Our Republican Form of Government: Section 39 — Parting of the Waters from Anna Von Reitz
Section 39 — Parting of the Waters
So, the original American Government as of 1781, consisted
of a Union, a Federation, and a Confederation of different kinds of “states”
and “states of states” operating in different jurisdictions — and there is a
hard and fast demarcation between Soil/Land and Sea/Air.
The Soil/Land jurisdictions are populated by people, that
is, Lawful Persons. The Sea/Air jurisdictions are inhabited by persons, that
is, Legal Persons. And never the twain shall meet, like the
land is separated from the sea.
The only interface is located in international jurisdiction
where Lawful Persons populate the land and Legal Persons inhabit the sea, and
they may be converted either unlawfully or lawfully, one into the other.
What we are doing by reclaiming our birthright political
status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens and by
expatriating from all presumed Territorial and Municipal citizenship(s) is to
lawfully convert Legal Persons back into Lawful Persons.
We are explicitly declaring our political status and
officially returning our Good Names, our Trade Names, to the Soil/Land
jurisdiction of our actual States of the Union. We are doing this specifically
and one by one serving Notice on the Public Records of the commercial
corporations operating the Sea and Air jurisdictions so there can be no further
“accidentally on purpose” mistaking us for “US Citizens” or “Citizens of the
United States” or “citizens under the 14th Amendment” to the Territorial
Constitution reconfigured as the Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish
Commercial Corporation that went bankrupt in 1907.
So what is a “State of the Union”? It’s the soil jurisdiction Union of republican states being referenced, which holds the underlying land jurisdiction States as possessions. You could just as well read it as “State belonging to the Union” in the sense of ownership, while the State itself is a member of The United States of America, an unincorporated Federation of States.
In the same way, the States of States that were members of the original Confederation of States belonged to the States in the sense of ownership.
Georgia owns The State of Georgia, which operates under Georgia’s Sovereign Letters Patent. The State of Georgia which has been mothballed since 1868 along with all the other actual Federal States of States is an American State Corporation held under Sovereign Letters Patent.
These States of States can be called Federal States of States, since they belong to States that are members of the Federation of States, or they can be called Confederate States because they are members of the States of America Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation in 1781.
This original Confederation of States of States doing business as the States of America was enabled to carry out all the business of the States in several jurisdictions: international jurisdiction of the sea, territorial jurisdiction, municipal jurisdiction, commercial jurisdiction — the States of America was a Jack-of-All-Trades operating in all the jurisdictions of the Sea and the Air, owned and operated by the American States and People.
The Constitutions were to break up the functions of this original Confederation doing business as the States of America.
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The Lion’s share of
the business remained with the States of America under the actual Federal
Constitution called “The Constitution for the united States of America”. To put
it simply, the States chose to Delegate certain Powers to their own commercial
corporations, which were then liable for providing the services stipulated
under the Constitution.
Another portion, the Territorial functions and business,
including control of the Naval Armed Services, Commercial Fleet, Trade
Policies, and U.S. Territories was split off and delegated to the British
Monarch under the Territorial Constitution called “The Constitution of the
United States of America”. The services stipulated under this Constitution were
determined by Treaties leading up to the end of the Revolutionary War and were
administered by British Territorial United States inhabitants temporarily
residing in our States and the District of Columbia.
As part of the Great Fraud they try to pretend that we are
all “United States Citizens” who are unpaid volunteers working for the
Territorial United States and its commercial corporations while temporarily
residing in our own country.
Finally, a portion of the business was split off and
delegated to the Temple Government operated by Westminster, the so-called Inner
City of London, which is an independent international city- state and part of
the Municipal Government of Rome under the Roman Pontiff and the Holy Roman
The functions of this Municipal Government affiliate were
severely limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. This
global Jurisdiction of the Air entity received a separate Constitution called
“The Constitution of the United States”.
Thus, the Federal Government was carved out of the States of
America Confederation.
The Federal Branch of the Federal Government was operated
under the States of America as an extension of delegated power belonging to the
States and their Federation doing business as The United States of America. According
to the duty, it could operate in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea or
the global Jurisdiction of the Air.
The Federal Branch of the Federal Government was sometimes
referred to as The Republic, a reflection back the to republican states that
ultimately own everything. This entity was operated by Deputies chosen by The
State of State Legislatures — Senators elected to serve as part of the Federal
United States Congress and by popularly elected Delegates serving the Federal
House of Representatives.
However, please note that the Federal Congress, also known
as the United States Congress, was composed entirely of Confederate “States” —
that is, commercial corporations run as “States of States”, operating in the
Sea/Air jurisdictions, as opposed to the Continental Congress operated by the
Soil/Land jurisdiction States.
The Territorial Branch of the Federal Government was
operated by the British Territorial United States as a Democracy.
The Municipal Branch of the Federal Government was operated
as an independent international city-state, the Washington Municipality. This
Municipal Government was entrusted to the members of the Federal Congress, who
were supposed to operate the District of Columbia and Municipality of
Washington, DC, as a neutral meeting ground for the States and People. The
members of the Federal Congress were given power to operate the Municipal
Government as a plenary oligarchy.
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All of these
entities, the commercial corporations making up the States of States of the
Confederation that were responsible for running the Federal Congress and
overseeing the Municipal United States Government, the Territorial United
States Government and the Municipal United States Government, can be called in
some respect “the” Federal Government, because they are all part of the
original Federal Government, and yet, it takes the sum total of all three functioning
together as intended to make up the actual Federal Government owed to the
member States of The United States of America.
In 1860, this entire arrangement was torn apart. The members
of the original Confederation split apart. The Northern States of States in
support of the original Confederation adopted the stance of being champions of
the Federal cause and became known as “Union” troops. The Southern States of
States which were more honest simply reorganized a new Confederation doing
business as The Confederate States of America.
Emerging on the other side of the mercenary conflict
misnamed “The American Civil War”, which was all fought by the commercial
corporations that were States of States members of the original Confederation,
the Federal Branch of the Federal Government was destroyed and subject to
Before that Reconstruction could be properly addressed or
the population given adequate Notice, the British Territorial Government
operating the Armed Forces of the Northern States of States of the original
Confederation substituted Territorial States of States for the Federal States
of States, a cuckoo bird maneuver that took place in 1868.
The original Territorial Constitution called “The
Constitution of the United States of America” was also deceitfully reconfigured
as the Articles of Incorporation of a new Scottish commercial corporation doing
business as “The United States of America, Incorporated”.
As a single commercial corporation under foreign control,
the members of the new Territorial United States Congress took over as a Board
of Directors. Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation disguised as the
actual Territorial Constitution didn’t require ratification by the States, only
approval by the deceitful traitors occupying vacant Federal Congressional
offices under false pretenses.
This is why no Amendments since the 14th Amendment have ever
been properly ratified by the States of the Union. This is also how the United
States Senators of the Federal United States Congress ceased to function as
Deputies (Fiduciary Officers) of the States and became instead merely popularly
elected Territorial United States “Senators” whose only fiduciary allegiances
were to the foreign Scottish corporation masquerading as “The United States of
America — Incorporated”.
Grant, Sherman, and other Union Generals were no match for
the European bankers and corrupt politicians who were equally influenced by
British and Holy Roman Empire agents and the American Robber Barons — American
Industrialists, especially steel, railroad, newspaper, arms, and drug/medical
empire builders who made vast fortunes during the Civil War and who fully
intended to continue to capitalize on their gains after the war.
They did so at the expense of this country and its States
and its People.
And the British Monarchs and the Lords Mayors of Westminster
and the Popes who all owed us Good Faith Service, sat mum and ordered their
minions to do likewise. Generations of American military and police and yes,
even Bar Attorneys, have been dumbed down and told that all of this
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is a “matter of
National Security”. They simply haven’t been told which nation’s security is at
risk, and as it turns out, it’s Great Britain, followed closely by Westminster
and Vatican City.
The Gross Breach of Trust which has taken place has no equal
in the history of the world and the damage done to our States and our People
cannot be estimated either in terms of natural resources, lives, or money lost,
embezzled, and frittered away by the mixed bag of criminals, British
sympathizers, banker flunkies, and fools that have sat in the Territorial
United States “Congress” ever since, all under conditions of fraud, color of
law, and false pretenses.
Called to account for it, John Paul II, apologized, but
maintained that it was our fault for wanting too many government services and
not paying better attention to the corruption of the commercial corporations
providing those services
Please note that the Federal United States Congress —
neither before nor after the Civil War — ever had any authority to interfere
with the States or the People of the Soil and Land jurisdictions. We were never
part of the Civil War, even though millions of Americans suffered and died then
and for 150 years afterward as a direct result of it.
As long as we claim and maintain our birthright political
status, none of this skullduggery pertains to us, and we are not subject to the
Queen nor the Pope nor any repugnant legislation coming out of either the
Territorial or the Municipal “United States Congress”, nor any of their
numerous Territorial or Municipal State of State franchises.
Above and beyond all else, this is because we are Lawful
Persons and they are all Legal Persons.
When Abraham Lincoln was forced to declare the Northern
States of States bankrupt in 1863, he issued the Lieber Code to the military
leaders of the Grand Army of the Republic. The British Territorial United
States Government has continued to operate under the Lieber Code (also known as
General Order 100) ever since. The Code has since been adopted as the Hague
Lincoln also began operating exclusively as the Commander in
Chief of the US Military, and exercising this power via the issuance of
Executive Orders, a practice which is the basis of Territorial Presidential
executive powers to this day. Thus, at the Territorial level, we have a
military junta and “Presidents” of foreign commercial corporations acting as
dictators and at the Municipal level we have members of the Territorial
Congress grossly usurping powers intended for the Federal Congress and
attempting to extend the hegemony of their largely illegal oligarchy far, far
beyond the borders of the District of Columbia.
And none of this has anything to do with the American States
or the American People, except that we have been asleep for a 150 years, and we
have been repeatedly raped and robbed by our erring Hired Help.
—Posted: Sunday, February 24, 2019
Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 144 of 209
The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz
Section 40 — Grocery Shopping
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