in states which have capital punishment? Naturally, numerous elderly people literally faded away from the respiratory suppressant effects and were found dead in bed the next morning. Again, I classify this as I do the knowingly dangerous treatments in hospitals. I don’t know who gave these orders, but they occurred in multiple COUNTRIES. This means the ultimate instructions were from ABOVE the level of nation, just as was the nonsensical and unprecedented “lockdowns”. Make of that what you will.

RELATED: Ex-Pfizer VP: COVID vax push a ‘supranational operation’ intended to ‘maim and kill deliberately’

In the U.K., we have seen that our National Health Service stockpiled midazolam for an entire year before the faked pandemic and also bought an additional year’s supply from a French generics house in spring 2020. It was all dispensed by mid-year (source).

This is merely one smoking gun, of so many, if only people would have the courage to open their eyes and say what they see. It’s a monstrous, long planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning.

Lockdowns and propaganda prey upon the ‘socially and psychologically vulnerable,’ govt leaders ‘hate us and want us dead’

In the community, people under “Lockdown” were often isolated and fed a frightening diet of lies on TV, 24/7. Many who were socially and psychologically vulnerable became highly anxious. This is known to be a potent stimulus to illness. It’s commonplace for a simple cold to then progress to bacterial infection and yet doctors often refused to prescribe antibiotics. This is a routine decision and not a difficult one. Yet the record shows that there was a 50% fall in such prescriptions, on instruction from the federal or other central government. There was a large pulse of avoidable deaths due to treatable bacterial pneumonia.

There is no agreement, even among those who, despite the above evidence, which they never even mention, that there was a pandemic, as to what the signs and symptoms were. Note, these must be unique and unlike other influenza-like illnesses, which themselves cover a range of severities. I often hear claims of a description of “covid19”. The person describing it seems sure of what they saw or heard about. Sadly, it’s not the same description of symptoms from physician to physician. Some say blood clots. Consider that many elderly patients in care homes died of overdoses and neglect, dehydrating and fading away, alone. I think that would increase risk of clot formation.

It makes my blood boil at all the suffering that I now know occurred, under the “care” of hospitals and in “supported living” homes, as well as in the community.

Face it. The evidence is that our governments hate us and want us dead. And many people have been complicit. Unless you’ve a benign interpretation of what’s happened? And it’s not over. I know a local family practitioner who is still injecting her patients with so-called covid19 “vaccines”, which my 30+ years pharmaceutical company research experience tells me were, without any doubt, designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors. How I reached these conclusions is described in written document. I authored a number of affidavits filed in several courts, available upon request.

PCR tests provided a ‘false positive pseudo epidemic’ reinforcing fraudulent virus narrative

I must mention briefly the “PCR tests”, which we were lied to about. It was claimed they’re good clinical diagnostic tests. Ladies and gentlemen, they’re simply not, and multiple courts have arrived at such judgements. I recall courts in three countries have determined that even in principle, PCR cannot be relied upon to accurately diagnose a clinical condition called Covid19 by detection of pieces of an alleged virus called SARS-CoV-2. Even if I believed there was such a pathogen circulating, which I do not, it would then be possible to detect a piece of the alleged virus, but it would not be possible to use the test result to prove “your clinical illness is caused by this agent”.

It’s definitely possible to get positive results without the alleged pathogen being present. There’s a notorious case in the northeast USA, where an entire whooping cough outbreak was diagnosed, using PCR. When a veteran doctor showed scepticism and called for microbial cultures of swabs taken from the alleged patients, NOT A SINGLE person was carrying the authentic causative agent. 100% of the “cases” were false positives. The pathogen wasn’t present in the hospital at all. Now, I believe that was a genuine error, but it shows how readily we’ve fallen to overriding old fashioned clinical diagnoses in favour of “technology”. This kind of event is called a “PCR false positive pseudo epidemic”. There’s plenty of published literature on these pseudo epidemics. I believe that is what has happened here, too, with “covid19”. The major difference is that this was unquestionably manufactured deliberately. I recall thinking, when I read about the non-existent whooping cough outbreak, was this the inspiration for the faked pandemic? If you can fool everyone when no malice is at work, imagine how easily you could do it, if you’d planned to deceive.

However, it was done, billions of these tests were run around the world and were misused to attribute a range of illnesses (and no illness at all, sometimes) to this alleged virus, called “SARS-CoV-2”. If a person died subsequently, guidance from central government required that the cause of death be attributed to “covid19”. It’s been utterly fraudulent from Day 1.

‘Trigger warning’ difficult truth: general belief in viral contagions unfounded according to scientific literature

3. Many readers are not going to accept my final point. I don’t blame them. We’ve been lied to at every turn about this matter and for a very long time. With that trigger warning, here’s an equally important piece of information.

Acute respiratory illnesses such as colds and “influenza-like illnesses” (ILIs), which includes what most of us know as “the ‘flu”, are NOT caused by viruses and also, are NOT CONTAGIOUS.

When I first came across the evidence for this radical claim, I’m not proud to admit that I, too, immediately rejected it as outlandish and flatly wrong. On reflection, I returned to review the primary literature, on the basis of which this claim is based. And once you do that, like me, you’ll be unable to maintain the delusion we’ve had impressed upon us for decades.

So, what is this evidence? It is that, in peer reviewed published scientific literature, covering the period from 1918 up to the present day, clinical investigators have been unable to demonstrate the transmission of symptoms of any of these acute respiratory illnesses (colds or flu-like conditions) from a person with symptoms to others without symptoms, who were required to spend extended periods of time in close proximity to one another. There have been dozens of independent studies, and none showed the “expected” effect. This extends even to one similar test of “covid19” (LSN source, and here).

The basic design of study was one in which a person, sick with classical symptoms of a cold or ‘flu, was required to spend several hours in close proximity to a healthy volunteer. I call the sick person, a “donor” and the healthy person, a “recipient”.

In scores of published studies, it was not possible to demonstrate that recipients became acutely unwell with symptoms of respiratory illness that the donor had, any more often than did donors who’d spent the same amount of time in close proximity to another donor (as a control for the experiment itself).

Virtually nobody wishes to talk about this. In large numbers of cases, people even refuse to look at the many study reports, which all fail to demonstrate “contagion”, the spread from a sick person to a previously healthy person.

If these acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious, they cannot be infectious. That rules out the mendacious description of these illnesses as being caused by submicroscopic, infectious particles called viruses.

If there are no viruses, then how do people get sick?

Most of us “feel sure” we’ve “caught” colds or flu from other people. The fact that, when studied carefully by objective people, this does not happen, goes a long way to explaining why we’re so convinced that this is how such illnesses arise in the first place.

I’m not obligated to advance a replacement explanation for one that’s definitely wrong. However, I have of course thought about this a lot. My current interpretation is that the impression of contagion arises from two, distinct phenomena.

First, acute respiratory illnesses like colds are commonplace. If you develop a cold, you’ll probably cast your mind back and alight on anyone in your recent memory who you believe might have been the source. People are much less likely to run the counterfactual. How many times did you pass close to a person with a cold, yet not go on to develop one yourself?

I believe these acute respiratory illnesses arise from within. A disturbance of our normal, delicately balanced equilibrium, if sufficiently strong and in a sufficiently vulnerable person, triggers the appearance of these archetypal symptoms.

Second, to the extent that you ever do notice that people sharing an office, a home or a hobby, tend to become sick close together in time, this doesn’t prove contagion. Instead, consider how much the sick people share common environments. If there’s something in an office or home environment that can trigger these derangements of internal equilibrium, it’s not at all surprising that more than one person might be affected. They didn’t “catch it” from one another. Instead, they were both susceptible to a precipitating circumstance in their shared environment.

Conclusion: ‘the perpetrators are going to do it again’

The bottom line is that there’s not been a pandemic. The pretence that there has been is deliberate and in no way an accident.

We know this from the absurd and frightening language used and the unproven and dangerous “measures” imposed almost everywhere.

Under cover of a false “pandemic”, large numbers of innocent people had their lives ended prematurely, with doctors and carers complicit in the awful mistreatment that central authorities imposed upon everyone, especially in hospitals, care homes and general community.

The continuing pretence of a pandemic was then used to push clearly unnecessary and absurdly rushed “vaccines”. These gene-based products were used to injure and kill countless innocent people.

I do not believe that a truly objective person could think back over the last almost 4.5 years and still maintain trust and confidence in central government or the medical system. Or any other institution, for that matter.

I make this point again as I close, because the perpetrators are going to do it again. I expect further fear-provoking deceptions. I expect them, too, to be used as justification for restricting our freedoms further and threatening our medical autonomy.

While we don’t know with any certainty what the ultimate objectives are of the perpetrators, they surely involve striking increases in the extent by others of control of every aspect of our lives as well as threatening them.

Best wishes


Dr Mike Yeadon

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