Fluoride Information

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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, September 18, 2024




As regular readers of this site know, normally I blog about an article or articles that some reader has shared with me. Virtually every blog I've ever done on this website is based on and around an article or set of articles that readers have shared, making this a very community-driven website. My role has been more that of an "editor-in-chief", deciding what "stories to run", rather than that of an investigative journalist, a sadly rarer species.

Last Monday, however, I posted a lengthy blog about  New Jersey's repeal of sales tax on gold and silver bullion and specie, and about the fact that Saudi Arabia has apparently been purchasing massive amounts of gold in Switzerland, a move many are interpreting as the abandonment of the US dollar. In Monday's blog, I went further, interpreting the Saudi (and New Jersey's and similar moves by other American states) as a direct assault on the whole post-war "hidden system of finance" that I believe to have been erected, a system reliant upon analogue clearing of bullion and bullion-backed bearer bonds, with large banks (think Switzerland) acting as depositories.

At the end of that blog I observed that the Politburo now running/ruining the "republic" under the (mis)administration of Bai Den Jao and cackling Kamalarkey appears to be willing to risk involving the country and the west in a World War with Russia in order to preserve their financial system and the

power it confers upon them. I also hinted strongly at the fact that the Russians appear to know all about the nature and structure of that system, and have  been letting out significant clues about it since before the 9/11 attacks. The system has spun out of control, forcing its masters to ever-crazier policies in order to maintain it. The whole provocation of Russia into a war with the Ukraine and the willingness of these policy ghouls to use the Ukraine as a proxy, and cannon fodder, for their agenda being a case in point. We've watched the saber-rattling spread to European countries, with France's idiotic and clownish Macron rattling that country's force de frappe in Russia's direction, Britain's Bojo rushing off to Kiev to inform "president" Zelensky that he would not  be endorsing the recently negotiated peace with Russia, to an increasingly reluctant Olaf Scholz in Germany first pledging military and logistical support to the Ukraine, only to reverse course a few weeks later with the announcement that, woops, sorry about that, we can't supply you with enough 155mm artillery projectiles, even after the Ukraine/USSA blew up their gas pipeline. Then the saber rattling spread to Poland which made noises about interventions in the western Ukraine, and rattling a few sabers in Belarus' general direction.

Secretary of State Blinken Blanken Blunken (to give his surname the full conjugation it deserves) then flew off to Kiev to remind Zelensky that his regime was in it for the long haul, and had the full backing of the Politburo Bai Den Jao-Kamalarkey (mis)administration, and then he demonstrated his lack of musical talent by playing a bit of guitar and attempting to sing, to demonstrate he was just another one of Victoria's "ordinary guys".  To put the cherry on top of this insane geopolitical sundae, the Politburo Bai Den Jao-Kamalarkey (mis)adminstration is now considering shipping to the Ukraine long-range missiles capable of striking deep into Russia, and giving the Kievian neo-Nazis the greenlight to do so, a move that will surely provoke Russian responses against the western leaders sanctioning such insanity. Hooray for the Shining City on a Hill and the Indispensable Nation.

Except that some people of a rational turn of mind in eastern Europe are waking up and insisting that they do not want their country to be the victim of another Molotov-Ribbentrop "agreement", version 2.0. And please note, this is not an article, but a Tweet on "X", but it is significant enough to blog about (our thanks to N. for spotting and bringing this to our attention):

Polish Member of the European Parliament tells Blinken Blanken Blunken to leave

The message is short, clear, and unequivocal:

"Blinken, go home as soon as possible. Get lost! We don't want you here. We don't want Polish people paying and dying for your wars."

Please note what this really means. the war-mongering insanity that has maintained its choke-hold on Swampington DC has turned one of the West's staunchest allies, and the very country that began the unravelling of the Warsaw Pact - Poland - into an increasingly doubtful and skeptical ally.

And I am bold to suggest that Mr. Braun's words in his diatribe against Blinken Blanken Blunken were carefully chosen. There is no mention of America as a country, or as a people. It would have been easy for a European to do, especially one from the generation that frew up during the height of the Cold War tensions and demonstrations, of Lec Walesa and the Solidarity movement that pried the cold grip of Communism off of the country, and began the unravelling of the Warsaw pact that would end with the execution of the brutal Romanian dictator Nikolae Ceausescu a few months later, and ultimately, the collapse of the Soviet Union itself. People had had enough. Remember, back then, the cry of protestors was "Yankee go home." Now the protest is not against the American people, but specific "leader-lackeys" by name, in this case, Blinken Blanken Blunken.

So what this indicates is that people in the West have had enough of the City-State on a Hill, the Indispensable City-State, the latest version of \the bankers' oligarchy, the Venice version X.0 that is Swampington, DC. Blinken Blanken Blunken has become the symbol of that politburo and oligarchy for at least one Pole, who knows the type when he sees it.

Expect the cold-shouldering to spread, until America (the country, not the entity in the swamp occupying various countries as part of its empire) decides to send real adults who are not criminally insane to be their representatives.

I rather suspect that if Blinken Blanken Blunken were, let us say, to show up at a truck stop in Rawlins, Wyoming, or Dodge City, Kansas, he would receive (and deserve to receive) a similar welcome.

So to echo Mr. Braun's diatribe, and to expand upon it: "Blinken Blanken Blunken; go home as soon as possible. Get lost! We don't want you here. We don't want Polish, German, French, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Austrian, British, Russian, Australian, Japanese, Chinese, or American people paying and dying for your wars."

Let the cold-shouldering spread. Maybe that may get them, finally, to sit up, take notice, and to listen and behave like adults, and not a bunch of whiny spoiled sorosians playing with matches because they can't have everything their way.

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog please share it with your friends.)

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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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