50. The
Ignorant Schoolmaster: The Underground HIstory of American Education by John
Taylor Gatto from archive.org
Ignorant Schoolmaster
After Gedike, the next innovator
to hit on a reading scheme was Jean Joseph Jacotot, a grand genius, much misunderstood. A professor of literature
at nineteen, Jacotot discovered a
method of teaching nonspeakers of French the
French language beginning not with primers but with Fenelon's
Telemachus. Jacotot read aloud slowly while students followed his reading in a dual
translation — to their own familiar language and to Fenelon's spoken French. Then the process was repeated.
After the group reading, each
student individually dismantled the entire book into parts, into smaller
parts, into paragraphs, into sentences,
into words, and finally into letters and sounds. This followed the "natural" pattern of
scientists it was thought, beginning with wholes, and reducing them to smaller and smaller
Jacotot has a
reputation as a whole-word guru, but any resemblance to contemporary whole- word reading in Jacotot is
illusion. His method shifts the burden for analysis largely from the shoulders of the teacher to the student.
The trappings of holistic
noncompetitiveness are noticeably absent. Penalty for failure in his
class was denial of advancement.
Everyone succeeded in Jacotot's system, but then, his students were highly motivated, self-selected volunteers,
all of college age.
From Jacotot we got
the idea anybody can teach anything. His was the concept of the ignorant schoolmaster. It should
surprise no one that the ideas of Jacotot interested Prussians who brought his system back to Germany and
modified it for younger children.
For them, however, a book seemed too impractical a starting point,
perhaps a sentence would be better
or a single word. Eventually it was the latter settled upon. Was this the genesis of whole-word teaching which
eventually dealt American reading ability a body blow?
The answer is a
qualified No. In the German "normal word" method the whole-word
was not something to be memorized
but a specimen of language to be analyzed into syllables. The single word was made a
self-conscious vehicle for learning letters. Once letter sounds were known, reading instruction
proceeded traditionally. To a great extent, this is the method my German mother used with my sister and me to
teach us to read fluently before
we ever saw first grade.
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