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An American Affidavit

Monday, September 16, 2024

Doom Is the West’s Future/The Process of Overturning the January 6 “Insurrectionist” Convictions Has Begun


Doom Is the West’s Future

Doom Is the West’s Future

Paul Craig Roberts

As I said would happen, Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine has widened the conflict into the beginnings of WW III.

Putin himself now acknowledges this fact. In response to a journalist’s question about the consequences of what appears to be a US-UK decision to permit missile strikes from Ukraine deep into Russia, Putin said:

“The Ukrainian army is not capable of using cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied by the West. They cannot do that. These weapons are impossible to employ without intelligence data from satellites which Ukraine does not have. This can only be done using the European Union’s satellites, or US satellites – in general, NATO satellites. This is the first point.

“The second point – perhaps the most important, the key point even – is that only NATO military personnel can assign flight missions to these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.

“Therefore, it is not a question of allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It is about deciding whether NATO countries become directly involved in the military conflict or not.

“If this decision is made, it will mean nothing short of direct involvement – it will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are parties to the war in Ukraine. This will mean their direct involvement in the conflict, and it will clearly change the very essence, the very nature of the conflict dramatically.

“This will mean that NATO countries – the United States and European countries – are at war with Russia. And if this is the case, then, bearing in mind the change in the essence of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us.”

My comments are as follows:

Putin has been at war with NATO since the 2007 Munich Security Conference when Putin announced that a multi-polar world was replacing Washington’s uni-polar order. In other words, he threw down the gauntlet to the neoconservatives and their agenda of Washington’s hegemony.

Putin possibly did not comprehend how determined neoconservatives are about hegemony, as a hegemonic agenda undoubtably seems unrealistic to Putin. He did not foresee that his challenge would lead directly to Washington’s overthrow of the Ukrainian government and move to make Ukraine a member of NATO.

Once Washington had Ukraine, Washington began building a large Ukrainian army with which to embarrass Putin by suppressing the Donbas Russians. Putin was like a babe in the woods. For eight years while Washington built a Ukrainian army, Putin put his trust in the Minsk Agreement and remained unprepared for the easily predictable war on the horizon.

When Putin was finally forced to intervene, he did so in a foolish way that guaranteed increasing Western involvement, and by never enforcing any of his red lines now has his back to the wall and cannot ignore NATO/US missile strikes into Russia. Finally, he is forced to acknowledge the truth: “the United States and European countries are at war with Russia.” If Putin had been realistic instead of lost in liberal delusions, the war that seems ready to break loose could have been avoided.

As the cautious Gilbert Doctorow wrote four days ago, “a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.” And this is just the Ukraine scene. Another major war is brewing in the Middle East. Whether or not war is that close, Doctorow’s point is well taken. War can’t be far off when the US and UK governments are discussing firing missiles at Russia.

As I wrote two or three days ago, “as talk has been forbidden, war is now a certainty.” Unlike during the Cold War, the West no longer has independent foreign policy experts. With very few exceptions, such as Scott Ritter, Mearsheimer, Doctorow, and myself, the Western “foreign policy community” speaks with one voice: “US good, Russia bad.” That’s about it. Those few of us who are independent of think tanks and university faculties funded by the military/security complex and neoconservative foundations are labeled “Russian agents/dupes” and worse. We are gradually being criminalized. Scott Ritter on his way to a conference in Russia was taken off the flight by the Washington Gestapo. His passport was confiscated, and his home was invaded. Currently, charges are being made against Americans accused of cooperating with “Russian disinformation,” by which is meant reporting a fact or expressing an opinion that is inconsistent with the official narratives.

As one thoroughly experienced with the 20th century Cold War, I know that talk between Americans and Russians was the solution, not the problem. When talk is defined as the problem, as Washington defines it today, war is the result.

And that is where we are headed. Even the cautious and understated Doctorow sees in Washington an “insane recklessness” that threatens life on earth. What is the point of it? Ukraine’s fraudulent borders while our own go undefended?

Americans, Europeans, Russians, indeed the entire world need to understand that in the government in Washington there is not one ounce of intelligence or integrity. The American president is senile. The National Security Council is a collection of morons. Not a single one of them has achieved any distinction other than being a mouthpiece for the military/security complex. The military’s officer ranks have been purged to make room for sexual perverts, women, and “racial minorities.” The notion among conservatives that the US military is going to save us is laughable. The military is tamed with fangs pulled and has been forced to accept zero promotions for white Americans until the military has achieved in the officer ranks “equity” for sexual perverts, women and “racial minorities.”

The ruling establishment is determined to install their puppet Kamala in the White House. She has always prostituted herself to move ahead, and now is her big chance. Unless Democrats get a surprise from Trump winning in blue states, the 2024 election will be stolen in the swing states exactly as it was in 2020. Indeed, as local news reports have made clear, many of the theft mechanisms used in 2020 have been legalized. It is now legal in swing states for the Democrats to steal the election.

When the election is stolen, what will Americans do about it? Nothing. They will accept tyranny before they will fight.

Fighting requires belief, but Americans’ beliefs have been destroyed by decades of liberal/left “education” that has undermined Western civilization by presenting it as a racist, misogynist scheme of exploitation of women and “minorities” by white supremacists. White kids go to taxpayer-financed schools funded by their parents to learn that they have been born into the wrong body and that they, their parents and grandparents are racists who owe reparations to “suppressed minorities.” They are being prepared to pay an additional round of taxes to those declared to be their victims. They are being sexualized at an early age and prepared for pedophiles.

We must be honest. This is a correct portrayal of America and the entire West today. Every Western government is on the side of immigrant-invaders against the ethnic citizens who comprise the countries.

Now, tell me, how can a social, political, belief system this weak go to war with real people such as Russians, Chinese, Iranians? They cannot.

The only future the Western world has is Doom.


The Process of Overturning the January 6 “Insurrectionist” Convictions Has Begun

And now a bit of good news consisting of a backward step after two forward:

The Process of Overturning the January 6 “Insurrectionist” Convictions Has Begun

Did you see this story reported in the whore American media?

Paul Craig Roberts

Last summer the US Supreme Court in Fischer v. United States overturned the key element in the Justice (sic) Department’s prosecutions of American patriots who attended the Trump rally and were accused of insurrection. The Supreme Court said that the prosecutors misinterpreted the law in a way that “would criminalize a broad swath of prosaic conduct, exposing activists and lobbyists alike to decades in prison.”

You can ask yourself whether these “prosecutors” are all incompetent DEI appointees or whether they are active agents selected for the purpose of purging and intimidating patriotic conservative Republicans, especially white ones.

As I reported at the time, the Supreme Court ruling exposed the DOJ to its illegitimate convictions being overturned.

The overturning has begun. A few days ago on September 9 the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia threw out convictions for “obstructing an official proceeding,” a charge brought by an incompetent or corrupt Justice (sic) Department against American citizens who walked in file escorted by police around the Capitol building. The American whore media presented these Americans as “dangerous insurrectionists who threatened democracy,” and in this way built the case in the public’s mind (and the jurors’ minds) for conviction of innocent people whose rights were violated.


Initially the prosecutors intended to fight the ruling, but in August seeing the writing on the wall, the prosecutors joined with the defense lawyers and asked the court to vacate the obstruction charges that they had prosecuted and tricked the stupid and ignorant jurors into convicting.

Given the extreme slowness with which the US judicial system delivers justice, innocents will remain imprisoned while the court order works its way through the lower district court.

It is unclear to me what will become of those, also unjustly sentenced, who were not convicted on the false obstruction charge because they cooperated with the prosecutors by incriminating themselves with a guilty plea. The deal the DOJ’s victims were offered was: incriminate yourself so we don’t have to prove anything, or if you go to trial we will add an obstruction count that carries a long prison sentence.

This is the corrupt way prosecutors, especially federal ones, operate. They have no concept or concern with justice, and they are totally devoid of integrity. The DOJ is out to get you, period, regardless of truth or evidence.

As the Democrats have turned law away from its job as a shield of the people into a weapon to be used against American citizens, I don’t know how much longer America will have judges who rule on the basis of law. As we have seen in the inept prosecutions of Donald Trump, there are now many judges and prosecutors who are either incompetent or corrupt.

We have endured eight years of Obama appointing judges and four years of Biden. If Kamala is installed, the ranks will grow of judges and prosecutors who view law as a weapon for advancing the Democrat’s ideological agendas, which boils down to turning America into a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

What does it mean that America has a Justice Department that has no ethics, no integrity, no respect for justice, and no respect for the Constitution? What can be done about this despicable entity that is criminalizing our Constitutional rights?


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