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An American Affidavit

Friday, July 26, 2024

IT WAS A BIBLICAL RITUAL!!! The entire staged false flag assassination attempt hoax was nothing but an…..


IT WAS A BIBLICAL RITUAL!!! The entire staged false flag assassination attempt hoax was nothing but an…..

…Old Testament “public consecration ritual”
carried out to anoint Donald J. Trump as the “MOSHIACH”.

Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
State of the Nation

First, read the following:

REQUIRED READING: Here, this is the top secret plan behind “MOSHIACH” Donald J. Trump

Read that again!

So now you know that even an assassination attempt on a former POTUS and current 2024 candidate is fraught with hidden objectives and religious significance and political purposes and esoteric meaning.

And the following video of Trump pretty much seals the deal; you know, the one that he cut with his Old Testament rabbis and Talmudic scholars, Ashkenazi bansksters and Jewish businessmen, Israeli extortionists and Mossad blackmailers, Khazarian masters and Zionist handlers.

What is Donald Trump really telling his Jewish
and Christian Zionist audience with
this video presentation?

Now for some context both mundane and religious, political and spiritual:

“The mundane affairs of humanity are often controlled by cryptic scriptural prophecy and obscure calendrical predictions. Most of these age-old prophecies and supporting predictions were originally passed down by way of ancient oral traditions. When they came to pass, they were then written down in scrolls and on tablets. In this way they could be referred to at critical moments to impress future generations of the awesome power and veracity of the prophets. Eventually, all significant prophecies were recorded by the scribes, just as the most consequential predictions were preserved by the astrologers.”

That’s the foundational understanding; now here’s the LONG punchline:

What is not widely known is that the major monotheistic traditions throughout the Judeo-Christian-Islamic world each had their own respective agendas where it concerned their end time prophecy. Over millennia “carrot and stick prophecy” became a very useful tool for keeping the congregation in check, and as well as whole populations under control. As cities rose from the plains and dotted the coastlines, immorality and wrongdoing increased. The ruling class increasingly looked to the prophets and astrologers for divine intercession.

For these and other reasons the prophetic agendas in some kingdoms became more self-serving and manipulative over time. In some historical settings they became downright exploitative and oppressive. The whole genre of secret societies grew up as a response to this type of abuse and misuse of prophetic influence, occult knowledge and mystical power. Gradually, the resulting societal tension evolved into an ever-present polarity which further concretized into the many and diverse conflicts of the present Kali Yuga (also known as the Age of Conflict).

The key point here is that some of the more tribal and controlling religious organizations, which grew out of this ever-polarizing context, utilized both prophecy and prediction in a less than honorable way. In certain places and times prophecy was actually uttered and/or written down so that they could then be fulfilled. In those instances the chosen ‘prophets’ of the ruling cabal, who fabricated the prophecy, were also in the position to guarantee their manifestation … on a given day and in a specific location. Likewise, many a court astrologer has been known to use their ‘powers’ in a similar way. In this highly scripted manner kings and queens became gods and goddesses; priests and prophets became deities.

Well, guess what, the appearance of Donald John Trump as the “MOSHIACH” represents the fulfillment of what is perhaps the single most important prophecy of Judaism.

KEY POINT: The Curious Case of Donald J Trump’s Right Ear

Before we continue with this disquisition, the following exhaustive exposé ought to be read in its entirety in order to correctly understand how Trump was methodically set up for his starring role in this meticulously scripted and fastidiously choreographed “GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH”.

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Now we see that Jewish rabbis are openly declaring the anointing of Trump on that fateful day of Judaic destiny long prophesied by both the modern Jewish prophets and ancient Hebrew sages.

And here’s the video for those who want to here the rabbi in his own words: “My Messiah, Donald”

To be continued —

Revisionist Historians for World Peace
SOTN Exclusive
July 25, 2024


MORE PROOF OF CONSECRATION RITUAL: FBI Director Wray casts doubt on whether Trump was struck by bullet during assassination attempt at rally


There’s something VERY WRONG with Trump’s ear shot according to a medical doctor.


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