Fluoride Information
Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Remember the Liberty! By Phillip F. Nelson June 2, 2017
93. The Technology Of Subjection: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archve.org
93. The Technology Of Subjection: The Underground History of American
Education by John Taylor Gatto from archve.org
Technology Of Subjection
Administrative Utopias are a peculiar kind
of dreaming by those in power, driven by an
urge to arrange the lives of others, organizing them for production,
combat, or detention. The operating
principles of administrative Utopia are hierarchy, discipline,
regimentation, strict order, rational
Warning: Don’t Swallow the Toothpaste…Even Though it Tastes Like CandyMarch 29, 2019
Warning: Don’t Swallow the Toothpaste…Even Though it Tastes Like Candy

In Brief
- The Facts:By Amanda
Just, MS, and Griffin Cole, DDS, NMD from CHD’s Partner: International
FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER XVI Persecutions in England During the Reign of Queen Mary from Reformed .org
Persecutions in England During the Reign of Queen Mary
The premature death of that celebrated young monarch, Edward VI, occasioned the most extraordinary and wonderful occurrences, which had ever existed from the times of our blessed Lord and Savior's incarnation in human shape. This melancholy event became speedily a subject of general1715: A Further Insight About Amorica from Lincoln County Watch
Saturday, March 30, 2019
1715: A Further Insight About Amorica from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
This comment came in from a reader
who is considerably more familiar with the Celtic language than I am. I
had always thought that "Amor" might be another transliteration of
"Amour"--- French for "Love" but now find out it means "Heavenly", which
is certainly aligned with Love....
Section 20 — Jurisdiction of the People: Jural Assembly Handbook from Anna Von Reitz
Section 20 — Jurisdiction of the People
It is of paramount importance for everyone involved in the State Jural Assemblies to understand the basics of jurisdiction. A jurisdiction is “invoked” or “claimed” as a result of the (1) subject matter and (2) capacity of the parties involved in a dispute.
A squabble over access to sea lanes between two naval vessels is obviously an admiralty issue, while
It is of paramount importance for everyone involved in the State Jural Assemblies to understand the basics of jurisdiction. A jurisdiction is “invoked” or “claimed” as a result of the (1) subject matter and (2) capacity of the parties involved in a dispute.
A squabble over access to sea lanes between two naval vessels is obviously an admiralty issue, while
Trump Regime Approves Sale of Sensitive Nuclear Technology to Saudis By Stephen Lendman Global Research
Trump Regime Approves Sale of Sensitive Nuclear Technology to Saudis
Global Research, March 30, 2019
Anti-nuclear expert Helen Caldicott explained that any country operating nuclear power plants “can
Bestselling Author’s ‘Anti-Vax’ Post Goes Viral: “I Do Not Consent”
Bestselling Author’s ‘Anti-Vax’ Post Goes Viral: “I Do Not Consent”
Arjun Walia
Arjun Walia

In Brief
- The Facts:Jamie
McGuire, a New York Times bestselling author with a large social media
Western Culture Has Died A Politically Correct Death Paul Craig Roberts
Western Culture Has Died A Politically Correct Death
Paul Craig Roberts
It is amazing the power that politically correct kooks have acquired over language, art, and literature. It is a sign that the West is culturally dead.
When high museums rename paintings because some emotional weakling declares the name to be
The Making of a Monster: We’re All Lab Rats in the Government’s Secret Experiments
The Making of a Monster: We’re All Lab Rats in the Government’s Secret Experiments
March 30, 2019
“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around—they were monsters with human
Dana Milbank, Netanyahu’s AIPAC Speech is a Knife in the Heart of US-Israel Alliance
Dana Milbank, Netanyahu’s AIPAC Speech is a Knife in the Heart of US-Israel Alliance
Dana Milbank
The gods were toying with Benjamin Netanyahu and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.The Israeli prime minister canceled his Tuesday appearance at the pro-Israel lobbying group’s
Saturday, March 30, 2019
How Sleep Influences Learning, Memory and General Health
How Sleep Influences Learning, Memory and General Health
- March 30, 2019
Story at-a-glance
- Sleep impacts your ability to learn and your creative capacity. Deep sleep is also crucial for
Amorican Connections from Timeless Myths
Background information:
Ancient Armorica | |
During the classical period, the Romans had given the name of the peninsula in Brittany as Armorica.
The coastal peninsula that jutted out of ancient Gaul (France) in the
Atlantic Ocean, has strategic importance to the Romans |
90. In Opposition to Centralization (1839).: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
90. In Opposition to Centralization (1839).: The Underground History of
American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
90. The
Prussian Reform Movement
devastating defeat by Napoleon at Jena triggered the so-called Prussian
Reform Movement, a transformation which
replaced cabinet rule (by appointees of the national leader) with rule by permanent civil servants
and permanent government bureaus. Ask yourself which form of governance responds
better to
The Most Important Question
by Ted Kuntz | Guest Writer
Following the forced removal of four billboards sponsored by Vaccine Choice Canada in February 2019, we were inundated with requests for information. Of the many dozens of media inquiries, not one asked the most important question.
Following the forced removal of four billboards sponsored by Vaccine Choice Canada in February 2019, we were inundated with requests for information. Of the many dozens of media inquiries, not one asked the most important question.
McDonald Family: Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier from bibliotecapleyades.net
McDonald Family
When one thinks of the name McDonald one immediately thinks of the fast food hamburger chain which has franchises all over the world. The McDonald’s Corp. has been rumored for years to be connected to Satanism. In fact a book which tries to debunk belief in a Satanic conspiracy entitled Satan Wants You reported the rumor that Mc Donald’s owner Ray Kroc tithed to the Church of Satan. (see Satan Wants You, pg. 140). Ray Kroc does
Arizona SWAT team smashes door, raids mother’s home at gunpoint over child having a fever… medical tyranny gone wild in the USA
Arizona SWAT team smashes door, raids mother’s home at gunpoint over child having a fever… medical tyranny gone wild in the USA
Thursday, March 28, 2019 by: Mike Adams1711-1714: Amorica and America from Lincoln County Watch
Friday, March 29, 2019
1711-1714: Amorica and America from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
When I was in Third Grade we were
studying Early American History. It came right after a three-week
session on the Spanish Conquest and the European colonization of the
Caribbean, Meso-America, and Mexico. Whew! I was thinking I knew more
about South America than North
Section 19 — The Public and Organic Law: Jural Assembly handbook from Anna Von Reitz
Section 19 — The Public and Organic Law
As stupefying as it is, the Public Law of this country has not been enforced in any organized and comprehensive fashion for at least fifty years. Instead, a semblance, or as they themselves put it — an “appearance of justice” — has been provided by private corporate “courts” operated by private “self-governing” jural societies.
As stupefying as it is, the Public Law of this country has not been enforced in any organized and comprehensive fashion for at least fifty years. Instead, a semblance, or as they themselves put it — an “appearance of justice” — has been provided by private corporate “courts” operated by private “self-governing” jural societies.
The 1994 Rwandan Genocide: Jean Leonard Teganya, a Rwandan in Boston’s Federal Court
The 1994 Rwandan Genocide: Jean Leonard Teganya, a Rwandan in Boston’s Federal Court
Global Research, March 29, 2019
No U.S. citizen, neither president nor military officer, has ever been accused or tried for genocide
NEO – NothingGate, the Real Story Behind Mueller
NEO – NothingGate, the Real Story Behind Mueller
by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow
[ Editor’s note:
The investigation is over, so Gordon can now talk a bit more about what
was exchanged over three visits. In the beginning, the FBI thought we
were a $30-million per year operation, hence we must be paid by some
nefarious influence, other than Israel, in which case it Child Protective Service Created A Gestapo Police State Paul Craig Roberts
Child Protective Service Created A Gestapo Police State
Paul Craig Roberts
My generation and that of our children grew up without Child Protective Service (CPS). We stand up very well compared to subsequent generations.
Child Protective Services is an extremely intrusive government agency that would not have been tolerated. The power of this police agency trumps parental rights and responsibilities. The agency is
The Russians Are Not Coming!
The Russians Are Not Coming!
March 30, 2019
Not since the witchcraft hysteria of the Middle Ages have we seen such a display of human idiocy, credulity and absurdist behavior. I refer, of course, to the two-year witch hunt directed against President Donald Trump which hopefully just concluded last week – provided that the
Friday, March 29, 2019
Surgeon with Vaccine Injured Son
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Our son was the one that we had many issues with and we felt very
strongly that it was vaccine
The Most Important Question
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by Ted Kuntz | Guest Writer
Following the forced removal of four billboards sponsored by Vaccine Choice Canada in February
Following the forced removal of four billboards sponsored by Vaccine Choice Canada in February
Oregon Bill Calls for “Universal In-Home Visits” to Families with Newborns
Oregon Bill Calls for “Universal In-Home Visits” to Families with Newborns
by Rishma Parpia and Barbara Loe Fisher
Published March 27, 2019 | Law, State Legislatures
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Story Highlights
- A new bill (SB 526) has been introduced in the Oregon legislature directing the Oregon Health
22 Ways You Can Use Thieves Oil from Dr. Mercola
22 Ways You Can Use Thieves Oil from Dr. Mercola
Story at-a-glance
- Thieves oil, an essential oil blend composed of clove, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary oils, has anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, making it a potent remedy for various ailments
1710: Carts and Horses from Lincoln County Watch
Thursday, March 28, 2019
1710: Carts and Horses from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
The best way to describe this situation with the national assembly effort is that the cart is getting in front of the horse. That is what The American States Assembly is correcting.
You have to assemble the actual
States BEFORE you assemble any States of States (the
Section 18 — Jurors and Citizenships: Jural Assembly Handbook from Anna Von Reitz
Section 18 — Jurors and Citizenships
As explained before, the soil is defined as the top six inches of the land. The soil jurisdiction is our national jurisdiction, while the land underlying it is our attached international land jurisdiction. Because the two are inextricably combined, we speak of “the land and soil” of our States, and rarely have cause to look at the soil jurisdiction as a separate issue, but such it is.
As explained before, the soil is defined as the top six inches of the land. The soil jurisdiction is our national jurisdiction, while the land underlying it is our attached international land jurisdiction. Because the two are inextricably combined, we speak of “the land and soil” of our States, and rarely have cause to look at the soil jurisdiction as a separate issue, but such it is.
Russia Rejects Trump Regime Demand to Leave Venezuela
Russia Rejects Trump Regime Demand to Leave Venezuela
Global Research, March 28, 2019
Moscow is undeterred by his threat, acting in support of Venezuela and President Maduro.
John Bolton repeated Trump’s warning, saying “(a)s (he) made clear today, “Russia needs to get
Judge Identifies CIA Related Man Who Led The Raid On North Korea's Embassy In Spain
Judge Identifies CIA Related Man Who Led The Raid On North Korea's Embassy In Spain
March 29, 2019
On March 13 the Spanish newspaper El Pais Spain reported that Spanish authorities identified two
Why the Jussie Smollett Case looks like a Cover-Up to protect Kamala Harris
Why the Jussie Smollett Case looks like a Cover-Up to protect Kamala Harris
Tyler S. Farley
Today a somewhat shocking announcement came out of Chicago where
prosecutors decided that they are dropping all charges against Jussie
Smollett related to his staged attack early this year.The news comes as quite a surprise seeing as how the evidence against him was seemingly airtight,
Thursday, March 28, 2019
After the Roman Church had consolidated its power in the early Middle Ages, heretics came to be regarded as enemies of society. The crime of heresy was defined as a deliberate denial of an article of truth of the Catholic faith, and a public and obstinate persistence in that alleged error. At this time, there was a sense of Christian unity among townspeople and rulers alike, and most of them agreed with the Church that heretics seemed to threated society itself.
89. The Long Reach Of The Teutonic Knights: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
89. The
Long Reach Of The Teutonic Knights: The Underground History of American
Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
89. The
Long Reach Of The Teutonic Knights
1876, before setting off from America to Germany to study, William H. Welch,
an ambitious young Bostonian, told his
sister: "If by absorbing German lore I can get a little start of a few thousand rivals and thereby
reduce my competition to a few hundred more
or less it is a good point to tally." Welch
Top 19 Tips to Reduce Your EMF Exposure
Story at-a-glance
- Persistent exposures to microwave frequencies like those from cellphones can cause mitochondrial dysfunction and nuclear DNA damage from free radicals reacted to peroxynitrite
Chapter 12 Lewin's doctrine of "identity change" from The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations by Dr. John Coleman from antimatrix.org
Lewin's doctrine of "identity change"
The Lewin doctrine is not easy for the layman to follow.
Basically, Lewin said that all psychological phenomena occur
in a domain defined as "psychological phase space." This
space is composed of two interdependent "fields," the
"environment" and the "self."
The concept of "controlled environment" arose from the study that if you have a fixed-personality
The great big Autism obfuscation
The great big Autism obfuscation
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed,
click here.)
"How is a self-contained world built? Well, you can take a
major situation which has an obvious cause, and then relabel the
situation with a new name and say the |
The Disturbing Increase in Colorectal Cancer in Young Adults
The Disturbing Increase in Colorectal Cancer in Young Adults
This article is dedicated to Breanne and Aston in hopes that efforts to identify what is driving this new epidemic of colorectal cancer in our children will lead not only to more effective treatments, but ultimately prevent this devastating disease.
1707-1709: History Lesson for Marilyn of Minnesota from Lincoln County Watch
1707-1709: History Lesson for Marilyn of Minnesota from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
Nobody should feel bad about not knowing things that have been purposefully hidden from them, right?
Section 17 — Clerks and Bondsmen: Jural Assembly Handbook from Anna Von Reitz
Section 17 — Clerks and Bondsmen
There are two Offices in our Public Courts that derive from the ancient Ecclesiastical Courts: Clerks were originally Clerics and Bondsmen were Bondsmen of Christ.
Clerks set the venue of court cases — that is, they determine where a case belongs, in which court and jurisdiction, and they assign it to a specific Judge, a Justice, or a Justice of the Peace to
There are two Offices in our Public Courts that derive from the ancient Ecclesiastical Courts: Clerks were originally Clerics and Bondsmen were Bondsmen of Christ.
Clerks set the venue of court cases — that is, they determine where a case belongs, in which court and jurisdiction, and they assign it to a specific Judge, a Justice, or a Justice of the Peace to
Cancer Cluster at California Elementary School Results in Removal of Sprint Cell Phone Tower
Cancer Cluster at California Elementary School Results in Removal of Sprint Cell Phone Tower
By Zero Hedge
Global Research, March 27, 2019
A Sprint cell phone tower will be removed from a California elementary school after four students and three teachers were diagnosed with cancer.
Weston Elementary School in Ripon, CA went on high alert after the controversy erupted two years ago – with some parents even pulling their children from school over the tower which Sprint has
Weston Elementary School in Ripon, CA went on high alert after the controversy erupted two years ago – with some parents even pulling their children from school over the tower which Sprint has
New Zealand: the Criminalization of Dissent
New Zealand: the Criminalization of Dissent
Kerry Bolton • March 27, 2019 from The Unz Review
Zealand is in a state of mass hysteria in the wake of the Christchurch
mosque shootings, which even a few mainstream media pundits are starting
to question, and some are calling for calm reason. A few honest
liberals are also questioning the demand for the introduction of “hate
speech laws.”
The Fresh Face of Stalinism: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The Fresh Face of Stalinism: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
March 28, 2019
Peter Klein and Jane Doe, Without HONR: There is no honor among thieves
Peter Klein and Jane Doe, Without HONR: There is no honor among thieves
Peter Klein and Jane Doe
[Editor’s note: Imagine my surprise to discover that Peter Klein and Jane Doe had been investigating “Leonard Pozner”s HONR Network, and raising such questions about it as, Does the HONR Network seek to protect victims of mass tragedies? or Is HONR participating in a project to1707-1709: History Lesson for Marilyn of Minnesota from Lincoln County Watch
1707-1709: History Lesson for Marilyn of Minnesota from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
Nobody should feel bad about not knowing things that have been purposefully hidden from them, right?
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Wireless Radiation: Stop the 5G Network on Earth and in Space, Devastating Impacts on Health and the Environment
Wireless Radiation: Stop the 5G Network on Earth and in Space,
Devastating Impacts on Health and the Environment
International Appeal: There are 26,740 signatories as of December 4,
Global Research, January 09, 2019
88. The Land of Frankenstein: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
88. The Land of Frankenstein: The Underground History of American
Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
Seven The Prussian Connection
On approaching the enemy, the marching
columns of Prussians wheeled in succession to
the right or left, passed along the front of the enemy until the rear
company had wheeled. Then the whole
together wheeled into line facing the
Media Using Native Advertising to Promote Vaccines
Media Using Native Advertising to Promote Vaccines
by Marco Cáceres
Published March 20, 2019 | Opinion
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There are many different types of
articles being published online today that could qualify as “fake news.”
One kind that is not well known is something called “native
advertising.” Revenue-hungry
Our Enemy, The State by Albert J. Nock - 1935 CHAPTER 5 from Barefoot World
Our Enemy, The State by Albert J. Nock - 1935 CHAPTER 5 from Barefoot World
The Constitution for the United States, Its Sources and Its Application
Senate Report 93-549 War and Emergency Powers Acts,
Executive Orders, and the New World Order
Who is Running America?
Our Enemy, The State
by Albert J. Nock - 1935
Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
IT IS a commonplace that the persistence of an institution is due solely to the state of mind that
The Constitution for the United States, Its Sources and Its Application
Senate Report 93-549 War and Emergency Powers Acts,
Executive Orders, and the New World Order
Who is Running America?
Our Enemy, The State
by Albert J. Nock - 1935
Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
IT IS a commonplace that the persistence of an institution is due solely to the state of mind that
Former Clinic Manager Reveals Planned Parenthood’s Business Model: Abortion Quotas & Selling Fetuses
Former Clinic Manager Reveals Planned Parenthood’s Business Model: Abortion Quotas & Selling Fetuses
Richard Enos
Richard Enos

In Brief
- The Facts:A former
manager for a Planned Parenthood clinic reveals that all PP clinics have
a business
Tell Congress to vote No on USMCA from John Birch Society
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