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An American Affidavit

Friday, January 12, 2024

4603: Cui Bono -- Come Out of Her from Lincoln County Watch


Thursday, January 11, 2024

4603: Cui Bono -- Come Out of Her from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

So let's go back to a recent commentary, "Your Blood Oath" in which I explained that the Apostle's Creed, ritually administered before the taking of Communion in Christian Churches -- both Catholic and Protestant -- is an Oath, followed by drinking "the blood" of the Communion wine. 

Communion is a Blood Oath, albeit, there is no actual, factual blood present, unless you are Catholic and accept the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, which teaches that the wine in the Communion cup does magically transform into the actual blood of the man they call "Jesus". 

Having caused a firestorm in the Christian Readership by observing this, I went on to observe that there is no good reason that the name of Yehoshua (transliterates phonetically as "Yeshuah") was changed to "Jesus" by the Church. 

The name Yehoshua translates directly to "Joshua" in English.  Why not translate it that way? 

This becomes important when you consider the fondness of the Liars for Substitution Schemes -- what we call "Bait and Switch" Fraud.  You are promised one thing, but given another, and we have seen this repeatedly in our investigations. 

A corporation calling itself "The United States of America ---- Incorporated" substituting itself for our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America? 

The American State-of-State business organizations doing business as, for example, The State of New York, being replaced by the British Territorial business doing business as "the" State of New York.

Legal Persons existing in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea (e.g. Raymond John Smith) being substituted for a Lawful Person (e.g. Raymond John Smith) with the identical Proper Name, but existing in the International Land Jurisdiction. 

King Henry the Eighth, the Catholic Overseer of the Church Commonwealth Trust Lands in England, being recognized as the Head of the Anglican Church, and then using the position to target Protestants with undisclosed private baptismal contracts used to seize upon the value of their labor? 

I could go on.  

Why wouldn't these yahoos substitute their Roman "Jesus" for the Hebrew "Yehoshua"?

This is, in turn, concerning for any Christian, because--- what if you are praying in the wrong name? 

And, additionally, there is the issue of the importance of sound.  

The Bible teaches that God created the Earth as we now know it by speaking it into existence -- by sound.  It also teaches that we will know the returned Savior by his what?  His voice. Not his face, but his voice. 

So, when Christians are told to "pray in his name" isn't it vitally important that they (1) have the correct name, and (2) pronounce it correctly? 

These and similar concerns began to surface for me over the course of approximately thirty years, and the results of my investigations and observations led, logically, to my decision to leave the incorporated Evangelical Lutheran Church and to repudiate its "baptism". 

When you incorporate a Church you "unlawfully convert it" just as the honorable United States Military was silently converted into a Mercenary Force.  Instead of a private religious organization, the Church becomes a for-profit commercial franchise instead. 

An incorporated Church becomes a commercial corporation selling a product and services no less than your local Ford dealership, and suddenly, you are no longer worshiping in spirit and in truth, but are instead caught up in selling the social benefits and economic networking available through church membership, and selling "Jesus" as a product, sacraments as a service, and salvation as the end result. 

Sit down and really think about your experience of Christian Churches in general -- not all, but most, have the cold, formal atmosphere of a car dealership showroom.  There is something "not right" about them.  Something fake. 

And so there would be, if they are advertising one thing and selling commercialism -- Baal, Mammon, and Baphomet -- instead. 

The Roman Jesus instead of Yehoshua. 

The more devoted you become to seeking the Truth in all things, the more obvious the Lies become. 

If you will not permit any known lie to pass your lips for a long enough time -- say, two to ten years, you will suddenly see the morass of lies in which you live, and having seen this, you will not be able to forget.  

So, with my suspicions further aroused by the fact that the Roman Catholic Church claims authorship of the Bible and holds copyrights on their version of it --- authorship which means they created it as a work of art --- and not merely compiled it from ancient non-copyright eligible material, I stumbled on.  

And I discovered the Baptismal Certificate racket and King Henry the VIII's double-crossing of all the Anglican Protestants, and I had already detected FDR's double-crossing of all the Municipal citizens of the United States with his "clearinghouse" certificates racket mentioned in his First Inaugural address.... so, a pattern is emerging. 

Undisclosed contracts, substitutions, impersonations, certificates, undisclosed changes of jurisdiction and forms of law, citizenship obligations imposed on people....the use of Dog Latin disguised as "American Sign Language"....

These are the earmarks of Ancient Rome and more recently, the Holy Roman Empire, which was supposedly dissolved in the early 1800's -- for exactly this sort of fraud and wrong-doing and mismanagement.  

Yet, it still appears to be going strong ---and smelling worse than ever. 

By now, I am well and truly alarmed and looking for answers, and I find "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" --- outlining the program of a Secret Society bent on destroying souls and destroying mankind --- using the same basic ideas promoted in The Book of Isaiah as means of warfare, plus oddly echoing the Reformation Era Jesuit Oath.  


Did you know that there are Eastern and Western branches of the Romance Languages, and that Ancient Vulgar Latin  (Western Romance) was spoken in Romania at the same time as Dacian (Eastern Romance), at the end of 8th century CE, at the time of the founding of the City of Rome? 

Do you see the connection between Rome and Romania hidden in front of your face?  

Would it surprise you to learn that no less than 26 Roman Emperors, including Constantine the Great, came from what we call Romania? 

Would it surprise you to learn that Constantine's family also gave rise to the Flavian Emperors who ruled during the first century CE, including Titus, who destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D.? 

Would it amaze you to know that the Dacians worshiped the Sphinx as "the Lion of God"? 

Would the connection of the above inscription to proto-Hungarian make sense, if we observed that the Finno-Ugric languages are extremely ancient?
Look up a map of Finno-Ugric language distribution today

And did you know that the Byzantine Empire once included most of Southern Italy?  

Would it amaze you to know that AFTER his supposed Christian conversion, the Emperor Constantine encouraged and enforced an ancestor worship cult honoring his Flavian ancestors? 

And also caused his Victory Arch near the Coliseum to be adorned with figures of Dacian Priests after his supposed conversion?  

Just look up pictures of Constantine's Victory Arch in Rome to see for yourself. There they are: Dacian High Priests wearing their typical odd hats. 

Would you believe that much of what is recounted about "Jesus" in the New Testament is drawn from the Roman historian Josephus?  And the only reason we don't see this, is that we don't read Josephus? 

There is a theory that "Christianity" -- the religion of "the Anointed One" -- a priest of Baal, began as a Roman propaganda effort.  This theory is summarized in a book, "Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill and is known in scholarly circles as the "Flavian Origins Theory".  

The same Flavian ancestors of Constantine whose worship he demanded after his conversion to Christianity? 

Here's a succinct little teaser for the actual historical context of the havoc in Judea for two hundred years before and a hundred years after "Jesus": 

"During the historical period surrounding the alleged life and times of the biblical Jesus, Judea was (in reality) at the epicenter of an epic, violent conflict between the Roman Empire and the adherents of a virulently radical form of messianic Judaism. The roots of the conflict date back earlier, to the age when the zealous Maccabees (also known as Hasmoneans) rebelled against the Seleucids (the remnants of Alexander the Great’s Hellenistic empire) and achieved an uneasy independence in 164 BCE. In 63 BCE, the Romans invaded Judea, and the Maccabees became Roman clients.

A family of foreigners from Edom (in Arabia) eventually usurped the role of the Maccabees as the Romans’ clients and tax farmers in Judea. The rise of this Herodian regime began when Antipater, born as an Edomite nobleman whose family had allegedly converted to Judaism, insinuated himself into Maccabean politics while simultaneously currying favor with the Romans. Antipater was appointed Roman Procurator of Judea under Julius Caesar (47 BCE), and his son Herod became the governor of Galilee, while the Hasmoneans continued to hold the office of high priest." 

Imagine that? 

Just for starters, many generations of Christians have been taught that "the Jews killed Christ".  

It turns out that it was Edomite proxy rulers, plus the Roman Governors, who did all the crucifying. 

Now, why isn't that taught in every Sunday School throughout the land? 

Bait and Switch: Herod was a Jew-in-name-only, similar to what I could say about some Republicans-in-name-only today

And the game, then and now, is deceit. 

A religion of peace and compassion, turning the other cheek and giving unto Caesar would come in very handy for Roman rulers sick of dealing with impassioned Jews and Gentiles alike. 

Perhaps our love of "Christianity" even if it is yet another gigantic fraud, and even if it has never resulted in peace and compassion in fact, and even if it has been commercialized beyond recognition, is rooted in our own individual need for peace and compassion. 

"My peace I leave to you...." 

The message of Yehoshua has come through a sewer pipe, polluted and dirtied, but somehow the spirit of it has come through nonetheless--- a result that was no doubt unexpected to the Romans, but, what the hey?  They capitalized on it just the same. 

It may seem strange that I, someone who loves Yehoshua, yet realizes the Sting, would be telling you all this today -- because religion seems to have little to do with the history of this country and all the venal things that have happened in its misadministration....but, as I told you long ago, law comes from religion.  

So it is not a small issue.  If your religion is polluted with deceit and with politics and money, then so is your law. 

This past week, Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano celebrated his last Mass as a priest of the Roman Catholic Church.  

He was of retirement age, but was most likely pushed out for his suggestion last August that Pope Francis resign, and such outspoken questions as "Is the Pope Catholic?" 

As we have seen and witnessed, "Pope" Francis does not carry the sacred ministerial office -- that was carried by Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI to the grave -- so it is a fair question. 

It compliments in an odd way the ancient question of -- was "Jesus" a Jew, or did he convert at the end of his life to the Samaritan religion and become a priest of Baal, as a result of being "anointed" by Mary Magdalene? 

As Archbishop Bishop Vigano performed his last Mass, he fainted. 

While in this state of semi-consciousness, the Archangel Michael reportedly appeared to him and revealed that soon, people in Europe and Asia (but not The United States) will see a "vision" of Jesus and God the Father in the sky.  


The cynics among us take this as confirmation that Project Blue Beam will be deployed. 

There's a reason that only people in Europe and Asia will see this display.  It's being projected from The United States and the skies above Europe and Asia are the projection screen. 

Anyway, I plod onward, dear hearts, and prefer to keep my mind and heart centered on the truth that I can and do know -- and additionally, I know that many faithful priests and lay members of the Roman Catholic Church are suffering because they have stood against the politicization of their faith.  

They are being denied support, including retirement pensions and health care, and being labeled "apostate" for not going along with abortion and homosexual "unions" and all the rest of doctrinal changes embraced by the non-ministerial "Pope" Francis. 

Before he left office, Archbishop Vigano started an organization to help these Catholic traditionalists (sometimes mislabeled "conservatives") to survive this persecution. 


This is the foretold persecution of the Church-- not coming from outside the Church, but from inside the Church. 

This is coming from yet another Bait and Switch -- from a man who is being called "Pope" while only performing the duties of the now-dissolved Office of the Roman Pontiff, not the sacred and ministerial Offices of the Pope. 

This should be perfectly obvious to any Catholic, and even obvious to Protestants, like my own former-brethren, the Lutherans. 

There has been no action to transfer the "ministerial office" from Benedict XVI to Pope Francis; Benedict XVI retained the ministerial office and so far as anyone knows, took it to his grave, so that only the duties Benedict XVI abdicated -- the duties of the dissolved Office of the Roman Pontiff, remain. 

To be fair, there may be no way provided in Canon Law for the transfer of the retained ministerial office of a Pope: I haven't found any reference in Canon Law to cover such a circumstance. 

I have sympathy for the suffering Catholic Traditionalists, particularly those who gave up sex and family life and forsook many other worldly pleasures to work like dogs in many vocations, only to be persecuted and left without material support in their old age. 

It reeks of the self-interested revenge a commercial corporation would inflict and a CEO run amok: "Oh, they don't like my latest directive? Fire them! Force them to retire! Deny their pension benefits!  No health care for them!" 

Let me suggest, from my position as a Witness to all this, that the appropriate response is to follow up Archbishop Vigano's question, "Is the Pope Catholic?" with more pointed questions. 

"Is the Pope occupying the sacred office of Papal ministry? If so, how did he inherit it from Pope Benedict XVI, who retained his ministerial office?  Are we being tricked by the Antichrist? And allowing the persecution of the actual Church from enemy forces inside the Church?" 

And then follow that up with a donation to Vigano's relief organization, because whether you believe the cover story of Christianity or not, we can still hold onto the spirit that survived, bloodied and battered as it may be. 

We can still show compassion to those who have been betrayed and who are suffering for their faith. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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