Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Monday, July 15, 2024




As one might have guessed by now, our normal weekly schedule of blogs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday has been overtaken by events, or rather, one event, the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally yesterday in Pennsylvania.  What I said at the beginning of yesterday's blog I am standing with today and in fact, reiterating: "Let me state clearly an unequivocally that I do not for a moment believe that this incident was anything less than the result of a conspiracy, and I will maintain this view even if it is conclusively proven that there was "only one shooter" in the latest rehash of the Lone Nut narrative. I will maintain this view for all the reasons rehearsed below."

I said that because at the time of the initial reports I could just "feel" the Lone Nut Narrative taking shape once again, and right on time, here we are. The alleged assassin is supposed to be one Thomas Matthew Crooks, according to articles like the following:

What we know about the 20-year-old suspect who tried to assassinate Donald Trump

According to the AP - which is echoing many other "mainstream" sources, we "know" the following about Crooks:

Authorities identified Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, as the shooter who fired from a rooftop outside the rally venue in nearby Butler before he was killed by the Secret Service.


Crooks graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022. In a video of the school’s graduation ceremony posted online, Crooks can be seen crossing the stage to receive his diploma, appearing slight of build and wearing glasses. The school district said it will cooperate fully with investigators. His senior year, Crooks was among several students given an award for math and science, according to a Tribune-Review story at the time.

Jason Kohler, who said he attended the same high school but did not share any classes with Crooks, said Crooks was bullied at school and sat alone at lunch time. Other students mocked him for the way he dressed, such as hunting outfits, Kohler said.

“He was bullied almost every day,” Kohler told reporters. “He was just a outcast, and you know how kids are nowadays.”

Crooks’ political leanings were not immediately clear. Records show Crooks was registered as a Republican voter in Pennsylvania, but federal campaign finance reports also show he gave $15 to a progressive political action committee on Jan. 20, 2021, the day President Joe Biden was sworn into office.

Oh, and did we mention that his rifle was an AR and that he also made bombs at home too?

Bomb-making materials were found inside Crooks’ vehicle near the Trump rally and at his home, according to two officials who were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. A white Allegheny County Police truck identified as bomb squad pulled up to the home late Sunday morning.

Law enforcement recovered an AR-style rifle at the scene of the shooting, according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation.

Wait for it, you know it's coming: a "bi-partisan effort" to remove guns from the citizenry in order to "protect our democracy."

But leaving that aside for the moment, this is classical narrative creation, and the narrative being cooked up and served is the Lone Nut Gunman, with his (mandatory) first, middle, and last names: John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Thomas Matthew Crooks. Notice how carefully the narrative is created: a loner at school, a bit of a nerd (that's what you're supposed to take away from the math and science prizes), not part of the "cool" crowd and bullied, politically confused as a registered Republican who donates to liberal causes.

In other words, and in yet another giveaway that something is massively wrong: he fits the profile.

The effective intention of Lone Nut Narratives is to remove widespread curiosity and investigation into such events; why bother probing for anomalies indicating conspiracy when there was no conspiracy? Oh sure, there may have been a few lapses on the part of security, a failure for whatever reason to clear the lines-of-sight at the rally, but mistakes happen, we're only human after all, and who can predict what a politically confused troubled and bullied loner of a young man who like to make bombs might do?  Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief, no conspiracy here!

(Oh, lest we forget, there is already some "confusion" about the identity of the shooter, because of course, after the lamestream propatainment media posted the shooter's name, there followed the usual "no, it's not that guy, it's this guy," who, it is alleged, was Maxwell Yearick. But that's ok... we've been down the "doubles" routine with the Lone Nut Narrative before, with Booth and Oswald).

Except as one might expect, the internet is abuzz with theories, counter-factual postings, and so on. For example, M.D. spotted and shared this posting on "X/Twitter":

Trump Shooter in Black Rock Video?

As I noted yesterday, anyone can post anything on a social media platform, so exercise due caution. But if genuine, the posting raises some serious questions, beyond those associated with the type of programming and indoctrination being fed to our children by the "edgykayshun" system. Honestly, is anyone really surprised that there was such an incident by such an individual, after the rhetoric we've heard for four years from The View and such shows and commentators and some politicians? Not only were some of us called "a basket of deplorables", but let us note that same individual wanted to send that basket of deplorables to "reeducation camps".  They apparently needed "de-programming."  In any case, their expressions of sympathy to Mr. Trump and his family thus strike me as nothing less than crocodile tears... I don't believe any of them. So why the tears? I suspect it's all for the purpose of advancing further encroachments on the right of free speech.

So the appearance of the whole Lone Nut Narrative so early in the game here raises "questions".

Questions like the role of mens rea in the whole sorry mess, as I pointed out yesterday. Under that doctrine, the expression of a criminal intention can be used against one if an actual crime is committed, so all of those media talking heads who have been indulging in a feeding frenzy of hot violent rhetoric calling for the Trump problem to be solved with bullets are now, one would imagine, in the cross hairs of some nasty legal implications, people like Alex Soros, who posted this strange picture a few months ago and earlier this year:

Of course, posting such things is, again, largely open to interpretation, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is, a bullet hole in a windshield with someone holding money - exactly forty-seven dollars - is a symbolism that the interpretation in the article can support.  I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to hearing (and watching) Mr. Soros' explanation of that one. Maybe it was simply a "mostly peaceful suggestion" on his part.  And as for mens rea, remember that it was used to deadly effect in the Nuremberg Tribunals to hang a few Nazi war criminals.  And in case there's some doubts about the Soros symbolism, Rick Wilson, a guest on MSNBC, once openly stated, on the air, for someone to put a bullet into Mr. Trump:

In short, in any coming investigations, a great deal of time is going to have to be spent investigating such remarks and all the people who made them, and that, of course, will contribute to the emerging narrative. One can almost hear the exchange now: ANONYMOUS CONGRESSMAN: "Mr. Wilson, what did you mean by putting a bullet into Mr. Trump? WILSON: "Congressman, I simply meant that Trump's campaign had to be stopped...it was meant to emphasize the importance of stopping him." ANONYMOUS CONGRESSMAN: "Then why didn't you say that someone needs to put a bullet into his campaign? Why did you say into Mr. Trump himself?" WILSON (flustered silence and fumbling of a Bai Den Dzhao nature): "...um... congressman... your pronouns...I mean, I wasn't...it wasn't meant..." &c &c.  My point is, this narrative is going to take years to put together, and even then, there will be no consensus.

Then there's another very strange anomaly that was reported by Dr. Simone Gold (our thanks to D.S.G. for spotting and sharing this one):

Dr Simone Gold in Times Square - None of the Jumbotrons Reported on the Hit Job

Really? at Times Square? Nothing was scrolling about the attempt? Nothing on the giant TV screens. Nothing? Perhaps they were waiting for the narrative to be firmed up a bit...

Then there's the Secret Service, and the reports emerging that, even though the counter-sniper teams had the suspect in their sites - literally - they were ordered not to open fire, allowing Mr. Crookes (or whomever), to fire first(our thanks to M.D. for sharing these):

Another early warning, and a stand-down order?

Eyes on the shooter

And if that isn't enough to convince you that there's more "shiny stink" here than a mackerel on a moonlit beach, there's this shared by K.M.:

Counter-Snipers ordered to stand down and not fire first?

Which seems to be corroborated by this:


And of course, there's always the possibility that these are willing agents-of-obfuscation designed to create deliberate confusion, though I strongly suspect in this case this is not so, simply because so many civilians seems to have been trying to warn authorities of the presence of the sniper (raising, again, the question of why the lines-of-sight were not cleared and controlled and occupied by law enforcement).

Let's also recall the prescient remarks of Tucker Carlson, because they raise an even more interesting question. Back in the autumn of 2023, Mr. Carlson made the following statements:

“If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man. We’re speeding towards assassination, obviously. … They have decided — permanent Washington, both parties have decided — that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have him,” Carlson said

Graph it out: criticism, protest, impeachment, indictment, ... and none of them worked. Next step, assassination.

Except that assassination hasn't worked either. So now what's next in the continuum of escalation? Well I can think of at least one thing, but I don't want to mention that either, but along those unmentionable lines, it is perhaps intriguing that some speculation is out there among the dispensensationalist crowd that is viewing the whole event through the lens of Revelations 13:3. In that "just very remote perhaps" category, one might be looking at a kind of C.S. Lewis Puzzle... and yes, that's a deliberate hint...

See you on the flip side...

(If you liked today's blog please feel free to share it with your friends.)



Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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