After mass shootings: they're not just coming for guns, they're coming for brains
By Jon Rappoport
"Planners intent on deploying mind control follow a pattern.
They claim they're curing brain disorders. They're doing valuable work.
They're only focusing on a tiny percentage of the population. But then,
as you dig deeper, you discover they're really talking about all human
beings, who are, unfortunately, wired in the wrong way and can't ascend
to the next level of societal evolution. Therefore, 'brain science' has
to engage in a wholesale program to retrofit the human species." (The
Underground, Jon Rappoport)
A January 2018 National Geographic article runs a bold headline: THE SCIENCE OF GOOD AND EVIL.
The lead sentence carries considerable freight: "Researchers have found
that the way our brains are wired can affect how much empathy we feel
toward others---a key measuring stick of good and evil." Good and
evil---suddenly transferred to the realm of science. In the aftermath
of mass shootings, it's about guns. But hidden in the background is the
notion that the bigger target is the brain. Read this carefully from
the National Geographic piece:
" recent decades researchers
have made significant advances toward understanding THE SCIENCE OF WHAT
DRIVES GOOD AND EVIL. Both seem to be linked to a key emotional trait:
empathy, which is AN INTRINSIC ABILITY OF THE BRAIN to experience how
another person is feeling. Researchers have found that empathy is the
kindling that fires compassion in our hearts, impelling us to help
others in distress. Studies also have traced violent, psychopathic, and
antisocial behaviors to a lack of empathy, which appears to stem from
IMPAIRED NEURAL CIRCUITS..." (Emphasis is mine).
An unproven hypothesis emerges: brain deficits account for the majority of EVIL.
Fixing the brain is the answer, of course. How much do you
trust medical authorities and societal planners to carry out that task?
I'm not only talking about massive incompetence---I'm talking about
their desire to go overboard and opt for a wide-ranging reconstruction
of human beings.
In order to make humans good.
In order to make them empathetic.
In order to make them endless altruists.
In order to eradicate the notion that Self is a prime value.
We're looking at an overreaching overhaul of the human personality.
"Don't think about yourself. Think only about what others need."
Infamous Yale mind-control researcher, Jose Delgado, spelled
out the position in a 1965 interview with the New York Times: "The
individual may think that the most important reality is his own
existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks
historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own
mind...We must electronically control the brain..."
This radical refit is justified on the basis of "science";
and of course, the public has been tuned up to believe you mustn't doubt
The National Geographic article quotes a 2011 published
journal paper: "...the psychopath must think about right and wrong while
the rest of us feel it."
What? Really? Thinking is bad? The myriad philosophers over
the ages who have written about good and evil instead needed to just
FEEL? The men who framed the Constitution, instead of contemplating
arbitrary power and limiting it, because it is evil, should merely have
written a brief exhortation to FEEL empathy for others and then walked
away from their work?
Hopefully, you see where this is going. Organized globalists
are selling altruism like hotcakes, and they're using brain research to
justify it.
And they're intent on rewiring brains to force it.
They're not only focused on violent psychopaths. They're focused on the human race.
They pretend that the independent individual is too close to
the edge of psychopathy. Therefore---experiment on the brain until he is
radically diminished and weakened, and becomes a card-carrying member
of the share-and-care "human community."
On that day, all will be well.
In his 1962 novel, A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess wrote about this transformation: "Padre,
these are subtleties. We're not concerned with motives, with the higher
ethics. We are concerned only with cutting down crime---and...with
relieving the ghastly congestion in our prisons. He [the violent
psychopath] will [after "adjustment"] be your true Christian: ready to
turn the other cheek, ready to be crucified rather than crucify, sick to
the very heart at the thought even of killing a fly! Reclamation! Joy
before the angels of God! The point is that it [a brainwashing
technique] works...The common people will let it go. Oh yes, they'll
sell liberty for a quieter life. That is why they must be led, sir,
driven, pushed!"
Unfortunately, many people can't distinguish between a person
choosing to be good and being forced to be "good" through repellent
methods of mind control. Only the appearance of an effect is important:
"He is behaving. That's fine. He's acceptable."
"Well, we had to rewire his brain in order to achieve this result."
"What difference does it make? If that's what you had to do, that's what he needed."
And then, one day in the future, that smug and comfortable
person is told he, too, has a problem which must be fixed. For the
greater good.
Suddenly, as a doctor hovers over him, he changes his mind about a wholesale program to cure civilization.
I'll leave you with this quote from Andrew W. Saul, a
nutritionist who has had much experience working in prisons. The
Chicago Tribune published his op-ed piece on December 21, 2017.
"Fifteen years ago, the BBC reported that a double-blind,
placebo-controlled study found that adding vitamins [and essential fatty
acids] to the diets of inmates at a maximum-security institution cut
offenses by 25 percent. The greatest reduction was for serious offenses,
including violence, which fell by 40 percent. There was no such
reduction for those on placebos. The study's researchers claim that
improving diets could be a cost-effective way of reducing crime in
communities and also reducing the prison population. To quote lead study
author Bernard Gesch, 'The improvement was huge'." [See (2002) British
Journal of Psychiatry 181 22-8. The study reports a 35.1 percent
"reduction of offences," compared with baseline numbers, after prisoners
took supplements for just two weeks.]
Somehow, those vitamins worked around the claim that the
prisoners had defective brains, which predisposed them to EVIL, and
impaired neural circuits, which blocked their empathetic responses.
But mainstream researchers aren't interested in the slightest. They want to force brains into new shapes.
That's their job.
On behalf of planners of a new world.
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