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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

VAERS data shows Moderna causes 30% more deaths per dose than Pfizer


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VAERS data shows Moderna causes 30% more deaths per dose than Pfizer

I've known since 2021 that Moderna was more deadly on a per shot basis than Pfizer. Here's what the VAERS data shows. I'm going to show you on Tuesday that VAERS got it right.

Ernest Ramirez on X: "My good byes to my Baby Boy 💔💔💔  https://t.co/TQsbhG3aqp" / X
We FINALLY have the gold-standard official state government data that proves the mRNA vaccines increased all-cause mortality. The younger were disproportionately affected. So many children were killed due to the negligence of the FDA and CDC who refuse to look at the safety evidence like the Czech Republic data.

Executive summary

In this article, I want to prove to you that Moderna generates 30% more death reports in VAERS than Pfizer.

There is no way you can explain this other than the Moderna shots were more deadly than the Pfizer shots.

This is very important because in my next article, I’m going to show you gold-standard evidence that the VAERS data was the canary in the coal mine that everyone in mainstream medicine chose to ignore.

Outline of this article

  1. Show the ratio of doses between Pfizer and Moderna delivered in the US

  2. Show the ratio of death reports in VAERS associated with Pfizer vs. Modern

  3. Divide 1 by 2.

  4. Answer: 1.3 (30% higher deaths per dose)

This isn’t rocket science.


Very early in the pandemic, before I wrote my first Substack article, I was writing documents analyzing the VAERS data like this one.

As part of the research for that article, I did VAERS queries that showed on a per shot basis that Moderna killed around 50% more people than Pfizer. And J&J was even worse than Moderna.

I’m going to show you here that my original calculations still hold up by trying to recreate my original work (because I can’t find the original calculations).

The reason this is so important is that now, using a new technique (comparing ACM rates of the different vaccine brands that were distributed to the Czech Republic population based on availability), I can now prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the COVID vaccines caused unacceptable increases in all-cause mortality for those who opted for the shots.

But first, I want to show you that the VAERS data clearly shows that the Moderna vaccine causes a disproportionately higher number of deaths than Pfizer.

This has been known since the very start of the pandemic, but the medical community chose to ignore it.

Moderna has disproportionately higher deaths reports in VAERS from the shots

The propensity to report a death in VAERS is independent of vaccine brand.

So if you have a disproportionately higher mortality rate, it’s nearly a certainty that your vaccine has to be unsafe.

It turns out that Pfizer has 57% more doses than Moderna, but it only has 21% more deaths. The only way that can happen is if Moderna has a 30% higher death rate than Pfizer.

Even if Pfizer is a completely safe vaccine, Moderna is a disaster.

The fact nobody is pulling the plug on Moderna is INSANE.

Not a single country will look at their own safety data. If they did, they could quickly validate this. I’ll even supply the source code. For free!

Here’s the rollout data for Pfizer vs. Moderna

Here is the death count in VAERS for Moderna

Note: The number to pay attention to is the number at the top. The numbers in the tables count duplicates.

Here is the death count in VAERS for Pfizer

Pay attention only to the number after the “Found … cases where…” The counts have duplicates.

Here’s the math for the 30% increase in reported deaths from Moderna vs Pfizer per VAERS data

Python 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> mod_deaths=3714
>>> pfizer_death=4507
>>> pfizer_doses=366
>>> mod_doses=232
>>> pfizer_doses/mod_doses
>>> pfizer_death/mod_deaths
>>> 1.57/1.21

We know Pfizer isn’t safe either because 85% of all deaths in the ENTIRE HISTORY OF VAERS are from the COVID vaccines

It could be that the 30% ratio in VAERS is just excess deaths and if Pfizer increases ACM by .01% then a vaccine that increases ACM by .013% is no big deal.

But this just isn’t the case. Not even close. I’ve never in my life seen a vaccine that has created so many vaccine deaths and injuries. And most of them are from the Pfizer vaccine.

This is trivial to do in VAERS. Only one vaccine is unsafe. Can you spot it?

Other vaccines have far more doses than the COVID vaccines, but the COVID vaccines are the worst as far as reported deaths. How can they explain that?

And in the gold standard Pfizer clinical trial, the deaths in the vaccine group were at all times higher than the placebo group. If the vaccine was safe, this is highly unlikely… they would have switched positions randomly.

Why aren’t health authorities taking action? Because health authorities refuse to look at their own data AND the CDC refuses to request it from them!

On the VSRF call on July 11, 2024, we learned first hand that public health epidemiologists who blow whistles are rewarded by being fired and/or being faced with false criminal charges.

Any health authority who has record level data (which they all do AFAIK) could have done this analysis but they all choose to not look at their own data. They all assured us the vaccine was safe without examining their own data to back up their statements. They misled the public.

AFAIK, not a single health authority has looked at the ACM rates 1 year from the time of the shot of the different brands of vaccines. They all looked the other way and ignored their own data.

Have you ever seen a 1 year mortality comparison of vaccine brands published by a public health office? Of course not. They don’t look at their data.

Take Health New Zealand for example. When their DBA Barry Young pointed out that the data they collected showed the COVID vaccines were killing people (a fact easily evident from the time-series cohort analysis graphs showing an upward slope after the shot no matter what season it was given), they fired him and pressed criminal charges against him. To date, they have never produced an analysis of their data from the epidemiologists proving that Barry got it wrong. Why not?

The CDC is even worse… they didn’t even want to SEE the data and refuse to request it from the States. I know this because I had a face to face discussion with the head of media relations of the CDC Ben Haynes. I kept asking him why they didn’t request the data from the states and he said it is because Congress doesn’t give the CDC authority to request the data from the states. I said, “Have you tried asking nicely?” and he just repeated his previous statement.

Here’s an example. When I tried to get the Santa Clara County Public Health Department to explain why they said nothing when their own data showed that the COVID vaccines made things worse, they ignored me. When I had a County Supervisor ask, they told him “No comment.” When I escalated to the CEO’s office of Santa Clara County, they gave him the same “No comment” which my contact there said was a perfectly fine response to my query.

On June 30, 2024, a friend told me about this record level data legally from the Czech Republic government. It’s all the records for the entire country. It took me less than 2 days to analyze it and another week to make sure there were no flaws. And the results are devastating.

All the doctors who told you that the Moderna vaccine was safe misled you. And the media, lawmakers, public health officials, and US Presidents all told you this shit was safe without hard data showing it was safe. And they didn’t want to monitor the safety because they didn’t want egg on their face.

They all misled you.

The Czech gold-standard data shows there was no possible way these “vaccines” were ever safe. No confounders. No more doubt now.

Next steps: Write up for a peer-reviewed journal

I’ll be writing up the Czech data for publication in a peer-reviewed journal and will be revealing all the code to crunch the numbers and analyze the results this week.

What was amazing was how many people turned me down as a co-author on that paper saying it would ruin their career. What does that tell you?

So it’s not about telling people the truth; science today is about making sure you don’t tell the truth so you can keep your job.

They need to stop ignoring the data and take a stand

Everyone who has supported the “vaccine is safe” narrative should make a choice: either endorse what I’ve done or show how it is wrong and what the correct answer is.

Remember: the first rule of holes is when you find yourself in one, stop digging.

And the least they can all do is call for data transparency of public health data. The data released by the Czech Republic should be regularly released by every public health agency in the world instead of being kept hidden.

How does hiding the data save lives??


In this article, I showed that VAERS has been telling anyone who will listen that the Moderna shots are not safe.

In my next article, I will reveal the official government data from the Czech Republic that nobody wants to see. Why? Because it proves they were all wrong.

This is a train wreck.

The end is near.

And if you like my work and want to say “thanks” for the 1,500 Substack articles exposing the corruption over the past 3 years, please consider subscribing. I’d appreciate it as it allows me to afford to focus full time on exposing the truth. Thanks!!

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