Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Monday, September 30, 2024




It has only been a few days since hurricane Helena slammed into Florida's big bend, leaving destruction and, unfortunately, death in her wake. Normally I am not disposed to begin high octane speculations so soon after a disaster, and when so many people are suffering. It seems to me to be somehow unseemly or insensitive and indifferent to others' suffering.  I do so today, however, because the following story was shared by V.T., to whom we are grateful for sharing it. I thought it better to comment and speculate on it before the story disappeared, or grew cold in people's memory.

First, however, a bit of background. Ever since the appearance of Dr. Nick Begich's and Jeanne Manning's book Angels Don't Play this HAARP, I've been following the story of the race to create technologies capable of steering and manipulating the planet's largest system: the weather. Begich and Manning delivered, in spades, pointing out that in the original patents that lay behind the gigantic Alaskan Ionopsheric heater, weather modification and missile defense were two specifically mentioned implications of the technology. That, plus the fact that the project was begun under the Reagan Administration during its "Star Wars" focus, and that it was sponsored by the US Air Force, gave me and many many others pause and cause for concern.  One of the ways that they (and others) speculated such a technology could be used to steer storms was via its ability to create regions of sharp low pressure in the atmosphere, thus driving and steering prevailing winds in a region.

As many regular readers of this website are probably already aware, these types of concerns soon created an alternative community that watched the progress of such technology, creating videos of weather radar tracks and noting anomalies. Yet another community dedicated itself to the story of atmospheric spraying - the so-called chemtrails - and so on. Needless to say, these people were lampooned by the "mainstream" for being conspiracy theorists and their ideas "pseudo-science." In other words, the usual grab-bag of tricks was employed to attempt to divert attention from the stories.

I followed these stories but rarely commented on them, until Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans in the final weeks of the Bush-Cheney (mis)administration. I remember watching the radar tracks of the storm and being mystified at its very weird behavior. Katrina, it will be recalled, tracked through the Gulf of Mexico on an east-to-west course, and looked as if it was headed for a land-fall somewhere on the Texas coast, probably around Galveston and Houston. As it came directly south of New Orleans, however, it veered so sharply northward that it looked almost as is the hurricane had executed a perfect ninety-degree turn, and headed instead for the Louisiana coast. As this happened, I remember watching a weather report showing the weather radar, and the jet stream, Just prior to hitting New Orleans, the jet stream veered suddenly southward, as if someone was trying to push or steer the hurricane away. I quickly contacted Richard C, Hoagland, and asked him if he has seen something similar. He had.  Since that time, I and others have watched "just plain weird" behavior on the part of some storms and disasters: California fires that follow the designated high speed rail route, tornados in Kansas or Missouri that do right-angle turns (like Katrina) and suddenly veer into a property, destroying it. Indeed, over time, one notices that the normal path of storms in the American plains has changed from a general southwest to northeast track, to storms now bearing down from the northwest or north, and travelling southeast. Something is changing weather patterns, and it seems to be confirming an observation of Ms. Elana Freeland and her research about the subject: given the weather manipulation technologies in play, there is no longer any such thing as purely natural weather. Human interference is influencing it, but not at all in the way that the hysterical screaming Swedish climate change activists or bloviating WEF Enviro-barons imagine. Indeed, the whole climate change narrative, in my opinion, may be the cover story or narrative created to mask this dangerous and destructive technology and the people deploying it, while taxing people for "climate taxes" to raise even more money to perfect their hidden technologies even more. It's a neat and nifty racket, and right up the twisted alley of the bloviating WEF Enviro-barons and hysterical screaming Swedish children.

And there's a final argument for why people should give serious consideration to real existence of such technologies: Weather derivatives. The recent financialization of the weather beyond the ordinary channels of insurance and so on says it all; it's a perfect mechanism for some insider trading on a scale few would suspect.

With that in the background, here's the story that caught my eye, and it is one that deserves its own special high octane speculative treatment (You will have to copy and paste the link in your browser to see the article, because "for some reason" I cannot post the link here. The actual article appeared on State of the Nation, and was titled: "Hard Scientific Proof Hurricane Helene was both Geo-Engineered and Weaponized."):

The two paragraphs here that caught my attention, as well as the actual picture, are the focus for my high octane speculation today, which really is nothing but a kind of explanatory elaboration of the basic speculation of the two paragraphs of the article:

“Where it concerns the formation, intensification and direction of weaponized Hurricane Helene, the NWO geoterrorists have again used their highly advanced geoengineering technologies to further perfect the chemical geoengineering and HAARP-frequency techniques as well as to integrate the NEXRAD Doppler radar transmitters and moisture-producing power plants into their weather warfare repertoire.”  

“The are now several means by which a superstorm like Helene can be steered and intensified by the weather warriors. In addition to the previously mentioned, the geoengineers are also routinely utilizing sophisticated techniques such as Cloud Ionization, Electric Rainmaking and Laser-guided Weather Modification.  Satellite-based Lasers are becoming more prevalent in space just as Ionospheric Heaters are on the ground such as the facility in Puerto Rico which is quite similar to HAARP in Alaska.” (Boldface emphasis in the original)

Accompanying this are two pictures, both illustrative of the newest technological addition to the tool box:

One notes just to the left of the arrow two very thin green lines, which the author interprets as a laser.

As usual, I am going to assume as I always do, and for the sake of argument and high octane speculation, that the image is true. That is to say, I am tabling discussion on whether or not such a laser would become visible to Doppler weather radars or satellite images, and so on, and all of the accompanying technical expertise that such a discussion would entail, for the simple reason that I do not have such expertise, and because, in a certain sense, it misses the point of the argument being implied in the article itself, which argument is our high octane speculation of the day.

But let's approach it from a rather different tack than that of the article. We note first of all (and as the article itself observes), ionization in the atmosphere (ionospheric heaters, anyone?) is a persistent and well-known characteristic of strong storms. The creation of strong dipole regions in the atmosphere (another fancy way of saying ionization) is in turn responsible for the extraordinary lightning displays that often accompany such storms. And lightning is yet another version of plasma, a particularly intense one, that is existing in a more diffuse plasma (the ionized conditions of the atmosphere itself.)  Please note that we are describing these phenomena in almost exclusively electromagnetic terms, rather than the temperature differential terms we learned in grade school and junior high (hot air being trapped below a layer of cold air, and forming a vortex as each seeks their natural place: hot air on top, cold air on bottom). It's not that such temperature (and other conditions, like humidity) are not factors in such storms; it is rather that they are not the primary ones, which are electromagnetic in nature, and specifically, various states of plasma.

So back to our electrical arcing within a plasma (lightning), a plasma within a plasma. It is well-known that prior to a major lightning strike, "feelers" (small arcs of lightning) are spread out, seeking a channel for the main arc, and when that channel is found the main arcing occurs. Think of the feelers as a kind of electromagnetic "reconnaissance", probing for the best place for the main strike.

This phenomenon in turn has become a major area of black projects research in the United States, as laser-induced plasma channels (seriously, that's the name) are being researched as a means - quite literally - of steering such plasma systems, of literally controlling where a major discharge of pure voltage - lightning - will occur. But weather systems themselves - such as hurricanes - are complicated systems of plasma conditions, but the same concept holds true: lasers could perhaps be used as the equivalent of "lightning feelers" in order to steer a system. IN other words, my point is that such ideas are already part of the black projects research world, and it takes little imaginative leap to see and apply the very same concepts to weather manipulation and "steerage." (for more on laser-induced plasma channels, see  Electrolaser)

Maybe, just maybe, as the article itself argues, we have just seen a picture that gave the game away... From there it is a short distance to a very disturbing question: are all of those who died or suffered the loss of their hard-won dwellings and possessions, are they victims of an attempt to help them that has gone wrong, or, worse, are they victims of a crime and experiment gone horribly right?

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share with a(n open-minded) friend.)



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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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