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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Iran & Hezbollah Has Seriously Punished Israel For Spate Of Recent Assassinations—Why crickets in Tel Aviv?


IRAN/HEZBOLLAH GETS REVENGESo damaging Israel can’t even talk about it

Iran & Hezbollah Has Seriously Punished Israel For Spate Of Recent Assassinations—Why crickets in Tel Aviv?

SOTN Editor’s Note: You certainly won’t see the following report in the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, or even in the Alt Media, so censored is this highly classified  info.

You very rarely see it or hear it, but everything has changed—FOREVER—on the Mideast Military and Geopolitical Chessboard.  This has been a gradual process of military evolution occurring over decades and reaching the pivotal point in 2024.

But why?

Because Iran (and Hezbollah) possesses the most advanced drone weaponry technology on the planet—THAT’s WHY!!!  Even Russia relies heavily on those battle-tested sophisticated weapons to take apart Ukraine’s defenses in the Donbas like its child’s play.

“Little do the Khazarian barbarians who rule the apartheid State of Israel know that Iran currently possesses the most advanced drone weaponry technology on the planet. And, that they now have missile capability far beyond what has been publicly released. Not only that, but Hezbollah has been continuously armed with various types of weaponry which, when unleashed, will make virtually all of northern Israel uninhabitable.”
(Source: Terrorist State Of Israel Just Blew Up The International Diplomatic Order—FOREVER!)

Not only that, Tehran has been slowly building up a stockpile of various long-range smart missiles that can both penetrate Israel’s fake Iron Dome … … … as well as inflict massive damage via targeted surgical strikes on the most sensitive Israeli intelligence infrastructure and personnel as reported in the article posted in its entirety below.

Iran’s Khorramshahr-4 missiles with a 2000 km strike range can transform Tel Aviv into a vitrified parking lot while their
“Talaeiyeh” smart missiles can level the rest of the
Zionist state in a New York minute.

As we have stated categorically, the whole game in the Middle East has been radically altered to the great disadvantage of the Zionist State of Israel.  And, now that the genie is out of the bottle there’s nothing the Netanyahu regime can do but sit in the roiling stewpot of anxiety and trepidation of their own making.

Of course, the utterly arrogant apartheid nation of Israel will never admit to such reversals of military fortune.  Most of their military might, such as their absurdly trumpeted Iron Dome, is nothing but a con man’s chutzpah best described as “All hat, no cattle.”  For it’s the U.S. Armed Forces that possesses all the weapons that Israel desperately needs to even exist today.

Which means that when the United States inevitably collapses over the next year, Israel will be at the mercy of its neighbors.  Which also explains this:

End of Zionism:
2 Million Jews Leave Israel—Forever!

State of the Nation
September 6, 2024

N.B. So radioactive is the following account of Iran’s devastating payback that’s no one’s talking about it.  That’s because the Director of Unit 8200, Israel top military intelligence official, is as high on the totem pole as it gets.  To take out two of the highest ranking intel officers in the land was a military accomplishment that goes way beyond anything Tel Aviv has achieved with it multiple assassinations.


Robert Lindsay
The Intel Drop

This comes from the excellent Lebanese source Fadi Lama (edited for clarity):

Facts on August 25:

Around 6:00 am on Manar, there were reports from Israeli media that 200 Hezbollah rockets were launched towards Israel. Later about 6:30 am on Manar, the report was updated to say that Hezbollah had launched 400 rockets towards Israel.

6:00 pm: Sayyed Nasrallah gave his speech. He mentioned the attack on Israeli 8200 signals intelligence headquarters of the IDF.

Israel cordoned off the area surrounding the intelligence headquarters.

Israeli media confirmed that six drones hit the intelligence headquarters.

Since August 25, word was spread on the net of the death of head of Unit 8200 and his second in command in the Hezbollah attack. Israel imposed a total blackout on news about the attack on intelligence headquarters.

If head of Unit 8200 was not killed on August 25, he would be trotted out to the prove failure of the Hezbollah attack. So far that has not happened.

By September 1, the head of Unit 8200 has not been show in public. This means there is a 99.9% chance that he was killed on August 25.

The Plan:

You won’t believe the extent to which Hezbollah prepares for a special operation.

1. Before any special operation, Hezbollah undertakes months of surveillance.

2. Before executing a special operation, Hezbollah does extensive rehearsals of the attack.

3. Hezbollah launches an attack only when they are 99% sure of success.

The target of the Hezbollah attack was the head of the Unit 8200 Signals Intelligence branch of the IDF. To execute him, it was essential that he be in his office or on his way to the office, depending on the plan.

August 25:

To get him to the office, Hezbollah made a ploy of moving rocket launchers en masse very early Sunday, before 5:00 am, knowing that these maneuvers would be caught by US-Israel-UNIFIL intelligence.

However, the sites where the launchers were supposedly moved to were all empty, having been evacuated long ago on orders of Shukr who decided they would not be needed at that point in the war.

This explains why the “pre-emptive strike” was launched when it was, between 5-6 AM.

Next, at 6 AM, Hezbollah launches 300-rocket diversionary attack. Notice that the 300 rockets were fired after the “pre-emptive attack”?

This was then followed by a military alert in Israel, and that would mean that the head of Unit 8200 would be in his office.

As a grand finale, at 6:30 AM, six drones made a direct hit on the office of the head of the 8200 Branch, killing him and his assistant.

September 1:

The Hebrew site Walla reported a major shakeup in the intelligence division. The commander of Unit 8200 in the Israeli military (who was killed in the attack) is set to announce his retirement in the coming weeks.

So the killing of the commander will be covered up by a fake story about how he is retiring to be replaced with someone else.

Hezbollah’s Strict Islamic Morals

Interesting fact: Whenever an operation involves death of someone, the military wing of Hezbollah has to obtain permission from the Religious Council.

Prior to Hezbollah kicking Israel out of South Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah planned an operation to kill Aql Hashem, head of Intelligence of the proxy army of Israel, the South Lebanese Army.

Hashem was responsible for torture and death of many prisoners at the Khiam Prison in South Lebanon. After months of surveillance, a roadside bomb was planted in a specific location.

When Hashem’s car arrived, the Hezbollah fighter responsible for triggering the bomb noticed that Hashem’s wife and kid were in the car with him. Hezbollah guy contacted officer in charge and informed him.

The officer told him not to trigger the bomb. Can you imagine Israel doing such a thing? Hashem escaped. Some weeks later, Hashem was in the car alone with his military driver. The bomb was set off and Hashem was killed.

In Islam, there is no such thing as collateral damage. It is stated in the Quran that killing an innocent person is like killing all of humanity. This is why the Hezbollah attacks in the last 10 months in Israel have resulted in minimal civilian civilian casualties.

To understand Hezbollah you need to be an Islamic scholar.

What is shocking to me along with reports about Hamas’ strict Islamic morality is how vastly superior Islamic morality can be when compared to Jewish morality, which strikes me as null and void.


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