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An American Affidavit

Friday, July 5, 2024

4919-4923: International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823.... from Lincoln County Watch


4919-4923: International Public Notice: Ever Since 1823.... from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

It turns out that the French Rothschild banking empire has been managing the Vatican's assets ever since 1823.  Doesn't that explain a lot of history? 

Bloody history.  Dishonest history.  Evil history. Napoleonic history.  Payseur history.  Even Abraham Lincoln history. 

We consider this the last shoe that needed to be dropped, the last pixel needed to complete the total picture of depravity, corruption, and hidden collusion.

Charlemagne would be turning over in his grave, but Mayer Amschel Rothschild would be dancing on it. 

It was a unique coup, to pretend to hate the Holy Roman Empire, while working for it and using its vast assets to benefit oneself from it -- but also a textbook application of the Sabbatean modus operandi -- to deceive at all costs and profit from it. 

No doubt the Roman Cult hidden within the Catholic Church --- no slouches in the realm of deception -- learned a few things themselves. 

The so-called Egyptian Jews were Idolaters who pretended to be Jews; our best glimpse of them came when Moses confronted them over the Golden Calf, a new moon representation of the Egyptian Cow Goddess Hathor.

Once they arrived in Canaan they mixed and mashed with the local Amorite and Samaritan and Canaanite Idolaters and eventually concocted their own version of Judaism -- what Jesus called the "Synagogue of Satan".  

They concocted their own version of Christianity, too -- a mixture of Egyptian monotheism, Babylonian idolatry, Early Christian teachings and Greek Mythology.  They pictured Jesus as Zeus, therefore the name I-zeus. 

This is the branch of "Christianity" that survived long enough to make it to Rome, having made a long trek from Samaria to Turkey to the Balkan homelands of the Romans and finally to Rome itself. 

There was no conversion of Constantine the Great. 

He and his Flavian family already practiced this form of Christianity that was popular among the Dacian nobility.  As usual, the story we got was "true in a way" but also upside down. 

Constantine didn't convert to the Apostles' Christian Church; the Apostles' Church converted to Constantine's version of Christianity, instead. 

This is how we got the golden-haired, blue-eyed, perfectly formed and god-like figure of Zeus transferred to Zeus's Son, I-zeus.  

Frankfurt, in the mid-to-late 1700s, is where the Synagogue of Satan caught up with the Roman Cult of I-zeus. Mayer Amschel Bauer, a Jew who was not a Jew, made the happy acquaintance of Fritz von Estorff, a Christian who wasn't a Christian. 

The rest is history, or perhaps, fate. 

Jews could charge usury to non-Jews; and, Christians, though as greedy as everyone else, couldn't charge usury at all.  It didn't take long for the Holy Roman Empire to employ Jews to do all their banking for them, as the Jews could lend at interest. 

So a bit of Roman Christian hypocrisy combined with Jewish mystical idolatry, both having their roots in Samaria, and neither one being a pure form of either religion, formed an alliance based on their mutual desire to be both rich and powerful. 

This version of Christianity and this version of Judaism, both ultimately coming out of Samaria, pretended to hate Islam, a religion that they invented and bank-rolled as a foil -- just as they more recently invented Israel as a foil for Palestinians. 

The moon god of Islam, Allah, would be used as the "necessary enemy" of their own sun god, Amun Ra. 

That deliberately engineered conflict would give them no end of excuses for war-profiteering and meddling with trade routes and commodity rigging and, of course, taxation.  

Their cousins, the Dacian priests of Cybele, were already the tax collectors for the City of Rome. 

Amun Ra is the reason that Romanized Christians say "Amen" at the end of every prayer. 

The Sabbatean Jews and the Roman Flavian Cult embedded in the Church of Rome both represent offshoots of the far older Babylonian religion; they were twins formed in the womb of Samaria, more like each other -- under the skin -- than any outsider might suppose. 

Both actually practice and believe things that are carefully hidden --- and evil, but perhaps it is simply knowing this that binds them together, like two blackmailers who have the goods on each other.  

Both indulge in Black Masses and Orgies; both cultivate the ability to lie convincingly, both practice various kinds of blood sacrifice including human sacrifice, both use sex as a sacrament, both practice idolatry, especially the idolatry of money. 

And if one calls himself a Jew and another calls himself a Christian, it's all the same to them. Anyone that wants to call himself a Muslim and participate in all of this, will be welcomed as one of them. Religion is just a means to an end and their cynicism knows no bounds. 

The only actual religion they have is the religion of Mammon, and they are all in it together, both ends against the middle, which meets in the High Lodges of the Scottish Rite and spreads out like a spider web from there.  

We feel quite content having answered the riddles and traced the web back to its home in ancient Samaria, and thence to its new home in Scotland, and all around the world from there along every sea lane and byway, wherever men lust for sex and gold and are willing to wager everything for it. 

The enemy of humankind is revealed to be humankind itself, and to each of us a decision is given, to choose life or death, according to what seems good to us. 

The Black Magic Money Spell has no power; no delusions about money remain. We recognize the dead things in the realm of the dead and don't concern ourselves: to each is given a time and a season, and the time of Babylon, like the season of the Saturnine Brotherhood, is long gone. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 4th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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Public International Notice: So We Are Told

 By Anna Von Reitz

This morning, the Fourth of July in the year of 2024, we are told that "President" Trump, the "Commander-in-Chief" of the British Territorial Corporation doing business as "the United States of America -- Incorporated" has given the order to the U.S. Military to disclose what has gone on here.  

We are told that in "3 to 5 days everyone will know".  

But will we?  

It seems very doubtful that those who have been chiefly responsible for the ruses and abuses will come clean, and far more likely that they will come forward with some fictional Hollywood narrative seeking to excuse themselves and make themselves look good ---- while continuing to use and abuse. 

Historically, when cornered and accused of their vile religious practices and other criminal acts, the Vermin double-down and accuse others of what they have been doing themselves. 

So expect that. 

They use bit players as the Fall Guys to satiate public outrage, while the actual leaders and perpetrators escape to pleasant vacation homes and retreats. They sit in comfy leather recliners and watch their whipping boys go to the guillotines and gallows. 

Expect that, too.  

The whole political furor, the phony prosecution of Trump and the January 6th protestors, the staged election, the attacks against our food production facilities and oil refineries, the entire pandemic complete with rehearsals, the continued slow march toward the UN CORP 2030 goals, the so-called "Open Borders Policy", the whole criminal house of cards that makes up the current financial system --- all that they are going to explain?  Without, however, incriminating themselves?  


We've been led to expect a full-on Hollywood extravaganza of unbelievable proportions, a combination of phony movie footage and Project Blue Beam illusions designed to make Donald Trump look like at least Moses, if not the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. 

They've been telling us to "enjoy the show" for a decade.  We haven't enjoyed it yet, but the Queen Anons and others keep saying we are going to love it and love the way this Big Production ends. 

Our Shinola Sensors are set on High.  We don't expect any of this to pass the credibility test, but who knows? 

What we expect is a Hollywood-style softcore Horror Movie seeking to excuse and explain away all the things that we have directly observed for ourselves. 

We will be told that all the lies and cheating and stealing were necessary, part of a brilliant 160 year Master Plan. Yup.  

Never fear.  Uncle Sam had it all in hand.  

We will be told that "aliens" or some other unknown entity or force was to blame, but a cult of Sabbatean Jews, based out of Frankfurt, Germany, and having secret ties to the Holy Roman Empire, will always be closer to the truth, and the truth will remain.  

They will make up an enemy of the people one way or another, and do their best to pin their donkey on the scapegoat.  

They will pay actors to play every role from Valiant Thor to JFK, Jr. and Princess Di ---- and because we are chumps, because we are endlessly gullible, they will count on us to believe them. 

Feed us some bread and circuses, or what passes for it in the modern day, popcorn, and eight hour loops of movies to sell the narrative of the White Hats, right? 

They will do their best to scare the pants off us as they reveal the terrible danger that they were fighting against this entire time, the horrific lizard-like humanoid invaders and insectoid robots that they protected us from. The evil swamp creatures that live inside the Beltway....

Think of mini-Godzillas and Praying Mantis-like robots ready to bite your heads off. 

We'll be so grateful to them that any cost for their operations and upkeep will be happily accepted, even if it means being enslaved for another 300 years. 

Their leadership will be proven, their candidate the only choice.  Mr. Trump will be so gracious in victory, we will forget that he's an egotist and learn to love his nasal foghorn voice. 

They will try to sell us the faked Princess Di as a replacement for the failed (and actually non-existent) British Monarchy, and the faked JFK, Jr. as the American equivalent. 

Why not have a fake President for a fake government?  And a fake Queen to run a non-existent Constitutional Monarchy?  

It's all just actors on a stage, put there to distract attention away from what's going on behind the curtain. 

It will be as staged as the "attack" on the World Trade Center, designed to sweep the ugly old elephants under the rug and open up a whole new day of accepting any lie they tell us. 

With or without Blue Ribbon Commissions to back them up. 

We expect a Hail, Mary attempt to keep the same old Players (albeit, wearing different masks) in place and in power.  We don't expect any sincere offer to change or admit mistakes.  

We expect more lies. More masks. More "confidence" tricks and illusions. 

So should you. 

They've all been caught red-handed, so what can they do?  

Answer: whip around and hand-cuff the guy standing next to them--- and present him as the problem. 

See here?  We captured all these criminals who used to be in league with us.  Now we are going to bring them to justice....Gunslingers v Horse Thieves, in Technicolor.  

It was all a brilliant plan to draw out the Bad Guys, who were being bad in plain sight and mostly in public for decades at a time. 

We are told that this long-awaited theater production to end all theater productions is almost upon us. Almost. 

So we are told. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 4th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

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