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An American Affidavit

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Ever-Widening Conflict/Satan’s Agent: The World Economic Forum/The United States Has No Borders


The Ever-Widening Conflict

The Ever-Widening Conflict

Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Uses New York Times to Prepare Us for an Attack on Iran

As I made clear yesterday — https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/01/22/will-war-result-from-the-ever-hesitant-putin/ — Putin and Xi are deluded if they believe their non-involvement will prevent the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East.  Where is the Russia/China/Iran Mutual Defense Treaty?  Nothing else but that can stop the escalation of the conflict.  https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/01/no_author/u-s-claims-no-alternative-to-larger-middle-east-war/

Satan’s Agent: The World Economic Forum

Satan’s Agent: The World Economic Forum

Paul Craig Roberts

The World Economic Forum is the worst source of disinformation in the world.  Even the name is disinformation as it is not a world forum representing the world.  It is a group of stupid American and European corporate executives who have been conned by Klaus Schwab, the world’s worst ego-manic, into believing that you don’t count until you are a member and devote of the WEF. 

Schwab has sold the executive class the line that WEF attendees are members of the most prestigious country club and are members of a privileged caste that exists so far above “useless eaters” that the goal of culling the world population by 7.5 billion people is not shameful. 

At the recent WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Schwab and his devotees took a hit broadside from Jaier Milei, the newly elected president of Argentina. Milei told them that the Western world is in danger because the West’s leaders had abandoned freedom and adopted collectivism.  Milei was talking about the WEF.  Either he is a very brave man or he did not realize to whom he was speaking.  I expect that he will have an “airplane accident” or be pushed out of office by some concocted charges from Washington.

Washington’s diminishing influence and power has encouraged other long silent voices in Latin America to speak up.  The distinguished Peruvian, Dr. Victor Andres Belaunde Gutierrez, took up Milei’s theme and unloaded on the WEA groupies as disgraceful and shameful:

“The demonstrations of frivolity and intellectual mediocrity that the famous forum emits are increasingly scandalous. For example, the impression that the prostitute traffickers make during these meetings – why not some orgies while we save the world with 2100 euro-a-night women?”

“The pitiful spectacle of a supposed witch, sorceress, or God knows what, emitting sounds and spitting on the faces of some panelists, is decidedly pathetic. I cannot conceive how a person who has any notion of self-respect, would tolerate being a part of pranks of that caliber. Can people who willingly participate and applaud such farces be recognized as serious?”

“Have they no shame? Is it that their need to belong to the cool people of the planet is so powerful? – Is it that the cool and sophisticated is now inevitably ridiculous and shameful?” 

The WEA is an anti-human cult devoted to the destruction of freedom and human life.  In my opinion, it would be wondrous if the next time the collection of stupid and evil beings assemble, Russia, China, or Iran would launch a missile attack that completely destroys the WEF.  They won’t because Russia, China, and Iran view the WEF as an ally in the destruction of the West. This is a mistake, because the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian populations are also fated to be culled. Judging by the effort of the World Health Organization, the WEF’s ally, to centralize in its hands the health protocols of the entire world and its forecast of a doomsday pandemic, the culling device will be a biowarfare pathogen released on the world.  

No Western legislature is doing anything to shut down the illegal labs. As Russia knows where many of the illegal biowarfare laboratories are located, Russia should take them out with missile strikes.  Evil has to be confronted and overcome or evil will prevail.  

Evil has already recruited the corporate and political leadership of the Western world.  How much more advantage shall we permit Evil before we are overcome?

Read Peter Koenig’s account in Global Research: https://www.globalresearch.ca/wef-davos-2024-concluding-words-south-america-pertinent-point-devastating-wef/5847086

There is abundant evidence that the plan is in place to release a more deadly virus in 2025.  See, for example: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/01/joseph-mercola/will-disease-x-be-leaked-in-2025/ 


The United States Has No Borders

The United States Has No Borders

Paul Craig Roberts

I don’t know if Americans have any comprehension of what is happening to their country.  I think not.  I think most Americans are lost in their insouciance and in their comfortable myths about the greatness and freedom of their country.  Flag waving patriots who can believe no evil of their country are the easiest to tyrannize.  A plethora  of July 4ths and Memorial Days have done the job.

Americans are upset about foreign borders such as Ukraine’s and Israel’s, but even those few who try can do nothing about America’s own totally undefended borders. 

Texas tried to do something, but the US Supreme Court just ruled that Texas cannot protect its borders or the borders of the United States.  The Supreme Court, ruling of course in line with the tyrant Abe Lincoln’s destruction of states rights, said the Biden Regime can destroy the fence Texas built to protect Texas’ and America’s borders.

There you have it. The so-called “civil war” did not only destroy the Confederate States of America. Lincoln’s war also destroyed the United States of America when it destroyed states’ rights. 


The 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court forbids Texas from protecting its borders, and thereby the borders of the United States, from being overrun by immigrant-invaders.  We often hear that the Supreme Court is a Republican court, but in actual fact it is a Tower of Babel Court committed to the total destruction of the United States as a nation. What the Supreme Court, like the Biden Regime, the whore media, the anti-American Woke universities, The Rino Republicans, and the Democrat attorneys general and prosecutors are creating is a non-nation, a tower of babel that has no common interests, no common morals, no common religion, and no common agenda.  This is the SATANIC CURSE of “diversity and multiculturalism.”

How did Americans fall for a program designed FOR THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION?!

They fell for it because they are generous and weak-minded.

The Daily Caller reports: “federal Border Patrol agents began cutting wire fences that, among other uses, helped channel individuals— unlawful migrants and U.S. citizens alike—to a lawful border crossing at a port of entry,” Texas Solicitor General Aaron Nielson wrote. “Border Patrol began this practice of destroying Texas’s property, according to the district court’s findings, in order to ‘facilitate the surge of migrants into Eagle Pass,’ using boats to ‘literally usher’ people across illegally.”

In other words, the Biden Regime cut the fence in order to allow entry into the US that could not be monitored.  The fence was in place to insure that immigrant-invaders had to pass through lawful border crossings, where their numbers are allegedly recorded.  But this is not enough for the Biden Regime which is intent on replacing America’s white population, which once constituted a nation, with a Tower of Babel.

Why are the Biden Regime, the Democrats, the Rino Republicans, the universities, the media, the corporations, and alleged human rights organizations so determined to deprive Americans of a cohesive nation and to replace the American nation with a Tower of Babel in which there is no common culture and no common values?

If white Americans are actually sufficiently braindead to have voted Biden Democrats into office, the dumbshits have committed self-suicide. People this stupid cannot expect to survive.

Yesterday I got a message from the US Department of Health and Human Services.  It was about Medicare.  It was in 30 foreign languages.


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