OKC Bombing: Evidence of Foreknowledge 22
The ‘Lectric Law Library
The following statement with attachments was issued by Texas freshman Congresman Steve Stockman regarding a mysterious fax message his office received on April 19, 1995, just as a bomb exploded at the Alfred P. Murrah federal office building in Oklahoma City.

I am extremely concerned about the media
reports of the last 24 hours. The facts are not being reported
accurately. Here are the facts:
On the day of the Oklahoma City bombing
someone sent our office an anonymous fax which appeared to relate to
that tragedy. Our office – not aware of the bombing or the meaning of
the fax – set it aside. Our office – like the offices of most public
officials, receives every imaginable kind of mail from the public. This
fax was no different.
After my staff heard news reports of the
tragedy – the fax was retrieved and I was made aware of it. I
immediately instructed my staff to turn the fax over to the FBI. My
office did so within minutes.
There has been some confusion in the media
over when my office received this fax and when we turned it over to the
FBI. There has been no confusion in my office – we turned it over right
The FBI (Justice Department) has issued a
statement confirming what I have said all along and confirming the
chronology I have given.
This should end this discussion once and for all.
Once again, I want to express my wife’s
and my deepest sympathy to the people of Oklahoma City. They have
endured a tragedy of monumental proportions. This is a national disaster
and our focus should be on those people and on their families. Our
attention now must be on bringing those responsible to swift and certain
punishment. The people of Oklahoma are in our prayers.
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
April 24, 1995
Honorable Steve Stockman
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
April 24, 1995
Honorable Steve Stockman
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.
Dear Congressman Stockman:
I want to thank you and your staff for the
information you provided to the FBI, via facsimile, immediately after
the Oklahoma City bombing. My office received your facsimile document,
which reflects that you sent the communication at 11:57 a.m. on April
19, 1995, to the FBI Office of Public and Congressional Affairs.
Again, thank you for your action and assistance.
Sincerely yours,
John E. Collingwood
Inspector in Charge
Office of Public and Congressional Affairs
Office of Public and Congressional Affairs
[Note: This is the text of a handwritten message received by Cong. Stockman’s office the morning of April 19th. The first line is the standard time stamp generated by most fax machines indicating the origin and time of the fax.]
04/19/1995 08:59 16169660742 WOLVERINE PAGE 1
First update
Bldg 7 to 10 floors only military people on scene –
Bomb threat received Last week
perpetrator unknown at this time
Bldg 7 to 10 floors only military people on scene –
Bomb threat received Last week
perpetrator unknown at this time
Statement by Jeff Fisher, Chief of Staff to Congressman Steve Stockman of Texas.
I am still overwhelmed by the bombing last week in Oklahoma City.
This kind of terroristic activity is
disgusting and I hope and pray that the people responsible will be
brought to justice. My prayers are for the victims of this tragedy, and
the families who have been touched by this awful act of terrorism.
Let me first say, that Congressman
Stockman has done everything possible to ensure that justice is served
and the truth about the people who are responsible for this is brought
to light. We want to clarify misinformation, there have bee some
erroneous reports by the media. We are here to set the record straight.
At about 10:30 a.m., our office first saw
televised reports of the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City.
This was our first knowledge of the event. Our office received no
information prior to the bombing.
After we saw the news reports about the
bombing, one of my employees came and told be that we had received a fax
at about the same time as the bombing. As the fax was so cryptic and
wasn’t directed to anyone in particular, the employee had thrown it
away. However, because of the magnitude of the disaster and the
possibility that the fax might be connected to the bombing, I asked
Kimberly Pyle, the staffer who had thrown the fax away, to send it the
Federal Bureau of Investigations at once. Pyle immediately called the
Congressional Affairs branch of the FBI, spoke with Special Agent Les
Wiser, and faxed the “mystery” fax over to the investigations department
of the FBI. This all took place shortly after the bombing occurred.
At approximately 12:15 p.m., I called
special agent Les Wiser myself, to make sure that our office had done
all we needed to do concerning the fax. He confirmed that he had spoken
with Kim Pyle, and had received the “mystery” fax with the name and
phone number of the person who sent the fax. It is my understanding that
Wiser did not think that the fax was of any importance, for he did not
contact my office again.
It is my understanding that the National
Rifle Association received a copy of the fax from a third member of my
staff on Thursday, a full 24 hours after the FBI was initially contacted
by our office.
I believe the staffer acted in good faith,
nonetheless, this was done without my knowledge. Again, it is my desire
that the people responsible for this massacre are brought to justice.
The FBI has not contacted our office since then and we hope it has been
some help in their investigation. Again, Congressman Stockman absolutely
condemns the deplorable behavior of these terrorists and want the truth
brought to light.
Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-4309
Washington, DC 20515-4309
March 22, 1995
United States Attorney General
The Honorable Janet Reno
10th Street and Constitution Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
United States Attorney General
The Honorable Janet Reno
10th Street and Constitution Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Attorney General Reno:
It has come to my attention through a
number of reliable sources that an impending raid, by several Federal
agencies, against the “citizen’s militias” groups, is scheduled for
March 25 or 26 at 4:00 A.M. A paramilitary style attack against
Americans who pose no risk to others, even if violations of criminal law
might be imputed to them, would run the risk of an irreparable breach
between the Federal government and the public, especially if it turned
out to be an ill considered, poorly planned, but bloody fiasco like
While information is scarce, it is known
that Joint Task Force Six, with headquarters at Fort Bliss, Texas, is
co-ordinating the military training, including the use of tanks and
other armored vehicles, for certain Federal Law Enforcement agencies in
possible violation of the Posse Comitatus Law, 18 U.S.C. 1385. Any
possible impending military action against American citizens might be
forestalled by, among other things, simply asking for a complete
explanation of all training activities of JTF-6 for the last three
years, including the individuals, agencies, who authorized the training,
what military equipment was used, what apparent purpose was served by
the training, and copies of all legal opinions as the legality of such
I will be eagerly awaiting your response to these questions.
Steve StockmanMember of Congress
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