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Monday, July 15, 2024

Exposing the Dark Side of Spike Proteins: A Trio of Powerful Natural Remedies


Exposing the Dark Side of Spike Proteins: A Trio of Powerful Natural Remedies

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The COVID-19 pandemic has not only raised alarms about the infectious potential of the virus but has also spotlighted profound concerns surrounding viral proteins, particularly the spike protein, which is essential for the virus to invade human cells and wreak havoc. Even more alarming is that mRNA injections, concocted by Big Pharma giants like Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, instruct our cells to churn out this very spike protein, allegedly to provoke an immune response. But surprise, surprise! Emerging research hints that this spike protein, produced post-vaccination, might cause a slew of adverse effects all on its own. This raises urgent and troubling questions about these hastily developed shots’ true intentions and potential risks. Unsurprisingly, a grassroots movement is gaining momentum, advocating for natural substances that could help protect against spike protein-induced damage.

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has garnered extensive scientific interest due to its robust antioxidant properties and capacity to elevate intracellular glutathione levels. These attributes are particularly valuable in mitigating oxidative stress linked to exposure to the spike protein produced by the mRNA injections. Oxidative stress is implicated in various pathological processes, making NAC a promising candidate for therapeutic intervention, offering hope for a potential solution in the face of the spike protein challenge.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) itself is not typically found in significant quantities in foods, as it is a modified form of the amino acid cysteine primarily used as a supplement. However, cysteine, which is a precursor to NAC, can be found in various protein-rich foods such as poultry (chicken, turkey), yogurt, eggs (especially egg whites), legumes (lentils, soybeans, chickpeas), and whole grains like oats. These foods provide cysteine, which the body can convert into NAC as needed.


Bromelain, an enzyme derived from pineapple, has been extensively researched for its potent anti-inflammatory effects and potential immune-modulating properties. These attributes make it a promising candidate for mitigating inflammation induced by exposure to the spike protein synthesized by mRNA vaccines.

Bromelain is predominantly found in pineapple and its derivatives. Fresh pineapple, pineapple juice, and bromelain supplements extracted from pineapple are common sources of this enzyme. Including these foods in the diet may provide bromelain benefits, potentially aiding in managing inflammation associated with spike protein exposure.

Many are combining these two powerhouses into what is being called BromAc. They work synergistically to break down the virus’s spike proteins. Bromelain can cut through specific parts of the spike protein, while NAC helps break the disulfide bridges, effectively “dismantling” the spike protein. This combination makes it more difficult for the virus to attach to and invade human cells.

In laboratory tests, this combo has been shown to deactivate the virus in a dose-dependent manner, meaning that higher doses were more effective. Researchers are optimistic that using Bromelain and NAC together could be a promising treatment, particularly when administered early in the infection through nasal sprays, and are planning clinical trials to test this approach further.

Pine Needle Tea

One of the earliest known uses of pine for health purposes dates to 1536 when the Iroquois provided Jacques Cartier and his critically ill crew with pine bark and needles, which supplied the vitamin C necessary to treat their scurvy. Today, pine needles and pine needle tea are gaining significant attention from scientists and doctors in the health and wellness field, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the past few years, pine needle tea has gained attention as a natural remedy for mitigating the effects of spike protein exposure, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins such as vitamin C, pine needle tea is traditionally known for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties. Research suggests that compounds found in pine needles, such as shikimic acid, may help inhibit the formation of blood clots and reduce inflammation, which are potential issues associated with spike protein exposure. These properties make pine needle tea a promising candidate for supporting the body’s defense mechanisms against spike protein-induced damage.

Pine needles are rich in shikimic acid, the main active ingredient in the antiviral drug Oseltamivir (aka Tamiflu), which was promoted during the COVID-19 pandemic as a treatment option, while the natural source of its key component, shikimic acid, received little attention.  First discovered in 1885 by Dutch chemist Johan Fredrik Eykman, shikimic acid is essential for life. It is involved in the Shikimate Pathway, a seven-step process used by bacteria, fungi, algae, and plants to produce vitamins, folates, and essential amino acids like phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. Additionally, shikimic acid supports healthy platelet and cardiovascular function, promotes a healthy gut and digestive system, and enhances the integrity and functionality of the myelin sheath, which insulates neurons for proper electrical communication.


The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed numerous vulnerabilities in global health systems, but it has also unveiled opportunities to explore alternative treatments that may offer safer and more effective solutions. The concerns surrounding the spike protein, particularly in the context of mRNA vaccines, underscore the need for further research and critical evaluation. Natural substances like NAC, Bromelain, and pine needle tea, supported by scientific evidence, present promising avenues for mitigating spike protein-induced damage. As we continue to navigate this complex landscape, it is imperative to remain vigilant, question mainstream narratives, and seek out reliable information that prioritizes health and well-being.


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