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Saturday, July 6, 2024

What Really Happened at the WHO?


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What Really Happened at the WHO?

The Pandemic Treaty was NOT defeated. Negotiations will resume on July 17-18, 2024. The amendments to the International Health Regulations WERE adopted. Big Pharma won. We the People have work to do!


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The “Pandemic Treaty” was NOT defeated.

The 10th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be held in hybrid format July 16-17, 2024. They hope to reach consensus on the “Pandemic Agreement” before the end of 2024.

The amendments to the International Health Regulations WERE adopted.

A new WIPO treaty was signed.

Please watch the video below…


While many people around the world were distracted and confused by what seemed to be the failure of the WHO to reach agreement prior to the 77th World Health Assembly, did you know that a treaty signing ceremony was held across town in Geneva at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on Friday, May 24, 2024?

The new WIPO treaty will require the disclosure of the country of origin of genetic resources used in any patent application. The WIPO treaty seemed to break up a logjam in the negotiations at the WHO which resulted in a last minute agreement to adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations.

On Saturday June 1, 2024, the 77th World Health Assembly DID adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations and they also agreed to extend the negotiations of a new “Pandemic Agreement” for at least one full year while leaving open the option of holding a special session of the World Health Assembly if consensus can be reached on the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” before the end of 2024.

The Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR)

During the WHO negotiations, not one word was ever spoken or written calling into question the failure of, and the damage caused by lockdowns, social distancing, travel restrictions, mask mandates, fraudulent use of the RT-PCR as a diagnostic test, adverse events caused by drugs such as Midazolam and Remdesivir or the obvious failures and harms caused by the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In order to truly comprehend the amendments that were adopted, it is very important to understand the terms “global public goods” and “vaccine apartheid.”

“Global public goods” are products that are available in practically unlimited supply.

“Vaccine apartheid” describes the primary purpose of the negotiations, which was to ensure equitable access to pandemic related products for low and middle income nations who did not have the manufacturing capacity to provide unlimited access to masks, diagnostics, drugs and jabs. In the final negotiations, cell and gene-based therapies and other health technologies were added to the list of “health related products.”

The core lesson that was learned by the participants in these negotiations was that “Big Pharma” was NOT big enough. Their desire is to make pharmaceutical products available in unlimited supply around the world.

The solution that was agreed upon was to create a “Coordinating Financial Mechanism” to facilitate a massive transfer of wealth in order to build manufacturing and distribution capacity on a geographically distributed basis. Articles 13, 44, 44bis and 54bis set the groundwork for a scheme to transfer an unlimited amount of financial resources without defining the details regarding where the money would be coming from, to whom it will be given or what the priorities are to be. The amendments also completely fail to set up any type of requirements for auditing this massive wealth transfer which will enable massive conflicts of interest and corruption.

Ashley Bloomfield (WGIHR Co-chair):

There was just deep and inequitable access to those in developing countries [which] were not able to get the support and the resources and the products they needed. It is a key driver of these amendments.

These amendments… Are they meaningful? My assessment is that they are.

I don't think they can be dismissed as simply technical or watered down amendments.

And in particular, I think that the new provisions in Article 13 around equitable access to relevant health products, the new Article 44bis establishing the coordinating financial mechanism. And in the preceding Article 44 that really just sort of strengthens the obligations on state parties to assist each other. And then, of course, the Article 54 which establishes this implementation committee to help support the implementation of these changes.

I think these are all significant amendments.

They are signed up to by 196 states parties, and they've got a very wide subscription. Whereas, you know, even once a pandemic agreement is agreed and ratified, it's unlikely to reach that sort of universal level of application. So that's a real strength of the IHR.

So I'm particularly pleased about those strengthened obligations on countries to support and assist each other, and then, of course, to ensure that there's adequate financing so that developing countries can implement the obligations.

This is an amendment I'm particularly pleased with. And in terms of how this played out, it wasn't until the second to last day at the World Health Assembly that this proposal to, in a sense, [to] built on some fantastic work that had been done as [a] part of the pandemic agreement and led there by one of the Bureau members…. Ambassador Tovar…. It had been sort of elaborated in Article 20 of the of the draft pandemic agreement to establish the coordinating financial mechanism, so to be able to sort of lift that and establish that within the IHR, so that [gets] a wider, more universal application, but secondly, that it can be established more quickly.

That's a real win. Those who have followed this process will know that there was a really big sticking point between, sort of the global north and south about the different views on the requirement or not for a new fund. And so coordinating financial mechanism provides, a really solid and now kind of legally binding obligation for states parties, to the IHR, to lean in to ensure that this platform is established and the work on that can start immediately.

The work to establish the coordinating financial mechanism so that when the implementation committee meets for its first time, which could be, you know, anywhere in 12 months, just past 12 months time, that this mechanism can be established, the work that's already been undertaken by WHO can be built on.

And there's also the specific provision that was included in the agreed text, that if new financing is required, or if new sources of financing are required, then those will be looked into. So there's an obligation there, that's in this legally binding document, which is a really good outcome, and the work on that can start very promptly.

And there are some additional capabilities and capacities outlined in Annex 1 that are new and that will help in that, in that strengthening of prevention and preparation.


In short, we can expect to see a massive buildup of the infrastructure of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex including mRNA manufacturing, biological laboratories to do genetic sequencing, and a massive effort to expand “prevention surveillance” (Annex 1) to locate and profit from pathogens with pandemic potential.

In addition, amendments to Article 24, Article 27 and Annex 4 implemented changes that would enable nations to enlist “conveyance operators” (travel companies) to facilitate the implementation of their public health policies “on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation.” This expands every nation’s already existing authority under Article 31 to “compel the traveller to undergo… medical examination… vaccination or other prophylaxis… isolation, quarantine or placing the traveller under public health observation.”

The head of state of every member nation may invoke Article 61 of the IHR and REJECT the 2024 amendments to the IHR by officially notifying the WHO via a letter of rejection submitted before April 2024. As an example, the nations of Iran, Netherlands, Slovakia and New Zealand rejected the 2022 amendments to the IHR.

Concerted effort around the world is needed to make such rejection a reality.

The “Pandemic Agreement”

Contrary to many overly-optimistic reports that have been circulating through the alternative media, the “Pandemic Agreement” was NOT defeated. The 77th World Health Assembly “Decided… to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body… to finish its work as soon as possible, and submit its outcome for consideration by the Seventy-eighth World Health Assembly in 2025, or earlier by a special session of the World Health Assembly if possible in 2024.”

The “Pandemic Agreement” seeks to incentivize and reward the search for pathogens with pandemic potential by setting up a WHO Coordinated Laboratory Network to submit genetic information to the Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing (PABS) System, leading to the development of highly profitable products to be provided through the WHO Global Distribution and Logistics Network.

Of great concern is the fact that the “Pandemic Agreement” is structured to be a framework convention, much like the Framework Convention On Climate Change. Adoption of such a framework convention would set up an ongoing Conference of the Parties that would meet on a yearly basis to adopt protocols in a manner that would occur largely without public input and outside of public scrutiny.


The WIPO treaty seems to have settled the disputes regarding intellectual property, and the amendments to the IHR seems to have settled any disputes over financing. 

Far from being the victory that has been claimed by many activists, the WIPO treaty and the amendments to the IHR were adopted, and the “Pandemic Agreement” seems to be on a fast track for adoption before the end of 2024.

Now is NOT the time to claim a false victory as many have done.

NOW is the time to reinvigorate our opposition to Big Pharma’s control over the WHO and over our own governments.





The 77th World Health Assembly


World Intellectual Property Treaty


Amendments to the International Health Regulations


Pandemic Agreement

- Official version


- Leaked version


Rejection of the 2022 amendments to the IHR

https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA77/A77_8-en.pdf (paragraph 27)

10th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body


James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.






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