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An American Affidavit

Friday, July 19, 2024




As most of you are probably aware the story of the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump just keeps getting weirder, and I thought an update would be in order to accompany today's News and Views from the Nefarium. It has been a long week, and as you might imagine I've been flooded with articles that so many of you have been kind enough to share and pass along. I'm trying my best to keep up and comment about the ones that I think are more or less the most reliable, and in some cases, sensational ones that - if proven true - carry with them huge ramifications and implications. The moonlit beach has literally been covered with mackerels that shine and stink.


As I noted in today's News and Views, there is a new "typical assassination/big event" meme circulating, that of the shorting of Trump stock(this story was shared by so many of you it's difficult to thank you all, so thanks to J.T., L.G.L.R., B. S.C.G., and many many others who did):


To recap what I indicated in the News and Views, the alleged shorting appears to have been a legitimate

mistake, and the filing with the SEC was withdrawn. But as I also indicated, the possibility remains that the amended filing was made under the guise of a mistake, to prevent a hemorrhage of money, when the assassination went wrong, and Mr. Trump did not die. The whole thing may turn out to have been a hack... who knows? So while I think the filing may have been a mistake, I'm wiling to entertain the possibility that someone somewhere may have been an actor in a much deeper agenda. For my take on this, please listen to the News and Views from the Nefarium here:

Foreknowledge Indicators Growing?

As I indicated in that News and Views podcast, there appear to have been a number of remarks from various "leaders" indicating some sort of foreknowledge of some large event prior to its occurrence. I've mentioned the curious statement of US Senator Joe Manchin in a previous blog, and while I have no doubt that the Senator had no knowledge of an impending assassination nor involvement in any way with it, he clearly heard something, and it is important to learn, with much exactitude as possible, whatever it was he heard, in what circumstances, and from whom he heard it.

But now Russia's media is getting into the act, as an interview has appeared implicating our favorite Neocon war-monger, Victoria "F-the-EU"  Nuland(article shared by K.M. with our thanks):

Russian TV Station Interview with Victoria Nuland, says "Trump Will Not Be President" - Days before Assassination Attempt!

So again, Vickie, how did you come to know that? Who told you? What did they tell you? Under what circumstances? and why did you feel compelled to go on a television show and share the "good news"?

Oh, in case you haven't heard, "they" have now found an incriminating post by the alleged (and conveniently dead) patsy on Steam, according to this story in the UK Daily Mail

Trump shooter Thomas Crooks wrote 'July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds' on gaming platform Steam before shooting the former president

While you're pondering all of this, don't forget that the Ukrainian opposition leader - who somehow has managed to avoid Mr. Zelensky's goons - informed Mr. Trump that among those with a motive to kill him, the government in Kiev certainly has to be included, a significant statement, given the appearance of Miss "F-the-Eu" Vicky on television talking about how Trump would never win:

TASS: Ukrainian opposition leader sends letter to Trump saying Kiev had motive to kill him

Oh, and by the way, when speaking of foreknowledge, l;et's not forget Rottenchild and globalooneyist clone, Emanuel Macron also indicated that Trump gave a rather curious conditional statement on Trump being president back in March of this year:

France's support for Ukraine: watch Emmanuel Macron's full interview on France 2 and TF1 news

Other More or Less Contemporaneous Assassination Attempts and a very strange death

All of this appears to be occurring in the context of wider assassination attempts in recent history. In Japan, according to our friend and colleague Bernard Grover, some Japanese are even tweeting the idea that the spirit of murdered prime minister Shinzo Abe whispered in Mr. Trump's ear, thereby foiling the murder attempt.  Similarly, it has recently been admitted both in the Russian and the Ukrainian media that the latter country has made several attempts on Mr. Putin's life.

While you're contemplating that context of other assassinations (remember Fico, his probes into the planscamdemic), ponder this story shared by K.M. which may or may not be related, but we post it anyway because of its possible inherent interest to the wider story:

Florida home developer Sergio Pino dead amid FBI raid: report

Miami Herald article on death of Sergio Pina

Yahoo Version

Note the following from this article: Mr. Sergio Pino, a Florida real estate developer, was found dead in his home during an FBI raid on his home, and we're being told that he died of a self-inflicted wound. Pardon me, but given the dodgy track record of that agency since it shot up Bonnie and Clyde and Vicky Weaver et al, I'm not satisfied. But in any case, what I'm finding possibly intriguing here is the name of his wife, Tatiana, typically a Russian name (in fact, the name of one of the Grand Duchesses and daughters of the last Tsar). Notice in the Yahoo version, a team enters Mr. Pino's house, loud bangs are heard, then eventually it is released that Mr. Pino has died at his own hand. One was to wonder: was Mr. Pino's family connected to the Bay of Pigs incident, and therefore to the Schrubb famdamnly? Was his wife Russian? And why a raid on his home now, with so much else going on, and when, according to the articles, attempts had been made by Mr. Pino's attorney to surrender him. In any case, it there a connection of Sergio Pino to Bay of Pigs pilot Rafael Pino? q.v.:

Rafael del Pino (pilot)

What does all this mean? Given the ambiguity of Mr. Trump's policies  vis-a-vis globalooneyism, I do not know, save to remark that my prediction made over a decade ago to the late George Anne Hughes on her podcast, The Byte Show, appears to be becoming true, that as Mr. Globalooney approached the End Game, things would become much crazier, and the "mafia wars" would intensify dramatically, because every faction would want to be the one to emerge as the capo dei capi. Which brings us to...

...Bai Den Dzhao Supposedly Tests positive with Covid

And to round out today's high octane speculations and reviews of the news, Bai Den Dzhao has headed back to his pagoda in Delaware because apparently he has tested positive for Covid, an intriguing development in the wake of the assassination failure, and especially as he remarked that he would drop out if a medical condition - other than galloping dementia and record-breaking hypocrisy and incompetence going back several decades - emerged:

So... maybe this is his excuse to "exit"... or maybe another message was being sent, namely, "Get out, use any excuse you want, but get out, or we won't miss the next time..."  Who knows? As everything else in this crazy Clowns In America world, time will tell.

And in the meantime, has anyone noticed the irony of Bai Den Dzhao - who was supposedly quackcinated - coming down with the disease against which the quackcinations were supposedly sure-fire protection,  and possibly having his blighted presidency ended because of it?

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share with your friends.)

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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