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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, July 24, 2024




Ursula von der Leyen, current EU presidentette, former German Defense Ministerette under Angela Merkel, and whom we here at this website like to nickname  - appropriately, I might add - Medusala von der Lyin', is at it again, and she kicks off this week's blog about the geopolitical lunacy and insanity gripping the globalooney crowd as it continues to shovel barges laden with globalist deja poo in our direction. Consider the insanity of this proclamation from Medusala, shared by V.T.:

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has vowed to support Taiwan in securing impudence (sic.) from China if re-elected. “The Indo-Pacific has become a decisive region for the world’s future,” she noted, stating that Europe will work with South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to protect Taiwan.

“This includes our collective efforts to deploy the full range of our combined statecraft to deter China from unilaterally changing the status quo by military means, particularly over Taiwan,” the EC president declared. She noted that China’s spending on military defenses rose by nearly 600% since 2019, while the European Union has only increased spending by 20%. Europe has already begun taxing the people heavily to pay for wars that they are not yet involved in. Europe was already amid a sovereign debt crisis, and these ongoing wars only deepened the situation and flame the fans of inflation.

One has to laugh at the slip of tongue - if that is what it is - in "securing impudence" from China.  If

anyone can do that, Medusala can; after all, she presided over Merkel's gutting of the German military, which, when Merkel assumed office, was quite robust. Now, after playing lap-poodle to American sanctions and emasculating the German military she wants to be the Saviorette of Taiwan? Germany cannot even supply the Ukraine with enough artillery projectiles, and neither can anyone else in the west, including the USA. And Germany, like Great Britain, has suffered some inconvenient and purely "accidental" destruction of munitions plants. Having presided in a great degree over these disastrous policies, Medusala is now offering Europe's "help" to Taiwain!?!?  Help them with what, Madam Presidentette? Tinker Toys? If anything better highlights the make-believe world that European globalooney "leaders" live in, I don't know what it is. Precisely how, Madam Presidentette, is Europe going to aid Taiwan? with what military? and how will it project that military to the Orient, and ensure its survival and logistical supply from the Chinese navy? And if it's mere diplomacy that you have in mind, then what particular muscle group is Europe going to flex that anyone in the region - Japan, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, much less China itself - should pay any attention to, especially since your policies have managed to gut industries and economies?   Seriously, folks, someone needs to inform Medusala that she's vastly irrelevant, as are her "ideas". (Note to Lufthansa: could you please find her a job as a stewardess or something?)

While the USA has been dealing with the Trump assassination attempt fallout, and the withdrawal announcement of Bai Den Dzhao, and while Medusala has been entertaining Europe with her vast and bottomless irrelevancies, other geopolitical actors have actually been doing eminently practical things like, oh, I don't know, negotiating mutual defense pacts (story shared by E.G. with our thanks):

Japan and Philippines ink key military pact in defense ties upgrade

Notice this:

Japan and the Philippines on Monday signed a highly anticipated visiting-forces agreement, paving the way for greater bilateral and multilateral defense cooperation amid escalating tensions between the two partners and Beijing in the disputed East and South China Seas.

The two U.S. allies signed the Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) shortly after Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa and Defense Minister Minoru Kihara met with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

The agreement, which still needs parliamentary approval, will enable larger and more complex joint military exercises and grant the Self-Defense Forces greater access to Philippine bases, potentially even enabling rotational deployments. (emphasis added)

In other words, behind all the flowery rhetoric, this is really an agreement about allowing the basing of Japanese military forces in the Philippines. For the Philippines to allow this when the memories of the World War Two Japanese occupation are still fresh to many Phillipinos is a measure of just how serious countries in the region - and especially Japan - are viewing China. If you've been paying attention, and particularly if you've been a regular reader of this site for some years, you'll have observed that this quietly aggressive Japanese diplomacy has been occurring ever since the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government charted a new course for Japan, quietly raising the constitutional limits on Japanese defense spending, quietly rearming and expanding the Japanese military while maintaining Japan's status as a "turn-key nuclear power", engaging in a different course of diplomacy vis-a-vis Mr. Putin's Russia and the disputed territories of the northern Japanese islands, and so on. More recently you'll recall the bi-lateral agreement Japan negotiated with India for each country to support the other logistically id either were to be attacked (and financial settling to be done in dollars? probably not...).

In short, Japan, like it or not, is maneuvering and conducting diplomacy by striking out on its own, all the while continuing to use rhetoric that indicates it is still firmly within the USA's network of alliances. It will continue to do so, until the reality of the situation sets in, namely, that the USA is not a reliable ally nor really behind Japan's diplomatic initiatives. Fortunately for Japan, Prime Minister Abe's legacy in Japan lives on, as does, unfortunately for Germany and Europe, Kanzlerin Merkel's in the form of Medusala von der Lyin'.

Lest we think that whatever insanity-inducing ingredient in the water supply in Berlin has been confined to the European mainland, alas, no, it seems that they're adding it to the water supply in the United Kingdumb (to borrow the nickname for the country suggested by one of this website's members who happens to live there). Consider this story about the former Prime Minister Boris Johnson (henceforth, Bojo, as we nicknamed him in my Oxford days), and his "peace proposal advice" to American presidential candidate-and-assassination-survivor-and-former-president Donald Trump (our thanks to "B" for spotting and sharing this article):

Boris Johnson unveils Ukraine peace plan that Trump might use

Please note closely the fantasy world Bojo (and Ukranska Pravda, 'Ukrainian Truth") is living in:

Quote: "I believe that Trump can end it — on the right terms for Ukraine and the West. I stress that I cannot be sure exactly what he would do, if elected. But this is what he could do".

Details: Johnson believes that the first step is to strengthen the hand of the West and to strengthen Ukraine. (sic., et passim)

He believes that US presidential candidate Donald Trump could simply do what comes naturally to him: cut through the red tape and delays, grant the Ukrainians the necessary authorisations, and then, when Putin is pushed back again, he could propose a deal.

Johnson emphasised that Kremlin ruler Vladimir Putin will have to pull back to at least the pre-invasion borders of 2022. To prevent future conflict and uncertainty, the rest of Ukraine would have to be recognised as a free country with the right to determine its own future, including potential membership in the EU and NATO, and should be welcomed to join as soon as possible.  (Italicized emphasis added)

Pushing Russia back is, quite frankly, impossible, since little Ukrainian military with which to do it, remains. Such an effort would require major efforts from NATO countries, including the combat involvement of their own troops, and, as noted above, none of the NATO countries including the USA has the infrastructure to logistically support the sustained and lengthy military campaign that such an effort would require. And this would be, for the USA, a logistical nightmare. After all, with all of its vast supply and logistical capability, the USA had never managed to completely subdue and eliminate the Taliban in Afghanistan. And now you think it is capable of tackling Russia!?!? Bojo wants to "negotiate from strength", a sheer fantasy in itself, but the problem is that decades of globalooney policies have gutted the manufacturing base that nations need to sustain a major conventional war, and globalooney policies have gutted the educational infrastructure of technical competent needed to maintain the manufacturing infrastructure, much less a technological military. Case in point: Boeing's current woes. Would you want to fly a fighter jet designed by such a company, or rely on any weapons it might make? Ask the astronauts stranded on the international space station.

Then, even if the Ukraine should manage to push the Russians back, with the aid of such massive help from the West (which, again, the West simply cannot muster), then we'll integrate the Ukraine as a free country into NATO and the EU? Pardon me, Mr. Bojo, but haven't you been listening or paying attention? Is this why my website's United Kingdumb-dweller is calling it the United Kingdumb? hasn't Russia been making it perfectly clear since  - oh gosh, I don't know - 2008, that Ukrainian membership in NATO was a red line? Not even Mr. Trump's imaginary deal-making skills are that capable; the Russians simply won't go for it, and frankly, militarily and economically, they're in the driver's seat.

So we come to the point: the assassination attempt on Trump and the (expected) withdrawal of Bai Den Dzhao from seeking reelection have done little to nothing to change the lunacy and insanity that are globalooneyism: exhibit A: Medusala von der Lyin'; Exhibit C: Bojo; and counter-exhibit B: Japan.

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share it with friends.)


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Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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