Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

5010-5013: A Go Figure Quote from RFK, Jr. and Comment on "Military Gesara" from Lincoln County Watch


Monday, September 16, 2024

5010-5013: A Go Figure Quote from RFK, Jr. and Comment on "Military Gesara" from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

"The vaccine companies are making $60 Billion a year selling  mandatory vaccines.....They are also making $500 Billion a year selling epi pens, inhalers, anti-seizure medications, diabetes and arthritis meds, etc.  Virtually all the medications they sell are targeted to treat diseases that are listed as side effects of the vaccines on their own manufacturer's inserts.  It's the perfect business model.  They make us all sick and create lifetime customers."  --- RFK, Jr. 

The same logic applies to the Covid Injections which served many purposes: (1) create a new class of humans called "transhumans" who would have no "human rights" or natural rights at all, but would be owned by the mRNA patent holders --- DARPA, which would be able to sell the victims as slaves, use them as lab rats, and dispose of them as property however this evil agency might wish; (2) create a silent surveillance interface to track everything about everyone who took the shot -- their exact location, their biometric markers, their emotions, and to some extent, their thoughts, creating the ultimate invasion of privacy; (3) a cocktail of poisons, nanobots, and harmful drugs calculated to greatly increase customer traffic at hospitals and clinics over the next seven to ten years, and gradually kill two-thirds of our population; (4) invite all sorts of new immigrants to serve as "Americans" and give them the shots as they cross the border so that they also die within seven to ten years and leave their "estates" to the guilty mercenary corporations masquerading as our government. 

A Republican Form of Government: Section 2 — Law and Religion by Anna Von Reitz


A Republican Form of Government: Section 2 — Law and Religion by Anna Von Reitz


Section 2 — Law and Religion
As I anticipated my release of “For All Jural Assemblies” has stimulated quite a bit of discussion as more people are grasping the nature, function, and vital importance of our Jural Assemblies. As I also anticipated, this initial understanding is creating the need for more discussion of associated topics.
So here is Round Two:
Our land and soil jurisdiction government is secular not religious per se for a reason. Our Founders
were familiar with the evils of Theocracies and the way that such belief systems try to thwart the greater and more Universal Principle of Free Will, so they very decidedly and purposefully cast the issues of religious belief out of the American Government.
There is separation of Church and State to allow the peace and provide for just treatment of all those living under this system.
The basis of the “American Common Law” is the Ten Commandments which are “common” to all three major land based religions in the West — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
This common ethical basis provides the heart of the Common Law — an ethical matrix that is “common” to and/or acceptable to adherents of all these major religions and most thinking people world wide.

Bill Gates Calls for ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ to be Censored in Real-Time by AI


Bill Gates Calls for ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ to be Censored in Real-Time by AI

Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for all questions and concerns about vaccines to be censored in real time by artificial intelligence (AI) as part of an effort to allegedly tackle so-called “misinformation.”

According to the Microsoft co-founder, one of the key missions of his Gates Foundation is stopping the spread of “vaccine misinformation” online.

Gates argues that critics of official narratives regarding vaccines must be silenced in order to convince skeptical or unwilling members of the public that experimental injections are “safe and effective.”

In order to stamp out “vaccine misinformation,” Gates is calling for opinions that counter the official narratives to be shut down with the help of AI.

Gates laid out his vision during an interview with CNBC.

According to Gates, the public’s free speech rights are a major obstacle to his plan.

He lamented that America’s Constitution and its speech protections are standing in the way of AI setting new “boundaries” for the flow of information online.

Gates claims to support free speech but insists that the First Amendment should have “rules” in case a person expresses a view that is “causing people not to take vaccines.”

America today, compared to the America I grew up in


America today, compared to the America I grew up in

This website depends on public support. If there is no public support, there is no website.

America today, compared to the America I grew up in

Paul Craig Roberts

My America no longer exists. What has taken its place?

Judges, prosecutors, and law professors who define justice in terms of ideological agendas and who are hostile to the US Constitution because it gets in the way of their agendas.

Jurors so brainwashed, indoctrinated, and compliant with authorities that only 3% of defendants will risk a jury trial. It is safer to self-incriminate. No one trusts a trial by their peers, who in fact are operatives for the authorities.

A population so insouciant that it has no idea that nuclear war could break out at any moment and no idea that “their government” is pushing for such an outcome.

Public schools, financed by parents, that are determined to take away the parents’ children. In effect the parents are financing their own causes of grief, such as their kids being taught transgenderism and critical race theory.

Public officials, House, Senate, President, Governors, regulators, state legislators, city councils that are so compromised by campaign contributions that they cannot represent the people and the public interest, only the interests of the political campaign contributors. A US Supreme Court legalized the purchase of the US government by private interests.

Homeschooling Is Still Gaining Popularity…Thanks To Woke ‘Educators’


Homeschooling Is Still Gaining Popularity…Thanks To Woke ‘Educators’




One of the few areas where liberty made gains in the COVID lockdown era was the increase in homeschooling. Many parents started homeschooling out of frustration with the failure of “virtual learning” to provide children with a quality education.

Other parents withdrew their children from government schools when virtual learning allowed them to discover how teachers and administrators were prioritizing political indoctrination over education.  The Worm in the Apple:... Brimelow, Peter Best Price: $2.14 Buy New $11.95 (as of 10:01 UTC - Details)

According to the John Hopkins University’s Homeschool Hub, 5.8 percent of American children were homeschooled in the 2022-2023 school year. While this is a decline from the COVID-era high of 11.1 percent, it is still an almost 50 percent increase over 2019 when 2.8 percent of American school-aged children were homeschooled.

More proof of homeschooling’s continued popularity is provided by the Census Bureau ‘s Household Pulse Survey. According to this survey, the number of homeschooled children increased from 3.6 million in the 2022-2023 school year to 4 million this year.

As more parents become aware of how government schools short-change education in favor of indoctrination by incorporating “woke” subjects like critical race theory, transgenderism, and “green new deal” propaganda disguised as “climate science” into the curriculum, more parents will turn to homeschooling. The conservative counter to “woke” education is the mandating of “patriotic” education, which is code for promoting the neoconservative line that all of America’s wars were justified and America has a right and duty to use its military might to spread democracy. This may cause even more parents to abandon government schools.

“Overthrowing the Constitution”: All Sides Are Waging War on Our Freedoms



“Overthrowing the Constitution”: All Sides Are Waging War on Our Freedoms

John & Nisha Whitehead

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”
Abraham Lincoln

It is both apt and ironic that the anniversary of 9/11, which paved the way for the government to overthrow the Constitution, occurs the week before the anniversary of the day the U.S. Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787.

All sides are still waging war on our constitutional freedoms, and “we the people” remain the biggest losers.

This year’s presidential election is no exception.

As Bruce Fein, the former associate deputy attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, warns in a recent article in the Baltimore Sun, “In November, the American people will have a choice between Harris-Walz and Trump-Vance. But they will not have a choice between an Empire and a Republic.

In other words, the candidates on this year’s ballot do not represent a substantive choice between freedom and tyranny so much as they constitute a cosmetic choice: the packaging may vary widely, but the contents remain the same.

No matter who wins, the bureaucratic minions of the Security/Military Industrial Complex and its Police State/Deep State partners will retain their stranglehold on power.

Neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris have the greatest of track records when it comes to actually respecting the rights enshrined in the Constitution, despite the rhetoric being trotted out by both sides lately regarding their so-called devotion to the rule of law.

Indeed, Trump has repeatedly called for parts of the Constitution to be terminated, while both Harris and Trump seem to view the First Amendment’s assurance of the right to free speech, political expression and protest as dangerous when used to challenge the government’s power.

This flies in the face of everything America’s founders fought to safeguard.

Joachim Hagopian, West’s Longer-Range Missiles Setting Final Stage for City of London’s World War III Blastoff


Joachim Hagopian, West’s Longer-Range Missiles Setting Final Stage for City of London’s World War III Blastoff

Joachim Hagopian

With the precedent already set this week, a number of close allied leaders are aggressively pushing the greenlight for Ukraine to use their Western delivered long-range weapons to target sites deep inside Russia, including Moscow. It seems that we are now just hours away from all the Western puppet powers, including the big cheese paper tiger US, granting Kiev its greenlit license to doomsday. Five days ago, Dutch Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans boldly asserted:

The right to self-defense does not end 100 kilometers from the border. We have not placed any operational restrictions on Ukraine regarding distance. Yes, Ukraine can use our weapons on Russian territory for self-defense in accordance with international law. Kyiv has the right to defend itself. If the country is attacked from border areas or Russian airfields, it can target military objects. The same applies to enemy missiles — they can also be intercepted by our weapons over Russian territory.

On Friday the 13th while UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and US President Joe Biden were meeting to discuss the weapons greenlight, cheerleading Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau egged them on jumping aboard this Western puppet bandwagon:

Canada fully supports Ukraine using long-range weaponry to prevent and interdict Russia’s continued ability to degrade Ukrainian civilians (and) infrastructure, and mostly to kill innocent civilians in their unjust war.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Video: A Charter for Health Freedom

 The Charter of Health Freedom seeks to protect the right to access natural health products by putting them into a distinct legal category and shifting the method of their regulation. Constitutional lawyer and CHD.TV guest, Shawn Buckley, is leading the charge on this effort. He joins the show to discuss.

79.The Parens Patriae Powers: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


79.The Parens Patriae Powers: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



The Parens Patriae Powers  


     The 1852 compulsory schooling legislation of Massachusetts represents a fundamental  change in the jurisprudence of parental authority, as had the adoption act passed by the  nearly identically constituted legislature just four years prior, the first formal adoption  legislation anywhere on earth since the days of the Roman Empire. Acts so radical could  not have passed silently into practice if fundamental changes in the status of husbands  and wives, parents and children, had not already gravely damaged the prestige of the  family unit.   

     There are clear signs as far back as 1796 that elements in the new American state  intended to interpose themselves in corners of the family where no European state had  ever gone before. In that year, the Connecticut Superior Court, representing the purest  Puritan lineage of original New England, introduced "judicial discretion" into the  common law of child custody and a new conception of youthful welfare hardly seen  before outside the pages of philosophy books — the notion that each child had an  individual destiny, a private "welfare" independent of what happened to the rest of its  family. 

‘Forgotten Legacy’: PCBs Were Banned 40 Years Ago But Health Threats Linger


September 6, 2024 Health Conditions Toxic Exposures Views

Toxic Exposures

‘Forgotten Legacy’: PCBs Were Banned 40 Years Ago But Health Threats Linger

Ongoing contamination comes primarily from landfills and the unintentional production of PCBs, either through incineration or as a byproduct of the manufacture of chemicals such as dyes or pigments.

landfill and symbol with "PCB" on it

By Andrew Sweetman

Toxic synthetic chemicals called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were banned more than 40 years ago but still threaten human health and the environment today.

PCBs were used to make industrial products such as coolants and electrical components until they were banned in the 1980s.

They were popular because of their insulation properties, non-flammability and resistance to thermal and biological degradation. But that results in persistence and once released in the environment, these pollutants can remain in soil, water and air for decades or longer.

In the United Kingdom (U.K.), most (99%) equipment containing PCBs has been disposed of or destroyed. But the threat of toxicity to the environment and human health continues.

The United Nations recently described PCBs as “a forgotten legacy.” This ongoing contamination comes primarily from landfills and from the unintentional production of PCBs, either through incineration or as a byproduct during the manufacture of chemicals such as dyes or pigments.

PCBs were manufactured as complex mixtures with 209 possible different individual substances, although in practice, a smaller number were produced in commercial mixtures. A total of 1.3 million tons of PCBs were produced globally before being banned. About 50% of that was produced in the U.S., with 5% in the U.K. and 1% in China.

Trade Center custodian shares story



Trade Center custodian shares story

by Carl Jaeger · Apr 23, 2007 Share Tweet

Sharing his story of bravery and courage, a former World Trade Center janitor spoke on the University of Wisconsin campus Saturday about how he came to be known as the "9/11 Key Master."

William Rodriguez, the last person out of the North Tower of the World Trade Center who has since been honored by the White House, spoke of his experiences on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, and his belief that explosives were detonated in the basement of the building, where he was that morning.

At 8:46 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, Rodriguez, who was two levels below ground, said he felt a large explosion that "pushed him upward into the air" seven seconds before the plane hit the building.

Once Rodriguez knew what was happening, he said his intuition was to save his friends who worked at the restaurant atop the North Tower — friends that provided him with a complementary breakfast daily, he said.

"If it was up to me, I would have gone up past the fire to help my friends," Rodriguez said. "Even though I saved hundreds of people, the people I wanted to help from the very beginning — my friends — I didn't save a single one."

As a member of the maintenance staff, Rodriguez was one of five people who had a master key to open any door in either tower.

Rodriguez said he led firefighters up the stairs to the 39th floor, unlocking doors that resulted in saved lives.

After helping a man in a wheelchair escape from the building, Rodriguez said he dove underneath a fire truck moments before the buildings fell and was rescued four-and-a-half hours later.

Rodriguez said that, through his presentation, he hoped people received a deeper understanding of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Judge Rules Against Residents of Massachusetts Town Who Allege Verizon Cell Tower Is Causing Illness


September 6, 2024 Agency Capture Health Conditions News

Toxic Exposures

Judge Rules Against Residents of Massachusetts Town Who Allege Verizon Cell Tower Is Causing Illness

Plaintiffs who alleged a Verizon tower near their homes is making them sick must seek relief from the Federal Communications Commission, not the court system, a judge ruled. Plaintiffs say that’s impossible.

pittsfield massachusetts sign and gavel

Residents of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, who sued the city over a Verizon cell tower they allege made them sick must bring their complaint to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for relief — not to the court system, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Moreover, the residents’ local health authorities — in this case, the Pittsfield Board of Health — can’t act on the resident’s behalf by requiring the telecom giant to relocate or remove the tower because doing so would conflict with the FCC’s authority over radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure limits, the ruling said.

The ruling by Berkshire County Superior Court Judge Francis E. Flannery came as a blow to the residents who have been fighting for years to relocate the Verizon cell tower installed in their neighborhood in March 2020.

Miriam Eckenfels-Garcia, director of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless program, told The Defender, “We are heartbroken for the residents that have fought for so long.”

“It is hard to watch them suffer, being evicted from their homes,” she said, “and to witness the local health board — that knows their situation best and is trying to protect them — being prohibited from doing its job.”

Senator Johnson asks the FDA, CDC for data that will show the COVID vaccines are not safe


Vaccines are an ideology


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Vaccines are an ideology

Not a medical technology per se

Think about how powerful vaccines are AS AN IDEA. The injectable biological products themselves do not work as advertised and cause catastrophic side effects; nearly all of the supposed benefits from vaccines actually come from clean water, having enough food to eat, sanitation systems, etc. But as an idea, vaccines have the unrivaled ability to hypnotize people and convince them to abandon their core values.

Vaccines make scientists and doctors completely abandon science and medicine. Double blind randomized controlled trials? Who needs those? Postmarket surveillance? Why would we do that? Automated reporting of side effects? What, are you some kind of nutter?

Vaccines cause people on the political left to completely abandon their understanding of capital. The left pretends that vaccines descend like magic from the sky with no relationship to corporate power or profit. The left conceives of doctors and scientists in general and vaccinologists in particular as a priestly class (without the pedophilia) unbothered by worldly concerns like paying the mortgage or keeping up with the Joneses.

Tragedy and Hope 101 The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Joseph Plummer: CHAPTER 3 The Network “Recovers” America


Tragedy and Hope 101 The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Joseph Plummer: CHAPTER 3 The Network “Recovers” America


The Network “Recovers” America

Two men, Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner, played an indispensable role in the creation and expansion of the Network. Their actions changed the world forever, and for that reason no depiction of the Network (or modern history for that matter) would be complete without mentioning their names.

Likewise, two additional men played an indispensable role in helping the Network achieve one of its crucial goals: regaining control of the United States of America. The first man, Edward Mandell House, was clearly a willing and deceptive servant. The second man, President Woodrow Wilson, was almost certainly a well-meaning dupe. But before bringing these two additional characters into the story, let’s touch on why it was necessary for the Network to “recover” the United States and destroy its political and economic sovereignty.

Global Domination 101

There is always one nonnegotiable element in any plan to secure global domination: sovereign nations (truly independent nations) cannot be tolerated. Why? Because global domination is about centralizing all power into the would-be rulers’ hands. Independent nations impede this consolidation and disturb the proper chain of command.

This seems straightforward enough, but, since it’s rarely boiled down to its simplest form, it’s worth repeating: to rule the world, you must first destroy national sovereignty. You must consolidate and control the real levers of power, regardless of the

A Republican Form of Government: Section 1 — For All The Jural Assemblies by Anna Von Reitz


A Republican Form of Government: Section 1 — For All The Jural Assemblies by Anna Von Reitz


Section 1 — For All The Jural Assemblies
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the Jural Assemblies so I am writing this down for all the State Jural Assemblies at once. Although State Jural Assemblies are unique and dedicated to their individual State it is necessary for everyone to know basic definitions and oppositions and roles, so that everyone understands what they are doing and why.
Jural Assemblies are the organizational units of land and soil jurisdiction courts. Jural Societies are
the organizational units of sea and maritime jurisdiction courts. Jural Assemblies “assemble”. Jural Societies “associate”.
Jural Assemblies create States and Counties.
Jural Societies create States of States and Counties Of _________.
As you can now fully appreciate from this brief description, both are necessary in order to

properly conduct business on both land and sea.
States are geographically defined areas that are under the control of Public Laws established by the people who live within their borders. States are unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction entities run as unincorporated businesses. States have very simple names: Ohio, Rhode Island, Maine, Florida, Wisconsin, and so on.
In America, these States are joined together in a Union called a “Federation”. The Federation is also unincorporated and is called “The United States of America”. It was founded September 9, 1776.
All these organizational forms are created by living people, howbeit, people acting in two profoundly different capacities — as people, and as persons, which are incorporated entities.
People acting as people make up Jural Assemblies.
People acting as “persons” make up Jural Societies.

Japan’s Most Senior Cancer Doctor: COVID Shots Are ‘Essentially Murder’


Japan’s Most Senior Cancer Doctor: COVID Shots Are ‘Essentially Murder’

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.



[This was first published on GR in May 2024.]

The most senior medical oncologist in Japan recently slammed the COVID-19 mRNA shots as “the work of evil” that has caused “essentially murder.”

In an interview published April 19, Dr. Masanori Fukushima, who spearheaded the first cancer outpatient clinic at Kyoto University and launched the first course in pharmacoepidemiology there, listed a slew of problems with the COVID mRNA jabs, evidencing what he called an evil “abuse of science.”

Click here to watch the video

He pointed out that “turbo cancers,” a kind “previously unseen by doctors” that progress extremely quickly and are typically in stage four by the time they are diagnosed, have started to appear after the jab rollouts. These “turbo cancers” are emerging along with excess mortality due to cancer in general, which Fukushima says cannot be explained only by lost opportunities for screenings or treatment during the COVID outbreak.

As a tragic example of the fatal danger of the COVID shots, the oncologist shared the story of a 28-year-old man who was found dead by his wife when she tried to wake him in the morning, five days after he received his second Pfizer shot.