Man of the Year: Stella Trimblay, NH Legislator
by Jim Fetzer
“Why are you leaving it to some dumb representative to ask questions, when the reporters should be doing their job? Are you that blind that you’re not willing to ask questions of your government?”–Stella Trimblay
The “talking heads” endlessly parrot the “official story” of Tucson, Aurora, Sandy Hook–and now the Boston bombing. Her “shocking claim” is that the government did it.
The two brothers have been framed for the Boston bombing, just as Lee Harvey Oswald was framed for the assassination of JFK–right down to the claim that Dzhokhar shot a security guard, just as Lee was supposed to have shot a Dallas cop.
There is no doubt that Stella has it right. I have published two studies of the Boston bombing, “Some ‘hard lessons’ from the Boston bombing” and “Welcome to Amerika: No more Truth, Justice or American Way”.
The perps were from Craft International and one of the backpacks was being worn by one of them, who subsequently rushed from the scene without it. They were not SEALS, but they were mercenaries from Craft.
The FBI was so embarrassed by the alternative media cracking the case that they send out a stooge to tell everyone not to look at the man behind the curtain but to focus ONLY on the photos they presented. They asked for the public’s help in identifying them, but the brothers had been under the FBI’s surveillance for some five years. They already knew their identity. They were the patsies.