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An American Affidavit

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The golf-course assassination story: a deeper mind control operation


The golf-course assassination story: a deeper mind control operation

You can read my previous article on Ryan Routh, the would-be Trump assassin, here.

In this piece, I go further.

Suppose almost-assassination, instead of a successful killing of Trump, is a CHOICE.

The coup plotters aren’t ready to unleash the chaos that would follow an actual murder of Trump.

They don’t want him to die. Yet. They want him to lose the election.

To accomplish this, vote-rigging would of course be deployed. But they also want a significant percentage of fence-sitters to decide to vote for Harris. It makes the rigging easier, less obvious.

Here is where the mind control operation enters.

It’s all about unconscious association. Connecting one idea with another. Equating one image with one feeling.


The A in this case is Trump himself.

And the B is fear.

Fear, recently pumped up by the two almost-assassinations.

This isn’t rational. It isn’t supposed to be.

It only matters that the idea and image of Trump is ASSOCIATED, in people minds, with fear.

Instability. He might be killed. He’s not a “permanent person.” He causes already-unstable people to go crazy. It’s just: TRUMP EQUALS FEAR.

That equation. In the minds of people.

People don’t like to feel the equation.

They don’t like thinking about a person that automatically causes them to feel fear.

So they turn away from the person.

In this situation, they don’t vote for him.

They don’t want four years of feeling fear...

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