If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that now and then I go on the attack against the “cause and effect people.” These are the ones who must have a cause for every effect. The very idea of a hole in the fabric of reality makes them crazy. So they do everything they can to button up things very tight (including inventing fictional viruses to explain illnesses). They’re adamant. If you tell them, for example, or show them a six-month-old baby who can obviously read and understand words on a page of text, they go into a swoon and suddenly advance all sorts of gibberish about genes. They’ve got to have a cause for the phenomenon. Chains and chains of causes and effects. As if EVERYTHING they’re looking at is a machine. A causes B causes C causes D causes E… I, on the other hand, favor the holes-in-reality approach. And here’s an image for that: We all live in a big house. Every person on Earth. Everything we’re busy doing is taking place on the first floor of the house. Even if and when we go into the far reaches of outer space…that, too, is on the first floor of the house. Naturally, most of us believe the whole house is built on one floor. But it isn’t. There are three floors. Whenever something happens on our floor that can’t be explained by the cause and effect machine approach…it’s because someone here is importing awareness from the SECOND FLOOR. The people and life on the second floor are much different. Life there is taking place on a whole different scale. A more expansive scale. Just as, on the third floor, life is far more expansive than what’s happening on the second floor. On our floor, there is a great commitment to a narrow version of explanation. Cause and effect. Physical cause and effect. It’s considered normal. And comprehensive. Which is a MAJOR con. When you stop believing it, it’s a laughable con—as if some guy is trying to sell you a set of 67 knives you’ll never need. Or a car that’s been in a wreck—and the paint is already peeling. On the third floor of the house, things are happening which our people down here would deny (even if they saw them) all the way to their last dying breath. It’s as if you showed them people flying around in the air and exiting the third floor through open skylights. People down here forced to witness something that radical would shut their eyes and begin blabbering to themselves—anything to stop seeing what they’re seeing. Because a main feature of the first floor is ironclad denial that there could be other floors. Why such denial? Several reasons. One is: letting in any sort of reality from the upper floors makes our floor seem quite bizarre and ridiculous in certain respects. We’ve got some good things going on our first floor. Don’t get me wrong. For instance, a summer day when you’re nine years old. That’s a big winner. But there ARE these two upper floors, and reality is quite different there. That may be because the people on those floors are decidedly interested in other things. Here is a not-so-good feature of our first floor: Because such narrow versions of reality are sold, people tend to go after each other. They tend to attack each other. As if there’s not enough to go around. Which is patently false. I won’t try to flesh out the details of this con; other people have already done it. It’s old hat by now. And some morons who have exposed this con go on to foist other cons on us. But the main point is, we have many holes in reality, if we would notice them. If we would see that cause and effect has many good points…but it’s a severely limited approach. It’s a first floor op. There’s something else about first-floor life I would be remiss if I didn’t mention. People here are sometimes eager to make up stuff. So if you tell them there are other floors and other realities, they suddenly pretend they’re seeing them. All over the place. They go off on a tangent. That’s not a great course of action. The prevalent “psychological apparatus” on the first floor is machine-think. It’s limited. Instead of just applying it where it works, people are determined to paint the whole floor with it. It’s a movie called Obsession. If a person reading this article said, “You know, Jon, I have no idea what you’re talking about. It makes no sense at all…” I would say, “Don’t worry, the article doesn’t mean anything. I was just trying out my new keyboard. I was typing letters at random, testing it. You’re fine. Everything is fine. Keep doing exactly what you’re doing…” And he would go back to the lab and discover new fictional viruses. -- Jon Rappoport Episode 56 of Rappoport Podcasts—“How ‘the virus’ became the biggest lie and the biggest cover story in the world”—is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, go here. To learn more about this episode of Rappoport Podcasts, go here. You're currently a free subscriber to Jon Rappoport. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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