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An American Affidavit

Friday, July 19, 2024

Another Psyop Believed by Ignorant and Gullible Americans


Another Psyop Believed by Ignorant and Gullible Americans




“The narrative illusion introduces a “mind virus”, which is a syntactical contagion that spreads through communicative vectors and colonizes the cognitive biases of the targeted individual’s psychology, thus transforming the mental processes of that target.”

James Scott, Senior Fellow, The Center for Cyber Influence Operations Studies

Guns are not the most productive weapons used to gain power and control over populations; psychological operations (Psyops) are always preferable and more effective in order to control people, as the mind absorbs every manner of propaganda fed to it. This is well known by those who would seek to rule others, and is the weapon of choice when the goal is to confuse, frighten, and plant the seeds of deception so as to create a manageable servant of the State. The most recent psyop of course, is in my opinion, the fake assassination plot supposedly leveled against Trump. I find the State narrative far too ridiculous and moronic to even begin to consider it as legitimate.

I do not believe, and did not from the very beginning, that the evil Trump was shot. Nothing whatsoever adds up, everything is flawed, and in addition, is almost comical in its scripted stupidity. This reminds me of a cheap B movie set, with no name actors attempting to gain an audience. In this case, Americans are the perfect crowd to entertain, as they no longer have any capability whatsoever to think and discern fakery right before their eyes. Critical thinking skills are dead in the water. As far as I am concerned, it would have been no surprise at all, if Lieutenant Frank Drebin of Police squad, (Leslie Nielsen) had been on site and in charge. “Nothing to see here!” The cartoonish bullshit that took place on July 13th, was beyond idiotic, and certainly 100% unbelievable. Even so, every news outlet, including the so-called alternative newscasters, treated this entire staged episode as real, and for the most part without question or criticism of the plot itself.

There was no failure by the claimed Secret Service in my opinion, as that is just a distraction method, as everything that happened was scripted to happen exactly as it played out. It would be nearly impossible to even make this stuff up. I do not know how many crisis actors were on set, but there were certainly quite a few it seems. The actions of many of these people were bizarre to say the least. Watching interviews with these dolts is troubling, as they are so fake, and even lying incessantly, acting in a very nonchalant manner in the midst of supposed chaos, bullets flying, and injured or dead around them. The stories from different mainstream stations are not only contradictory, but completely opposite is some cases. Watching these interviewers and so-called witnesses, results in an exercise in stupidity.

As I mentioned in two previous articles, here and here, there are so many lies and anomalies to weed through, that nothing stated as fact by the government or mainstream is believable. In fact, the entire narrative is laughable at best. Every single word from the mouths of the politicians, the ‘Secret Service,’ the FBI, the police, the mainstream media, and most all of the so-called witnesses I have seen, are lies. I would not believe a word said. Just  look and listen for yourself. Even the footage of the so-called shooter showed him in different locations, most on the edge of this building, and the shot from the air with him in the middle and his rifle 20 feet away after being ‘taken out’ by so-called ‘sharp-shooter’ types.

Insane people are now treating Trump as godlike, and as Jesus. He turned his head at just the right moment, so ‘God’ must have saved him; at least that was Trump’s claim. ‘God’ is on his side. This type of narcissistic and egotistical rhetoric is completely psychotic.

There were many instances where ‘witnesses’ said the others shot were right behind Trump, but every live video I watched showed that no one directly behind Trump was shot. Seems like more prepared lies meant to support the narrative, and all without any real evidence. With cameras everywhere, why were those supposedly shot not shown over and over, instead of being mostly hidden from view?

As Trump was presumably shot by a bullet traveling at around 3000 feet per second, he took his hand from the podium, and clutched his ear, and over a stark white shirt, he returned his hand back toward the podium, without so much as one drop of blood on his hand or shirt; all this before dropping behind the podium awaiting several ‘Secret Service’ members to surround and cover him. When he arose, he had red on his earlobe, and what looked like a little dried ‘blood’ on his cheek. No other bleeding was evident, which considering the circumstances, seems impossible, but he did take this opportunity for photo-ops, and to shake his fist while openly exposed. Believable? I think not.

Also, as mentioned before, Trump’s personal stock in his company went up immediately about $315 million, charges against him were dropped, his poll numbers skyrocketed, his fund-raising efforts exploded, all media, left and right, covered him for 24 hours a day, what looked like a staged (photo-shopped) photo was released to ‘viral’ exposure, just at the right time and angle with fist and flag, and the Republican Convention just so-happened to be two days later. Just sheer luck, good timing, and all coincidence I am sure. No amount of money, even the trillions stolen from taxpayers under Trump, could have resulted in such a coup as this. Everybody wins, as this will likely be the impetus for Biden to step down, and exit the election madness and idiocy in favor of the next chosen political stooge. And now he suddenly has fake ‘covid?’

Even the actual circumstances, positions in the stands, and any video of the death of the former volunteer firefighter, and the other two said to be shot, has been mostly hidden. The police went up into the stands and literally picked up Comperatore, and drug him out. I have never seen anything like that with an injured or deceased victim, not even when I was a volunteer firefighter and first responder for three years. With cameras everywhere, why is more unedited footage not available? I do not understand this, and while not attempting to downplay any actual harm that may have come to these people during this staged plot, I would like to see more information, although no government or politician cares about human ‘collateral damage.’ How many shots were even claimed to have been fired? No one seems to know for sure, as every report indicates.

There was nothing divine about this fraud, but this narrative was planted by Trump and the media almost instantaneously. Politics is religion for most after all. Idiocy exemplified. Is not it extremely suspicious that Trump would use this moment to attempt to gain ‘god-like’ status, by playing on the harp strings of the weak and exploitable proletariat audience who swallowed up every form of propaganda?

The whole truth will likely never be known, as is the way of the lying, cheating, and murderous State.

“We are at war, and the enemy knows that the subconscious absorbs everything.”

Wayne Gerard Trotman

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