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An American Affidavit

Monday, October 21, 2024

5074-5076: Misinformation? -- For Max from Lincoln County Watch


Sunday, October 20, 2024

5074-5076: Misinformation? -- For Max from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Misinformation?  --- For Max

The red-violet hue of the Violet Flame is the color spectrum representation of the harmonic frequency of love. That's why when we see this color in nature or in the sky, we know that we are in the presence of love.  Love is expressed energetically by specific harmonic vibratory frequencies, just like octaves on a piano.  

Red violet is the visible color spectrum expression of love.

Not every hurricane is accompanied by violet skies and then moderated, but both Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Milton were.
We don't suppose that this is a coincidence; miracles are always set within the framework of nature.  They always work to heal and protect. 

The people of Florida were spared a much larger disaster than what was originally meted out to them. A Category 5 storm is a hundred times worse than a Category 3, which is bad enough. 

Florida took a licking, but not a kill shot. We can all be grateful that the storm was moderated in the final hours before landfall. 

As for the common knowledge regarding hurricanes, that isn't all it's cracked up to be --- especially now. 

The traditional explanation is that hurricanes spin counterclockwise due to low pressure zones that alleviate local rotational gravitation -- or so the theory goes; and the complaint is made that Hurricane Milton was not an unnatural storm as we have said, and that it was spinning counter-clockwise for known and accepted reasons. 

However, those reasonings no longer apply: 

Instead, it's the Coriolis Effect that appears to be stable due to low pressure gravitational effects, which in turn means that any natural storm center should now be associated with high pressure zones, not low, and should be turning in a clockwise direction as a result of the new rotational direction of the iron core of the Earth in agreement with the clockwise direction of the Coriolis Effect in the Northern Hemisphere.

Quite simply, there's nothing left to pull the water and wind in the opposing direction.  

The best thing we can do, then, is to realize that both Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene and every counterclockwise-turning hurricane we have observed since the spin-reversal of the iron core of the Earth, is obtaining extra energy from some other source -- energy sufficient to overcome both the Coriolis Effect and the geomagnetic gravitational spin ---  and is in fact unnatural according to everything we know.   

Something has been used to create these artificial hurricanes and to inject enough energy into the Earth's biosphere to do it.   

There's a new component on the block.  Something beyond cloud seeding, beyond geomagnetic tracking and manipulation of storm fronts and "looping" the Jet Stream.   

As the Earth's spherical iron sheath reverses the direction of its spin, new electromagnetic effects come into play.  This is quite possibly a step toward the dreaded pole shift, which would serve to empower and direct it.  

If so, the wisdom guiding it is built into Nature and pre-ordained as part of the regular shake up and housecleaning of the Earth, but the power we are observing --- the power to overcome both the rotational and geomagnetic effects of the Earth as it now stands, is something truly different and unknown. 

However, knowing what we do know -- we can say this with certainty: these continuing counter-clockwise spinning hurricanes are no longer explainable according to conventional wisdom.  

Given the circumstance, we may be wrong to characterize them as "unnatural" --- in that everything under Heaven is possible because it is built into the template of Nature, but it is certainly not anything we have encountered for thousands of years -- hence the reason we called it, "unnatural".  At least in our experience, it is unnatural. 

No living civilization has any memory of a spin reversal of the iron core sheath of the Earth, nor any documentation of its effects.  No living civilization has documented the increase in the Schumann Resonance Frequency that we have seen.  

And if Oumuamua is guided back into our solar system for a direct 
collision with the Earth, it will be a cataclysm on par with the Extinction Event that took out the dinosaurs.  

So take it for what you will.  Since 1987 and the work of Bernard Eastlund on the Star Wars Technology which included HAARP, the scientific community in the West has been working with the powers of nature in ways undreamed of until then.  

Much of this Scalar Technology has been hidden from us and the patents on the resulting technologies have been largely redacted under the guise of "National Security" interests. Thus, average people and even people in civilian industries have been left behind and have no way of knowing or protesting the uses that the mercenaries have made of this new category of technologies. 

The extent to which we have been misinformed and left in the dark may be summed up and personified by Benjamin Netanyahu. 

We reported before that Benjamin Netanyahu changed his natural Given Name from something Russian or Polish sounding to Benjamin Netanyahu.  Virtually all his cabinet members did the same--- but it gets stranger than that.  Did you know that he is also a U.S. Citizen?  With a Social Security Number issued to "John Jay Sullivan"? 

We could not make this up.  He's pretending to be Irish. And a U.S. Citizen---while running for office and occupying a major political office as an Israeli.  

If you know any Sullivans who are Jewish, we want to know. 

We mention this to underscore the idea that these men live by--- and that is that you can change the nature of a thing (or a man) by relabeling it.  Thus, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet or a clove of garlic, too. 

We aren't supposed to notice when they (or a storm) aren't spinning according to nature, or at least, what we know about nature. 

You have Benjamin One, and Benjamin Two, and Benjamin Three, all acting in different roles and capacities, belonging to different nationalities, having different political statuses and obligations. And yet, it is just one man, obviously a British Territorial Corporation Shill working for Uncle Sam, yet "acting" (as in theater acting) as the Prime Minister of Israel.  And socking away a federal pension as John Jay Sullivan at the same time. 

Should it surprise us then, that these same men empowered by new and "secret" technologies have endeavored to confuse and befuddle and mislead the rest of us?  Is this anything new? 

No, it's not new, unfortunately.  It has been going on in England and Scotland for at least 300 years and in Rome long before that.  We are only now seeing the extension of this system of deceit and false identities, impersonation, identity theft, and barratry --- but it has been here and been on Earth for a very long time. 

And it is time for it to go. 



See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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International Public Notice: The End Game

 By Anna Von Reitz

Strange as it is, hundreds of people have been going to cemeteries tracking transmitter signals --- the same kinds of signals that cell phones give off, coming from the buried coffins of dead relatives, friends, and loved ones, who were injected with the Covid 19 "vaccine". 

This phenomenon was discovered by Mexican researchers a few months into the "live exercise", confirmed by other researchers in Spain and in several other South American countries, and is now, belatedly being confirmed by people all over the world. 

Everyone who received the Covid 19 injections became a walking, talking transmitter in Bill Gates' biological internet, which, of course, was to be controlled by him.  And even when they die, their transmitter station stays turned on.  

That's what all the researchers into the Night of the Living Dead Signals discovered. 

As usual, this wasn't really Gates' invention or even idea; he has been nothing but an opportunist favored by political cronies his entire life, so no, Gates didn't discover or create the concept of a biological internet.  

That honor --- dubious as it is at this point, belongs to Dr. Michael Persinger. 

Persinger's discoveries were picked up by the CIA and DARPA, and licensed to Gates for commercial development. 

As Persinger proved, it takes about ten minutes for a thought in one person's brain to transmit to every other person's brain on the planet; given a little more time and energy, this single thought can populate backward into what we think of as "time" ---- a vast magnetic field recording ---- which is still populated by every magnetic pattern representing our ancestor's brains.

Just think of it as cosmos-spanning Memorex. 

So Gates takes this information handed to him on a silver platter and comes up with the idea of "vaccinating" everyone as a transmitter in a biological internet, which can then be programmed to believe and do whatever the programmers desire, simply by adding and omitting information--- whether it's true or not.  It would be the ultimate control grid.  

And they've already vaccinated two-thirds of humanity. 

"Safe and effective" for who?  For them, until we found out about it. 

You've just been informed what --- besides all the gratuitous disease-causing scraps of harmful DNA included to generate huge profits for the captive medical services industry --- the whole Covid 19 scam was about, and you now know why they were all, regardless of political parties, so supportive of having everyone vaccinated, except of course, themselves, their sons and daughters, their staffers, their staffer's families, and various religious groups they are associated with, most especially the Scientologists, not the Jews. 

Who knew? 

Every member of Congress who voted for this and then also voted to exempt themselves.

They are all guilty as Hell.  So are the CIA thugs and DARPA goons who worked on this.  Joe Biden and Donald Trump, both, thought this was a good idea.  The guys at the Patent Office, too.  All of them. 

They were all ready, willing, and unfortunately, able, to vote to mentally and emotionally castrate you --- and that is what they were aiming at.  But it didn't quite work the way they thought it would. 

They got too greedy.  They just had to throw in all the poisons and DNA scraps intended to create long-term disease profits for the medical industry.  The results were too immediate.  Too many people died.  It created too much alarm and suspicion. 

And now, they and their corporate cohorts in the WEF and the European Parliament and in the "federal" Agencies used to do the Dirty Work and all the other goons and gremlins responsible for this 
are, quite literally, up for it. 

Most of the Vermin have killed themselves, by accepting the same injections they were giving everyone else.  These True Believers have died or are dying for the Cause of Human Enslavement, even though they blathered all their lives about freedom and democracy. 

Mother Nature is proving more obdurate and determined than any of them initially supposed; even Dr. Mengele-Fauci.  People are living longer than expected and that is placing more burden on the insurance system, which has already been drained by the plot to bring in Mexican and Honduran workers to replace the American creditors they are bent on killing and defrauding. 

Both these corporations and their honchos have to go; it's just a matter of how and when.  The Municipals are supposed to exit January first; the Territorials will have to be shoved out via international and legal action.  

And then, finally, America will be America again. 

Nobody should be fooled into thinking that the Americans aren't here.  And heavily armed. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 20th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Liars to the End

 By Anna Von Reitz

It should not surprise anyone that the Liars who have been lying for 300-plus years, are still lying.  It's what they do best.  It's basically all they contribute to the world. 

So, don't be surprised that their bought-and-paid-for media moguls are trying to spread the lie that only 213 bodies have been found as a result of Hurricane Helene, when just one (1) contingent of search and rescue helicopters in one day in North Carolina transferred 357 bodies. 

There are thousands of bodies.  We estimated 250,000 dead at the beginning of this travesty, and we have had absolutely no reason to decrease our estimate.  

So, if you have been lulled into complacency and think, ho, hum, it's just another storm..... Helene was not just a storm.  It was an attack using weather warfare technologies that are well-known.  And it is now an ecological disaster of unimaginable proportions.  

It will take years of hard work and pollution remediation to salvage the damaged land and save the people.  It will take actions by millions of Americans over a long period of time.  And it will take courage, because we are facing ruthless European and Chinese business interests.  

Those interests have already tried to use FEMA as their bully boy and failed, so next they expanded "use of force directives" to legalize the use of former DOD personnel as a mercenary army against the people in the disaster area.  

We caught them at it both times and squelched both initiatives, but perhaps more interesting, is the way that the British Territorial U.S. Congress, Inc.,  has bought the services of these defunct "federal" Agencies, simply by extending their funding for three months beyond the end of the UNITED STATES Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. 

So which members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress, Inc., voted for this additional service contract? 

Those people are guilty of genocide and purposefully planned to use these former Federal Employees as cheap mercenaries to create this disaster and make it worse.  

That service contract which started October 1 facilitated: (1) cloud seeding of Helene; (2) guidance of Helene into the heart of Appalachia; (3) FEMA's interference and obstruction of search and rescue; (4) everything that has happened since. 

Except that they are working for the British Territorial U.S. Government, Inc.,  there is nothing "federally connected" to these former Agencies or their personnel.  

Lucky for us all, that the Supreme Court of the United States recently removed the fangs of all Federal Agencies in two recent landmark decisions that underscore a third Supreme Court decision from more than a century ago: Norton v. Shelby County (1896). 

So, despite appearances, these agencies --- DOD, FEMA, BATF, etc,., are no longer "federal" in any sense.  They are private mercenary free-agents that have been employed by the British Territorial U.S. Government, Inc. (another corporation) to create this disaster, and make the impact of it worse. 

And all those poor people streaming in through the Southern Border?

Many of them have been hired to clean up the Mess, and are standing in polluted mud and silt digging for whatever they can find.  

Why?  Because they are anonymous.  When they get sick and die from exposure to radiation and poisonous chemicals and the filth from thousands of dead people and animals, they don't exist.  

They are being used to clean up the mess because they are expendable and anonymous.  When they die, they are just more "unidentified" victims of the flood. 

The members of the U.S. Territorial Congress are guilty of this genocide and deliberate murder, too.  These people wouldn't even be in this country to act as slaves and cheap mercenaries, if not for the British Territorial U.S. Congress. 

Bill Gates gave the Chinese 60,000 surveillance satellites as protection money for his agendas, among other gifts and emoluments.  Those satellites and land-based broadcast emitters were used to plunk a Hurricane in the middle of  Appalachia. 

And now, China is preparing for war: 

China has a guilty conscience.  China sees that Gates is a madman, and they are complicit in his scheme to "depopulate" our Blue Ridge Mountains and raze them for the rich silicon and lithium and Rare Earth minerals they contain.  They figure it's just a matter of time until we deal with our traitors and come for them. 

Other countries are taking legal action:

We call upon all other peaceful nations to take similar and extra-territorial action to apprehend and prosecute this known international and indeed, global, criminal: William Gates, Jr., former CEO of Microsoft, Inc.   

The members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress, Inc., who colluded with Gates to create the so-called Covid 19:Great Reset, are just as guilty as he is, and they enjoy no state immunity or diplomatic immunity, as they are working for a British Territorial Corporation -- not an actual government at all.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 20th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

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