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An American Affidavit

Monday, September 30, 2024

Could Helene Have Been a DARPA Creation?/Putin Proved Me Correct


Could Helene Have Been a DARPA Creation?

Could Helene have been a DARPA Creation?

Paul Craig Roberts

I went to sleep early the evening of September 26 expecting a 130 mph hurricane Helene to pass directly over my home at about midnight. I woke up at 12:30 AM. Did not hear hurricane winds. I woke again at 3:30 AM. Too quiet. I fought off the thought that Helene had stalled just offshore and was working itself up into a 150-160 mph Category 5+, but managed to go back to sleep. My cats roused me at 6AM. A tiny bit of light from a morning that was trying to get underway, and no destruction. And no power. In my pre-coffee morning I tried to put them together: no destruction, no sign of any wind or rain, but no power.

With a gas burner I made coffee and ventured out looking for downed trees and shingles off the roof. A couple of large tree limbs but little else. I started to think I was still asleep having a good dream.

I located an old battery powered radio that miraculously worked and learned that at the last few minutes the eye which had experienced trouble maintaining itself had wobbled to the east about 55 miles east of me and south as it came ashore at Perry, Florida. Tallahassee, the state capital, was expecting devastation, but it was Perry to the southeast that took the hit.

The weather channel and the national TV networks are selling advertising. They play the hurricanes as if it is gladiators in the Roman colosseum fighting to the death against human opponents or lions. That Americans eat this up shows their enjoyment of violence. Increasingly, violence is America’s entertainment. Consider the extreme violence of American movies, the extreme violence of video games, the extreme violence of politics with law used as a weapon even against Donald Trump while he was in office, the extreme violence of the US and Israel against the Palestinians, the provocation of Russia into war.

Americans are entertained by violence. That is why there are no peace movements as the world awaits the West’s response to Putin’s statement that missiles fired into Russia means world war.

Back to the hurricane. Many people left the expected hurricane landing area because of the likely destruction. But not one word in the presstitute media of the destruction that would result from the White House’s decision to strike Russia with missiles.

As I am experiencing it, I can attest that it is an inconvenience not having access to water, power, and communication, but this inconvenience is nothing compared to the inconveniences that go with nuclear war. Nuclear war is the ultimate hell. It is identical to going to Hell. Everything should be done to avoid it. Instead the Satanists in Washington and Europe are encouraging it. The majority of the American people are more worried about their golf score, their college football team’s performance in the game against the main rival, and whether their teenage daughters are taking their birth control pills.

The first of the deep state’s assassination attempts on Trump was in Pennsylvania. The Democrat Pennsylvania government left the investigation in the hands of the FBI, which many believe was responsible for the attempt. The Secret Service is being blamed because of incompetence resulting from the Biden regime’s DEI policies. The Republicans are unwilling to go any further. They are satisfied with the conclusion that replacing merit with inclusiveness destroyed the capability of the US Secret Service.

Unlike Democrat Pennsylvania, Florida’s state government has asserted the right to investigate the second assassination attempt on Trump as it occurred in Florida. This concerns the FBI, which tried to block Florida’s investigation. Why? If the official FBI narrative is correct, an incompetent Secret Service is to blame. The incompetent element is meant to exonerate the deep state from suspicion.

Let’s look at a conspiracy theory as described by those who are paid to control the permissible narratives.

For many years the US Government has financed the HAARP investigations funded by the US Air Force, Navy, and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects).

HAARP’s purpose is to investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology that could be used to excite weather conditions in an area of the ionosphere. In other words, it is possibly a program to weaponize weather disguised as experiments to enhancement radio communications and surveillance, just as law and news “reporting” have been weaponized. Or the program could be what it is said to be.

As we have neither an honest media nor an honest government, we cannot know.

Suspicious people ask how official spokespersons knew in advance that Helene was heading for Tallahassee. No one knows where a hurricane is going or with what strength until 15 minutes before it hits. Helene is an example. In the last few minutes it hit far to the east.

Helene had trouble forming, and it had trouble holding together. Washington would have an interest in sending a storm DeSantis’ way. The Florida governor has gotten in Washington’s way before, and he is in the way again with a state investigation of the second attempt on Trump. Florida in chaos dependent on federal aid would be more compliant.

Meteorologists avoid these questions. Government scientists say we cannot influence local weather, but the same scientists say we are causing global warming, from which Bill Gates wants to save us by spraying particles into the atmosphere. Meanwhile “conspiracy theorists” continue to claim that the US government is filling the atmosphere with aluminum particles. People have been mucking around with weather for decades. I remember watching rockets being fired to seed the clouds to make it rain. The best way to dispose of conspiracy theories is to objectively examine them, not shout them down. Shouting them down implies that the evidence is on their side and must be suppressed.

Fact checkers, who know nothing about the topics that they “fact check” but who rely on CNN, NPR, NY Times, and the rest of the narrative protectors for their “facts,” describe unwelcome information and questions as “disinformation,” “fake news,” “Russian propaganda,” “racist,” “anti-semitic.” This is a way of disposing of questions, not addressing them.

Democracy fails when the choice of a president turns on which candidate elicits voters’ emotional response. A recent Rasmussen Poll found that emotions such as hatred will play a significant part in the choice of president with 28% of Democrats wishing for Trump’s assassination. Is a Rasmussen Poll disinformation? What does it mean when more that a quarter of Democrats are going to vote hatred?

Not everything labeled conspiracy theory is. The American people who the Founders relied upon to pay attention and to defend their rights have failed the Founders. A majority of Americans do not even know what the US Constitution says. They do not comprehend that the United States is the Constitution, and that the destruction by the liberal woke Democrats and university law schools of the US Constitution is the destruction of our country. We are living in a time of treason.

The US Congress has lost its authority to regulatory agencies. Congress no longer even has the power to make law. The regulatory agencies make law according to how they wish the law to be by how they write the regulations that define the law.

The executive branch ignores Congress and refuses to be held accountable.

The judiciary is collapsing as Democrats and George Soros put on the courts ideologues who intend to use law as a weapon against enemies.

Americans are an easy mark, because they are too insouciant and too gullible to believe that “their government” would behave in such ways. The First Amendment is being hacked down. Once Americans cannot speak, they are done for. They will wave the flag as they are marched to their doom.


Putin Proved Me Correct

Putin Proved Me Correct

Paul Craig Roberts

For years I have warned that Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine would result in increasing Western intervention until the conflict spins out of control. That has now happened.

NATO’s Secretary General and the British Prime Minister have given a green light to NATO firing missiles into Russia from Ukraine. The green light is subject to Washington’s veto. Zelensky, the Ukrainian dictator whose term as president has expired, was reportedly recently in Washington lobbying the Biden regime to give its approval.

Be sure you understand what Zelensky is lobbying the Biden regime to do. If the Biden regime gives the go-ahead, Europe, the US, and Ukraine will be destroyed.

Here is Putin’s statement. It is a back-to-the-wall statement, as I predicted it would be:

“Aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear state, with the participation or support of a nuclear state, is to be considered as a joint attack on the Russian Federation.”

So, as I correctly predicted would be the case, a never-ending conflict that drew in the West to increasingly provocative participation has spun out of control. So far everything Washington said would not be done has been done. The final red line is NATO sending missiles into Russia. If this no-no also becomes a yes-yes “because Putin never responds,” war is upon us.

It has played out precisely as I said. Yet, I was either ignored by “experts” who are nothing but mouthpieces for the military-security complex, or denounced by fools as “blood-thirsty.” The fact remains: one more wrong decision from the White House and we are history.

Remember, it was Trump who wanted to normalize relations with Russia. The crazed CIA director called the President of the United States a “traitor.” Trump’s own Justice (sic) Department and FBI and the American presstitute media along with Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party fabricated a Russiagate case against Trump, brought two false impeachments against him, cooked up stripper gate, documents gate, and an “insurrection.” One thousand Americans who exercised their First Amendment rights were sentenced by a totally corrupt DOJ to prison. Once Trump announced a second campaign for the presidency, the false accusations were turned into false indictments.

All of this was done to prevent peace with Russia.

If there is peace with Russia, the military/security complex loses its enemy, which means its power and its budget.

Now watch dumbshit Americans vote Democrat and bring Armageddon upon the world.


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