Wednesday, January 8, 2025
5205-5207: International Public Notice: Ask Yourselves from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
it in any way be appropriate for a British Territorial Government to
occupy a foreign sovereign nation like Spain, to the threat and
detriment of the actual Spanish Government?
We don't think so.
think that the presence of British Territorial Mercenaries unlawfully
occupying this country and numerous other countries is a systemic
failure of international and global law.
now we come to the curious "offer" which has been placed on our table
by Mr. Trump and the "Alliance". They propose to, in their words,
"re-inhabit" our American Federal Republic which we operated from 1787
to 1861, and simply substitute their British Territorial organization
for our "missing" Federal Republic.
will note that it is not possible for them to "re-inhabit" our Federal
Republic, because they never inhabited it in the first place.
Federal Republic Government was staffed by Americans who underwent an
arduous evaluation and process to become United States Citizens. This
process and the particular Citizenship involved is described in the
First Naturalization and Immigration Act.
note the Federal Republic was staffed entirely by Americans who chose
to serve their country in foreign jurisdictions and exercise delegated
powers on our behalf.
They were United States Citizens, not U.S. Citizens.
U.S. Citizens are British Territorial Citizens, like the people of
Puerto Rico, which is a British Commonwealth nation to this day.
They are British Subjects, not Americans.
how would a bunch of "Tories" --- British Territorial U.S. Citizens,
registered as such by Birth Certificates and labor contracts --- propose
that they should act as Successors to the American Federal Constitution
-- The Constitution for the united States of America -- and enter our
Federal Republic and substitute themselves and their services for our
own people?
a group of French Foreign Legionnaires offering to take over
bureaucratic control of a substantial portion of your government under
color of law. What would you tell them?
this bizarre proposal is being fortified by ignorant Americans who
still don't realize that they have been operating in a foreign political
capacity as U.S. Citizens. They think they are the "real Americans"
and the rest of us don't know what we are talking about.
But we do.
Here is an example of it:
confused individuals are parroting a false narrative fed to them by
foreign interests and don't even realize it. They don't know that each
and every one of them is disqualified by having adopted a foreign
citizenship status, that of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, and
acting as presumed British Subjects.
don't realize -- yet -- that in their current condition, they lack
standing to populate an American State of the Union, much less a Union
can be somewhat forgiven for their clueless ignorance, because they
were "registered" as U.S. Citizens while still babies in their cradles,
so that the foreign citizenship contract was totally unconscionable to
them and was never disclosed to their parents.
while the victims of this Unlawful Conversion were in grade school,
these manufactured U.S. Citizens were all declared legally dead,
missing, lost at sea, whereabouts unknown, and the U.S. Trustees
declared their intestate estates to be public trusts administered as
"citizens of the United States" under the control of the Holy Roman
Empire's Municipal United States Government, dba, United States, Inc.
these Great Villains, these Dishonorable Principals, and False Allies,
have preyed upon the gullibility and induced ignorance of the American
population in an attempt to make us forget who we are and how our
government is intended to be structured and run, so that they can usurp
upon us, their employers, and control our people and our resources via
undisclosed substitutions and semantic deceits.
this is confusing for Americans, we can only guess how confusing it has
been for the rest of the world, which has also been ensnared in this
Great Fraud.
for the representations of Mr. Trump and the Alliance, and those
unwitting Tories trying to front another substitute government for them,
we can only counter-offer; they need a new Constitution to serve under,
that's true, but they are not the Successors of our American Federal
Republic and are not United States Citizens, either.
legal standing as a Successor to the Federal (1787) Constitution
Contract, and without the proper Citizenship, they can't "get there from
here". We are certainly not offering to just open the door and let
them come in and play their Substitution Fraud Game again.
they can do, is to do what we have done. They can declare, record, and
publish their birthright political status as Americans, acknowledging
their loyalty to our government and accepting their political status as
freeborn American State Nationals.
we can talk about altering our Public Law to allow them to provide
services under The Constitution for the united States of America
as the Municipal United States, Incorporated, has been dissolved, they
can dissolve the United States of America, Incorporated, and The United
States of America, Incorporated, and the USA, Incorporated, and the
U.S.A., Incorporated, and all the many other deceitfully named
corporations that they have created in their ongoing attempts to
impersonate us.
can surrender back all beneficial ownership interest in the phony
British Seaman's Estates that they created out of thin air and used as a
means to impersonate us and purloin our credit and latch onto our Good
Names and physical assets.
If they want to work for us in "good faith" they need to return our stuff.
can deposit our American assets back into our American Federation
Treasury and into our Sovereign Treasury Accounts held in our chartered
Global Family Banks.
can return to us what is lawfully and legally ours. They can stop
illegally and immorally occupying our country. They can turn over the
helm to the actual civilian government of this country. They can be
employed as honorable national military officers and enlisted --- not as
undisclosed mercenary forces.
can come home. They can be honest. There isn't anything about this
story that we don't already know or which would overly surprise us.
All the cloak and dagger deceits and foreign "National Security" concerns need to go away and be replaced by simple truth.
understand that Mr. Trump has been elected to an Office, that of
"President of the United States" which has vaporized with the
dissolution of the United States, Incorporated --- and can't rationally
be replaced by any unincorporated version of anything calling itself
"the United States", when the actual name of the country is "The United
States" and has been since the 1850s.
understand that he, Mr. Trump, as a British Territorial Officer, is
between a rock and a hard place and trying to consolidate British
Territorial interests by forcing a "merger" with CANADA, which as a
Corporation Franchise of the UNITED STATES, is also dissolved and which
costs this country over a hundred billion dollars per year and owes us a
very substantial trade deficit.
object on the grounds that all Beneficial Ownership Interest in all the
dissolved assets and franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. belong to
the living people of this country, that means CANADA, AUSTRALIA, etc.,
because we have paid the debts and the operational expenses of all these
Municipal Corporations.
The decisions about collecting or forgiving their debts is not for Mr. Trump to make.
not Mr. Trump's debt to collect. His authority extends to enforcing
foreign trade policies, but setting foreign trade policy is the job of
our American Federal Republic, or in its absence, the job of our
Federation of States.
have also paid all the debts and operational expenses of the British
Territorial counterparts operating as Canada, Inc., and Australia, Inc.,
et alia, and they are also substantially bankrupt and in receivership
to us.
-- their National Debt is our National Credit. Remember that aside
from "service", no actual government Subcontractor produces anything on
the books. What they do as Black Ops is outside the context of their
obligation to serve us under their specific Constitution and most such
enterprises are illegal.
a business standpoint, it makes sense for Donald Trump to call the
cards and force CANADA to fold, which will give the appearance of making
the underlying Territorial Company, "Canada, Inc." a direct franchise
of the current version of "the United States of America, Inc." and give
the impression that the two countries are now "united"--- when in truth,
all that is being united are business administrations.
are sick of these kinds of deceits being pulled off on the public and
all these business moguls trampling over the rights and material
interests of the actual nation-states and people.
are sick of British Territorial Officers, either members of the U.S.
Military or members of the Bar Associations, pretending to be our
"President", when in truth, they are acting as Presidents of foreign
corporations that are supposed to be providing us with "good faith
service" under public service contracts known as Constitutions.
American President is elected by our qualified State Assemblies, not by
a ludicrous glitzy strawpoll misrepresented as a public election.
public statement of loyalty and proper political standing is really the
only way to go forward, as any other option means building on sand.
the Alliance is backing Trump, they need to evaluate the situation;
Trump is a Dutch East India scion largely in the pocket of the Zionists;
he may want to make America great again, but at what cost to America
and the rest of the world?
profiteering and war-mongering of the Zionists might seem attractive to
some members of the military, but we all know that the actual purpose
of an honorable military is peace.
national military should be engaged in killing babies and children and
helpless women and healthcare workers and journalists for economic gain,
which is precisely what Benjamin Netanyahu has been doing in Gaza,
Lebanon and Syria since last October.
is still supporting Netanyahu and the Zionist regime he represents.
After suffering the loss of 30,000 innocent civilians, Trump is still
standing behind podiums telling the Palestinian people that they have to
stand down or else.
What exactly is the "or else"?
are already being genocided into oblivion. Israel has already dropped
more bombs on Gaza than were dropped in the entirety of World War II.
They are already running a strict apartheid state, where public
hospitals don't serve the Palestinians who help to pay for them.
think the Palestinians have already seen the "or else" and that Israel
as it currently exists is a genocidal rogue nation that desperately
needs a change of government and administration, not assistance and
support for its crimes against the Palestinians, Lebanese, and now,
also set up and kicked off the phony Pandemic to fill the ailing
coffers of "the United States of America, Inc." and bail it out of
Chapter 7 bankruptcy. He was apparently willing to sacrifice the lives
of millions of Americans and billions of other innocent civilians
worldwide to save an unworthy, duplicitous commercial corporation.
That is a decision and a taint that will follow him to his grave, if the actual Donald John Trump isn't already dead.
Alliance needs to rethink things. Seriously. Rethink the entire
narrative the Alliance has been selling and the way it has been doing
business. People aren't buying the narratives. It's not aligned with
the Truth. It doesn't build peace and prosperity. It doesn't give the
world a new start --- just a reshuffling of the same old dirty laundry.
we have heard all the NESARA/GESARA pitch and the Great Reset pitch and
all the rest of the bandaids on offer. We were there when the actual
Nesara restitution was proposed. We are sick of the kinds of deceits
that are still being employed --- Economic Stabilization Fund, Economic
Security Fund --- ESF or ESF, Nesara or NESARA?
People are not stupid just because they have been kept ignorant and deceived by criminals.
we accepted our work from the hand of God, we were visited by an angel
who kissed our forehead and simply said, "It's time."
time for all this deceit and ugly nonsense and pollution and criminal
profiteering at the expense of the Earth and its people to end. Let
those members of the Alliance who have seen the worst of it contemplate
the situation set before them.
and all his deceits are exposed and overthrown; the new Age has dawned.
Soon the Central Sun will recalibrate. The timelines will split off,
severing what is true from what is false. Which side of that divide
will you be on?
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 8th 2025
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International Public Notice: Pictures Worth Endless Words
By Anna Von Reitz
became aware of the Anunnaki as the archeological treasures of the
Middle East were unearthed; together with the later Egyptian Empires,
the earlier Babylonian-Syrian Empire of the Anunnaki have provided us
with a partial framework and vision of the ancient world
seen through the lens of artifacts and records preserved in the strange language of Cuneiform and hieroglyphs.
you know what the Fleur-de-lis, the three-pronged, trident-like symbol
that we associate with the Kingdom of France in modern times was once
the symbol of the Anunnaki nobility, and it represented the triune
kingdom of mind, body, and spirit then, just as it represents the Holy
Trinity, the Unholy Trinity, and the jurisdictional realms of Land, Air,
and Water (LAW) now?
the first three attached jpeg photos -- a telling detail from a recent
cover of the Economist magazine, the magazine cover in full, and last,
but not least, a photo of an ancient bas relief carving in stone,
showing the same symbol crowning one of the Anunnaki.
much as everything changes, everything stays the same --- until we wake
up, notice such things, and take stock of our situation, so as to make
the needed and permanent changes that will free humanity from the
continued abuses associated with the Anunnaki.
Trinity in all its forms and representations is an ancient symbol of
control; like the Law, it is designed to limit and control and accuse
mankind, to compartmentalize our activities, and to condemn us to
punishment when convenient.
see this Trinity represented in many, many venues--- religion, law, the
administration of corporations, magic, and even the three "keys"
represented on the Papal Tiara and UBS logos worldwide.
trinity symbolism comes to us from very, very ancient sources and
interestingly is not associated with the actual and factual Kingdom of
Gaul --- which holds the land and soil jurisdiction of what we call
"France", but is instead associated with the sea jurisdiction
administration and air jurisdiction that are not physically defined.
Notice the pattern:
(land and soil) is redefined as "Great Britain" (sea) a business
enterprise, and "Great Britain" is redefined as "the UNITED KINGDOM"
Gaul (land and soil) is redefined as "France" (sea) a business enterprise, and "France" is then redefined as "FRANCE" (air).
American sovereign States have also been given this treatment: Virginia
(land and soil) is redefined as Virginia (sea) a business enterprise,
which magically morphs into VIRGINIA (air) another kind of business
this sleight of hand is used to compartmentalize and control different
realms of human endeavor and provide for its tidy administrative control
by a bureaucracy and forms of law that are also imposed by the
this way, using this "system" of organization, it has been possible for
a handful of ruling elites who fancy themselves the progeny of the
Anunnaki to control the fates and business affairs of entire countries
for generations.
this a token of any particular genius on the part of these gangs of
criminals and their henchmen bureaucrats, or a testament to mankind's
trusting and non-observant nature?
it's a nice well-organized system to divide and conquer, passed off
under color of law and a facade of reasonableness, but in the end, the
Trinity System, is a tool to enslave, separate, and promote elitism
according to its own ancient Triune Caste System: the patricians, the
indentured servants, and the slaves.
same system adopted by the Roman Empire has, through the Church and the
Commonwealth, and all the history associated, been promulgated
throughout the world using three separate bureaucracies and forms of
an ancient Robber Baron in his castle guarding a mountain pass in
Germany; he has retainers, mercenaries, at his command. They go out and
do the dirty work for him, "arresting" travelers as they attempt to use
the mountain pass he controls, and charging them passage fees, or, if
they belong to certain religions or races, simply robbing them and
leaving them dead in the snow.
same thing is happening today, as members of the Municipal bureaucracy
(slaves) control the jurisdiction of the air through copyrights,
patents, licenses, labor contracts, and associated means, and members of
the Territorial bureaucracy (indentured servants serving "tours of
duty") provide the muscle as mercenaries intent on controlling trade
and commerce and commodities, and finally, the National bureaucracy is
vacated for the convenience of the Perpetrators, who don't want to be
bothered with such tiresome duties as actually running a "Kingdom" and
dealing with the needs of living people.
more convenient to have all the living people redefined as corporation
franchises, administered under forms of law intended for corporations.
These Vermin
only want to float along like the great turds they are, on the top of
the world's proverbial punch bowl, controlling money and resources that
belong to other people for their own unjust enrichment and all to the
detriment of the actual owners.
has been 8,000 years of this nonsense. Time to wake up, bring it to an
end, start over with a new system --- which may not be perfect, either,
but at least offers the prospect of a possible different outcome.
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complaints and information that a purported “Notice” addressed “to
Patriots” allegedly from Donald Trump came from a fake website:
same communication has been spread throughout many channels and may or
may not be genuine no matter what “point sources” have been used to
promulgate it.
I warned everyone at the outset, we are coming out of a time of nearly
“universal” deceit. Don’t believe everything you hear and thanks to
CGI, less than half of what you see.
didn’t say this “Notice” was verified, did I? No, I specifically said
it wasn’t verified. At the same time, the dissolution of the United
States, Inc., is confirmed and as such this kind of instruction is
appropriate whether or not DJT issued it.
leaks from within the corporate administration often appear via “fake”
reports and fake websites that in the end turn out to be true. So don’t
get your knickers in a knot either way.
We will have plenty of time to observe the shut down and roll over of the Municipal Government in real time.
Until then, take everything with a grain of salt and under advisement and follow the logic.
have had to tell specific judges running Municipal Corporation
Tribunals to stand down because their corporation is no more and the
former “citizenry” composed of corporation employees, officers, and
dependents all described as Municipal Corporation Franchises, is
released and stateless and we own the beneficial ownership interest in
all the above.
That is factual.
other people are saying the same thing in other venues, it is nothing
remarkable. It’s logical, given the circumstance. So it MAY be more
credible than the source may superficially indicate. We note it because
it is consistent with the overall situation.
The search for truth is everlasting, our responsibility to be discerning consumers of information is, too.
people listen closely they will hear me say such words as “unverified”
and “alleged” and “possible” with respect to questionable source
information and should take such information for what it is worth.
the information is true even though the website source is false, it
will become obvious in days to come, and hopefully, our people will be
alert and watching to see.
no need for Nervous Nellie responses. We must all listen, look, read,
think, observe, and when appropriate take questionable information under
advisement for ongoing evaluation.
This is one of those cases and I trust that I have made that overtly clear to everyone.
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