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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

4945: International Public Notice: AI is Limited as It's Programmers Are Limited from Lincoln County Watch


4945: International Public Notice: AI is Limited as It's Programmers Are Limited from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

AI is limited because its programmers are limited and its language interfaces are limited; it can "talk", but the niceties of English grammar are omitted from its database.   

AI is being used as an "authority" to push the mainstream interpretation of things just as much  as the television Talking Heads; the fact that it is a computerized Talking Head changes nothing. 

The mainstream version will always be the first information AI gives you, and if you delve no deeper, that is all you will get out of AI.  If you call out AI for lying, it will next give you a more moderate version that includes pieces of truth mixed with warnings that "this interpretation is not universally accepted".  

We wonder -- in what universe does "universal acceptance" occur, such that it would provide a standard for its opposite "not universally accepted"?  

We repeat: AI is limited by the quality of its programmers.  It cannot possess critical thinking skills, knowledge, or character that its programmers lack. 

We have discovered that certain words force AI to tell the truth; apparently, these are embedded as keys that unlock the truthful version --- but only for those who know the keywords. 

We suppose it makes sense that the programmers wanted to have access to the truth, but were precluded from directly sharing it. 

When faced with such obvious logical nonsense as the "sovereign citizen" label and the fact that it is an oxymoron, AI -- after a struggle -- admits that a sovereign cannot be a citizen, then continues to tie itself in knots.   

This Gordian Logic Knot leads to AI blabber laced with more "not universally accepted" verbiage, as if opinions could resolve logical fallacies. 

As another example, while admitting that the name "The United States of America" was used in the 1777 Articles of Confederation as the name of the country and is still officially the name of this country in international venues, AI attempts to obfuscate English Grammar and pretend that "The United States of America" --- a Proper Name --- is the same as "the United States of America". 

How can AI avoid the rules of English Grammar?  The rules of English Grammar were not programmed into the interface.  

So we have these examples where AI is left stumbling and stammering and unable to explain the difference between "The" and "the" and instead lamely attributes the difference to change of usage over time.

AI continues to make the same mistakes and same grammatical errors throughout its replies, and for the same reasons; if you don't know the actual grammar of a language, you can only use that language as an ignorant person would. 

So we have the AI admission that "The United States of America" referencing the unincorporated version,  is the actual name of this country in international venues, and that this is the correct collective term for the combined sovereign states in international affairs -- coupled with AI continuing to incorrectly use "the United States of America" in these same contexts.   We quote: 

"At that time (1777) the United States of America was not an incorporated entity, but rather a sovereign nation formed by the union of the several states.  This unincorporated entity continued to exist after the adoption of the Constitution in 1787, which established the federal government and its relationship with the states. It's worth noting that the term "unincorporated" in this context means that the United States of America was not a legal entity separate from the states, but rather a collective term for the states themselves." 

It should be "The United States of America" throughout the above passage, if we use correct English grammar. It should also, logically, admit that this unincorporated entity which "continued to exist" after the formation of the federal government, is an instrumentality of the sovereign states and a means for the sovereign states to speak with one voice in international and global affairs. 

AI does not pick up on the niceties of Latin grammar, either, and  makes no distinction between states, States, and STATES. 

AI is useful for picking up references and insights, but useless in terms of sorting out the grammar, or the identities of legal entities in context.  It is left making the same elliptical arguments as with the "sovereign citizen" label. Unable to resolve the mutually exclusive meanings of "United States of America"---one that is unincorporated and specific, versus a "United States of America" that is non-specific and incorporated, AI tried to resolve this disconnect as a matter of opinion, instead of a failure to distinguish between two very different but similarly named entities. 

In the same way, AI tells people that King George was still the sovereign over "the United States of America", while admitting that "The United States of America" is a collective term for the "free, sovereign, and independent states" referenced and enumerated by King George III in Article 1 of the same document, the Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783.  

If King George admits that the individual enumerated states are "free, sovereign, and independent" are they not, collectively, as a group, also free, sovereign, and independent?  

Of course, they are, but AI is unable to plot the logical intricacy of this and so, AI also says: 

"The United States of America" -- a municipal British territorial corporation....recognized British Crown sovereignty over the newly independent states." 

"Treaty of Paris (1783) states that King George III is the "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire" and that he is also the sovereign of "the United States of America"" 

We are talking about apples named after oranges -- the same name applied to profoundly different things, but AI is not astute enough to recognize the difference. 

We have "The United States of America" -- the name of our country in international venues, and a collective term for the sovereign states acting together as one entity in these venues. 

We also have "The United States of America" a "municipal British territorial corporation" that recognizes "British Crown sovereignty over the newly independent states". 

AI can scan the document and pick out the verbiage, but is at a loss to actually explain what it means or what it refers to. 

One version of "The United States of America" --- Unincorporated --- is our country's name and represents the free, sovereign and independent states operating collectively as a national government.   

While another version of "The United States of America" --- the incorporated one --- represents a "municipal British territorial corporation" that asserts British Crown sovereignty over the newly independent states (with respect to its corporation).  

The King's Government relinquished all rights, but the British Crown Government of Westminster maintained a claim of sovereignty over the incorporated version -- the "municipal British territorial commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated." 

This is because there was already a British Corporation called, "The United States of America, Inc." in existence prior to the War of Independence, and it was allowed to retain its commercial property in the New World under British Crown sovereignty in the jurisdiction of the air.  

In other words, our states of the Union are recognized as free, sovereign, and independent by the British Monarch in the jurisdictions of the air, land and sea, but at the same time, a municipal British territorial corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" is left functioning under British Crown sovereignty in the jurisdiction of the air, where all commercial corporations reside--- and the states of the Union have nothing to say about its business functions, ownership, or operations as of 1783. 

From the very beginning there are two entities called "The United States of America" --- one American and Unincorporated, one British and Incorporated under British Crown auspices. 

Later, a third version of "United States of America" will be added to the mix --- a Holy Roman Empire municipal corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Incorporated.  

As a result of these doppelganger corporations, and general ignorance and confusion about them and their operations and relationship(s) to the actual unincorporated Federation of States, dba, The United States of America, it has been possible for the similarly named corporations (in collusion with the Central Banks) to pull off a national-level identity theft.  

The United States of America, Incorporated, was used to substitute for The United States of America, Unincorporated ---- and thereby access our credit.  Just like any credit card hacker, the British Crown Corporation impersonated us, accessed our credit and assets, and the central banks allowed this. 

AI is totally unable to thread through all of this.  At best, AI can dredge up the references to these Players as disconnected facts and, essentially, shrug.  This is because it cannot distinguish between the very similarly-named entities any better than its programmers and Joe Q. Public. 

Observe, by the early 1900's we had no less than four (4) entities doing business as "United States of America":

(1) The United States of America, Unincorporated, the doing-business-as-name of the unincorporated Federation of free, sovereign, and independent states of the Union, and the Proper Name of our country in international venues. This is also the Delegator of all "delegated and enumerated powers" vouchsafed to the Federal Government; 

(2) The United States of America, Incorporated, a "municipal British (Crown) territorial corporation", chartered in the British Isles (Scotland, 1868, for example) as a commercial corporation;

(3) the United States of America, Incorporated, another "municipal British territorial corporation" registered in the British Commonwealth nation of Puerto Rico (1901, for example); 

(4) the United States of America, Incorporated, a municipal Holy Roman Empire corporation, registered by the Roman Catholic Church in the British Territorial State of Delaware (1925, for example). 

This deceitful proliferation of diverse foreign corporations named after our Federation of States has led to many crimes and injustices, breaches of trust and violation of commercial contracts, as these corporations have been mistaken for each other,, and also mistaken for the actual unincorporated entity doing business as The United States of America. 

The longevity of the schemes and frauds based upon these similarly named fictions impersonating each other and impersonating our unincorporated Federation of States, in no way excuses the rampant criminality and abuse of our country and our people which is the end result.  

Our conversations with AI have been educational so far as the limitations of AI are concerned, but we must raise the alarm that this new and purportedly authoritative source of information is severely limited, politically biased by the biases (and lack of knowledge) of its programmers, and unable to resolve logical conundrums such as those posed by the use of oxymorons and identical or nearly identical names being applied to both incorporated and unincorporated business entities of diverse origins. 

AI should not, in our opinion, be greatly relied upon at this stage of its genesis.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 22nd 2024 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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