Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Video: Video Audio Current Time 2:00:30 / Duration 2:00:47 G2Voice #040 CANCER and How to CURE it! 06-18-17


Video: Video Audio Current Time 2:00:30 / Duration 2:00:47 G2Voice #040 CANCER and How to CURE it! 06-18-17

198.The Fear Of Common Intelligence: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


198.The Fear Of Common Intelligence: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



The Fear Of Common Intelligence


  The fear of common people learning too much is a recurrent theme in state records  around the world. The founder of the Chinese state, the Emperor Ts'in She Hwang-ti,  burned the work of the philosophers for fear their ideas would poison his own plans. The  Caliph Umar of Syria wrote instructions to destroy the perhaps apocryphal library at  Alexandria, using this airtight syllogism:  


      If these writings of the Greeks agree with the Book of God they are useless and need not  be preserved; if they disagree they are pernicious and ought to be destroyed.*  


     Literary bonfires in Nazi Germany are often invoked as a vivid symbol of the deepest  barbarism of the twentieth century, but extensive press coverage ended the book burning  by stirring public uneasiness worldwide. Much more effective have been those silent  blast furnaces used by public library systems and great American universities to dispose  of 3 million excess books annually because of a shortage of shelf space. Why aren't they  given to schools?  

Russia Develops mRNA Cancer Biologic


Russia Develops mRNA Cancer Biologic

Russia’s Ministry of Health announced last week that it has developed an mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) therapeutic biologic for cancer. A name for the shot has not yet been revealed, but it will cost the government about 300,000 rubles per dose—the equivalent of $2,869. The mRNA cancer biologic  will be made available to the public in early 2025 and will be distributed to Russian citizens free of cost.1 2 3 4 5 6

“This vaccine aims to treat cancer patients rather than prevent tumor formation,” said oncologist Andrey Kaprin, MD, PhD, director of the Ministry of Health’s Radiology Medical Research Center in Moscow..1 2

Several research centers partnered to develop the new mRNA drug, including teams from the Radiology Medical Research Center, Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute, and Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology.2

In an interview with Russia’s top news agency, TASS, Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow, said:

Chapter Six: The CIA by Eustace Mullins



On May 24, 1979, a 14 ft. bronze statue of General William J. Donovan was dedicated in front of Columbia University's Law School. The dedication speech was delivered by John J. McCloy, who had been Asst. Sec. of War when Donovan founded the Office of Strategic Services in World War II. When Donovan died on Feb. 8, 1959, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen W. Dulles, sent a message to all CIA stations around the world, "Bill Donovan was the father of central intelligence. He was a great leader."

International intelligence, or, as it was formerly known, espionage, was not founded by either Donovan or Dulles, who were merely employees of the World Order. The Order founded international espionage to protect their far reaching investments and dealings in slaves, drugs and gold, the commodities on which their wealth was built.

On Nov. 17, 1843, the Port of Shanghai was opened to foreign traders. Lot No. 1 was rented by Jardine Mathieson & Co. Other entrepreneurs were Dent & Co., and Samuel Russell, an American who represented Baring Brothers. Captain Warren Delano, Franklin D. Roosevelt's grandfather, became a charter member of the Canton Regatta Club, and entered into dealings with the Hong Society. Dr. Emmanual Josephson states, "Warren Delano, Frederic A. Delano's father, founded his fortune on smuggling opium into China." His son, Frederic A. Delano, was born in Hong Kong, and later became the first vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1914.

Case 23-1073 RALAND J BRUNSON, Petitioner, V. SONIA SOTOMAYOR, et, al.,

In The

Supreme Court of the United States





On Petition for Writ of Certiorari To The United States Court OfAppeals For The Tenth Circuit


Raland J Brunson
4287 South
Harrison Blvd., Apt 132 Ogden, Utah 84403
Phone: 385-492-4898
Petitioner in pro se




A serious conflict exists between decisions rendered from this Court and lower appeal courts, along with conflict that exists between constitutional provisions and statutes that do or do not protect treason and misprision of treason.

  1. Also, under the U.S. Constitution and supportive citations as demonstrated in this case, doesnt the lower court have jurisdiction to try the merits of this case?

  2. Also, under acts of treasons doesnt the lower court have the authority to remove sitting Justices of this the Supreme Court of the United States, while deeming them unfit from ever holding a office under Federal, State, County or local Governments found within the United States of America?

  3. Also, the doctrine of equitable maxim, created by this Court, doesnt it set in direct violation of

    jurisprudence affecting every court in America?

  4. Also, doesnt the requirement that permission must first be granted before suing a Federal Officer place a unconstitutional restriction against the free exercise of the First Amendment to petition the government for a redress of grievances?

  5. Also, isnt it unconstitutional for any statue, or citations or any legalese that provides a shield of immunity towards the protection of the guilty rather than the accountability of the guilty? 

Topical Cream Vaccine Created by Stanford University Scientists


Topical Cream Vaccine Created by Stanford University Scientists

A new study conducted by Stanford University scientists and published in Nature discusses a newly developed topical vaccine using Staphylococcus epidermidis, a common bacterium found on human skin. The researchers speculate that this new type of vaccine delivery system could offer  an alternative to traditional needle-based vaccinations  and avoid common side effects like fever, swelling, and soreness.1

Michael Fischbach, PhD, professor of bioengineering at Stanford University and a researcher on the study stated:

We all hate needles—everybody does. I haven’t found a single person who doesn’t like the idea that it’s possible to replace a shot with a cream.”2

The study explored the use of S. epidermidis, a bacterium that lives on the skin of human beings. Although previously overlooked in immunology, recent findings indicate that S. epidermidis triggers a strong immune response when introduced to the body. In experiments with mice, the researchers applied the bacterium to the animals’ skin and measured the resulting immune response. The antibody levels produced were unexpectedly high, even surpassing those seen with conventional vaccines. “Those antibodies’ levels increased slowly, then some moreand then even more. It’s as if the mice had been vaccinated,” Dr. Fischback said.3

The researchers said that immunologists may have overlooked skin-colonizing bacteria because they were traditionally believed to have little impact on our health. They pointed outthat this discovery challenges prior assumptions about the bacteria, suggesting it could serve as a potential basis for vaccine development.4 5

Government Spending Bill Extends Deadline for Filing COVID-19 Injury Claims


Government Spending Bill Extends Deadline for Filing COVID-19 Injury Claims

A new U.S. government spending bill will extend the time for those injured by the COVID-19 shot to file for federal vaccine injury compensation under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). Under the bill, certain claimants previously denied compensation will be permitted to refile their claims.  under the bill, as well.

The continuing resolution bill that Congress passed on Dec. 20, 2024, which contains language about filing COVID shot injury claims in the CICP, will fund the federal government. It will extend the deadline for filing a COVID shot adverse reaction from one year to three years from the date the shot was administered or one year after the date the new bill is enacted, whichever is later. Those injured by the shot will have until December 2025 to file a claim with the CICP.1

COVID Shot Claims Fall Under CICP

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted COVID vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to distribute the COVID mRNA biological to the public in December 2020. As an EUA pharmaceutical product, the COVID shots are considered a covered medical “countermeasure” as defined by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) passed by Congress in 2005.2

5191-5192: International Public Notice: No Cold War from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

5191-5192: International Public Notice: No Cold War from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Like everything else in this country, information about the economy and the world economy is surprisingly difficult for the general populace to access and analyze.  Part of this is a compartmentalization of information by the academics.  Part of this is ignorance and therefore, disinterest on the part of the public.  Part of this is merely the press-ganged nature of life in "the states" -- whichever states may be referred to.  

People are kept too busy responding to every misguided alarm sponsored by the Mainstream Media, too strained to make enough money to live at peace, and too busy trying to find a life with the few hours left of their days to worry about economic issues. It's only when they wake up and realize that the price of nearly every food and drug item has doubled or tripled that they nudge grudgingly toward interest in the economy. 

The attitude has been--- we work night and day to hire experts to take care of all that economic stuff for us.  We're not economists, right? Our employees should be taking care of all that for us.  That's the job of the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York Stock Exchange, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Secretary of the Treasury, the..... 

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 36 — State Assemblies from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 36 — State Assemblies from Anna Von Reitz


Section 36 — State Assemblies
Now that you know what a “Lawful Person” is, be aware that our assemblies, both the soil jurisdiction assemblies of the state republics, and the land jurisdiction assemblies of the States are exclusively populated by Lawful Persons.
This is because only Lawful Persons who are still attached to physical reality and to specific locations in space can populate the soil and land jurisdictions which are likewise geographically and physically defined Lawful Persons.
This follows the Biblical Law of Kinds. Lawful Jurisdictions (land and soil) are populated by Lawful
So the American Government is composed of three Unions of different kinds of states, and two of those Unions, The United States (soil) and The United States of America (land) are owned, operated, and governed by Lawful Persons.
The State Assemblies control the international jurisdiction of the land and sea, which includes international trade, except that the Constitutions made significant concessions delegating away some of their powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea (not all) to the British King.
The State General Assembly is composed of Electors — both State Nationals and State Citizens who own land within the borders of their State can serve as Electors of the General Assembly. They are chosen at the County level by people who are qualified members of the soil jurisdiction republican states; two Electors act as Deputies (Fiduciary Officers) for each County. Most

The Disappearance of the Male Role


The Disappearance of the Male Role

The Disappearance of the Male Role

Paul Craig Roberts

Over the course of my lifetime I have watched the role of men taken away.  The role of the male as provider, defender, and disciplinarian is no more. It was destroyed by feminists.

To clarify “feminist”:  In the past when I have criticized feminists older women who had careers asked why I thought women shouldn’t have careers.  Their idea is that a feminist is a woman who has a career.  But women have always had careers as mothers, homemakers, grandmothers, school teachers, nurses, secretaries, writers, artists, musicians, scientists, and even spies such as Eve Gordon who made during World War II 112 parachute jumps into occupied Europe. Even in pre-feminist days, one of my aunts despite being married  had a career outside the home. She enjoyed the discipline of getting to work on time, the interaction with other people, and meeting new ones.  

By feminist I mean a person with an ideological agenda of obliterating the difference between men and women.  When I was young men were raised to respect women. When a woman entered a room, the men stood. Doors were opened for women and their entrance proceeded  the man’s. Car doors were opened for women who were helped in and out. At the dining table men stood until the women were seated. In those days men still wore hats. A gentleman passing a lady on the sidewalk was expected to tip his hat in respect. A man who struck a woman or used a four-letter word in a lady’s presence suffered a ruined reputation.

Feminists derided the many ways in which respect was shown to women as “placing women on a pedestal.”  Showing respect for women was somehow undervaluing them and treating them unequally.  Feminists insisted on women being pulled down into the gutter with men. 

DMSO Transforms The Treatment of Infectious Diseases


DMSO Transforms The Treatment of Infectious Diseases

How DMSO can treat many challenging infections

Story at a Glance:

•Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is a remarkably safe naturally occurring substance that has a variety of remarkable properties that make it well suited to treating a variety of challenging medical conditions (e.g., pain, injuries, wounds, strokes, spine injuries, autoimmune conditions, cancer, and internal organ diseases).

•DMSO has broad antimicrobial properties, protects the body from microbial toxins (e.g., from C. diff), eliminates antibiotic resistance, and serves as a vehicle that can bring antimicrobials deep into the body and treat otherwise inaccessible infections.

•DMSO significantly enhances the treatment of many common bacterial infections (e.g., of the head, mouth, and skin) and many severe bacterial infections that require hospitalization (e.g., tuberculosis, sepsis, peritonitis, severe lung infections, osteomyelitis). In many cases, this has allowed an individual requiring an amputation of a chronically infected area to instead fully recover.

•DMSO has significant antiviral properties, which have most extensively been studied for herpes and shingles (both of which it excels in treating), but also in a variety of other conditions (e.g., feline panleukopenia, one of the most deadly conditions cats face.

•DMSO has significant value in treating challenging fungal and parasitic infections. Additionally, evidence suggests its utility in treating cancer and autoimmune disorders arise from DMSO’s unique antimicrobial properties.

•In this article, we will review the body of evidence showing DMSO’s remarkable contributions to the treatment of infectious diseases and provide guidance on how DMSO can be used to treat many of the conditions listed in this article.



How the McKinley Tariff Almost Destroyed the Republican Party

Voluntary Democracy – Part 3

 Dec 30, 2024


Voluntary Democracy – Part 3

Iain Davis

In Part 1, I suggested a new sociopolitical model I called Voluntary Democracy. In Part 2, I expanded upon the idea, suggesting a stateless jurisdiction where people manage their own affairs but are governed by the rule of law—by justice.

Statists think all law is created by man and therefore all law exists only because humanity enforces it upon society. But it is very easy to “debunk” statists’ notion of “law.”

Prior to any “laws” written by any human being, humanity already understood the difference between right and wrong. They knew that theft, for example, is wrong. Otherwise, how could they have eventually written rules on tablets and scrolls declaring theft to be a wrongful act—a crime?

Humanity’s conception of rightful and wrongful acts sprang from within. Such morality was spontaneous—natural—and preceded any and all written laws. It is logically impossible for the inverse to be true, despite what statists say.

Legal Dictionary provides a reasonable definition of Natural Law as:

The belief that certain laws of morality are inherent by human nature, reason, or religious belief, and that they are ethically binding on humanity. [. . .] Natural Law is a philosophy that is based on the idea that ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are universal concepts, as mankind finds certain things to be useful and good, and other things to be bad, destructive, or evil. This means that what constitutes ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ is the same for everyone, and this concept is expressed as ‘morality.’ As an example of natural law, it is universally accepted that to kill someone is wrong, and that to punish someone for killing that person is right, and even necessary.

Furthermore, notes the dictionary:

To solve an ethical dilemma using natural law, the basic belief that everyone is naturally entitled to live their own lives must be considered and respected. From there, natural law theorists determine what an innocent life is, and what elements comprise the life of an ‘unjust aggressor.

In other words, because Natural Law inherently exists in us and has always applied to all mankind, it therefore predates man-made law.

JIMMY CARTER: Now we know why his personal history has been completely scrubbed from the Internet


JIMMY CARTER: Now we know why his personal history has been completely scrubbed from the Internet

The Well Concealed
and Highly Inconvenient
Jimmy Carter Back Story

Look, no one becomes President of the United States of America unless they were very carefully chosen to sit in the Oval Office—OBVIOUSLY!

Certainly, a completely unknown peanut farmer from Georgia can only come out of nowhere to win POTUS because his hidden masters made it happen on purpose.

State of the Nation

As always, the untold back story of every POTUS is kept so quiet you can barely find anything on the Internet about it today.

This Alt Media platform made a small research project of the real Jimmy Carter story many years ago before the World Wide Web was scrubbed completely clean of all the hard evidence and high-integrity testimony provided by various insiders and whistleblowers regarding how Jimmy Carter was actually selected as the Democrat’s 1976 presidential nominee.  The only thing we could find this year is the following excerpt which provides a crucial piece of evidence about why Carter’s [UNKNOWN TO HIM] Khazarian masters planted him in the White House.

The low point of Jimmy Carter’s life came in 1966, and it was then that he recommitted himself to his Christian faith.

Carter — who died on Sunday at the age of 100 — was a 42-year-old state senator from Georgia, and he was at a personal crossroads. He’d made a bid for governor and lost, coming in third out of six candidates. He’d gone deep into debt to finance the campaign. And he was horrified that an avowed white supremacist, Lester Maddox, had been elected governor, in part because Carter had split the moderate vote with another candidate.

Carter was “profoundly depressed,” according to adviser Peter Bourne. He told a friend he questioned if he’d “ever amount to much.” He was also “disillusioned about [his] religious faith,” his biographer Jonathan Alter wrote.

But out of the depths of Carter’s despair, he sought — and found — a newly enlivened faith. He would eventually describe himself as having become a “born again” Christian, a popular term in the late 1960s and into the 1970s.

Carter’s religious devotion would animate his action for the rest of his life. But it was not a simple faith.[1]

The key paragraph above, for the purposes of this exposé, is the boldfaced one.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Video: AI World and the Cashless Society

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


Pokemon GPS game used to train Artificial Intelligence for robotic navigation


Visit The Other Great Infowars Hosts and Shows:
Alex Jones Show: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379862
Owen Shroyer of War Room: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379882
Harrison Smith of American Journal: https://rumble.com/c/c-2379892

197. Two Social Revolutions Become One: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


197. Two Social Revolutions Become One: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Chapter Sixteen    


A Conspiracy Against Ourselves


       A lower middle class which has received secondary or even university education without  being given any corresponding outlet for its trained abilities was the backbone of the  twentieth century Fascist Party in Italy and the National Socialist Party in Germany. The  demoniac driving force which carried Mussolini and Hitler to power was generated out  of this intellectual proletariat's exasperation at finding its painful efforts at self-  improvement were not sufficient  — Arnold Toynbee, MA Study of History 


      Two Social Revolutions Become One  


      Solve this problem and school will heal itself: children know that schooling is not fair,  not honest, not driven by integrity. They know they are devalued in classes and grades, 1  that the institution is indifferent to them as individuals. The rhetoric of caring contradicts  what school procedure and content say, that many children have no tolerable future and  most have a sharply proscribed one. The problem is structural. School has been built to  serve a society of associations: corporations, institutions, and agencies. Kids know this  instinctively. How should they feel about it? How should we? 

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