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An American Affidavit

Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump "Assassination Attempt": I Call Bullshit


Trump "Assassination Attempt": I Call Bullshit

The Uniparty is having a party. It's a theater party. Y'all come and cast your vote for the most compelling actor and admire the supporting cast. Door prizes include UN destruction of humanity.

Above you see a picture of the purported bullet wound to Former President Trump’s right ear following the purported assassination attempt by a purported lone gunman allegedly in the sites of the Secret Service [?]/Police [?] sharpshooter protecting [?] Former President Trump from threats like assassination-minded lone or multiple gunmen.

President Trump, however, is a man of such amazing talent that he is capable of defying the ordinarily unavoidable pull of gravity. For those who do not recall their elementary school science, the pull of gravity is, at least on the surface of the earth, downward.

The red circle indicates where the flow of blood from Trump’s alleged wound is defying the force of gravity. Having streaked across his face when he was in a crouch behind the podium, we see that his face, shirt and suit are free of blood which, considering the abundant vascularization of the region, is astounding. And here I am speaking as a physician. Generally, bullet wounds bleed. It’s part of what they do. And the more heavily vascularized a region is, the more heavily they bleed. Not only that, the blood is well known, throughout observational studies spanning the whole of mammalian history, to follow the dictates of gravity.

But wait, you may cry. “The pina, or auricle, as it is also named, may not be highly vascularized!”

Ah, but it is. Precisely where the purported bullet purportedly ripped through the purported ear of the actual Former President, we find, in Latin, the arteria auricularis posterior.

The blood supply to the external ear is presumably the same in formers Presidents and others. For those who like their anatomy in the vernacular, it is the posterior auricular artery. It comes off the external carotid artery, a vessel with a good deal of flow moving through it, so when the posterior auricular artery is cut or shot or opened in any way, it bleeds like a son of a bitch.

Here you see the open hand of Former President Trump after he grasps his newly purportedly shot right auricle. Note that not only is gravity being defied here (no blood running down), but so is anatomy (no blood).

But wait! Perhaps the abundant blood spurted from the wound when he was behind the podium under the pile of Secret Service make up artists agents who were protecting him from the sniper they forgot to shoot before he shot the Presidential Candidate under their protection.

Well, here is the hand of the allegedly shot man as he rises from his post shot crouch:

So unless there was a basin of water at the ready behind the podium and cloths to clean his hand, although no dressing was applied to the strange wound, again the candidate for President of the United States, under Secret Service protection has a blood-free hand which has clutched an abundantly bleeding wound which bleeds without visible blood.

If, it is true, the blood this man bleeds is invisible, my concern about it defying gravity so failing to appear to the naked eye may not be relevant.

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Using Occam’s Razor, however, I believe that we are justified in assuming

  1. Trump’s blood is red

  2. Trump’s blood is visible to the naked eye when external to the skin, as through a wound or gun shot

  3. Trump’s vasculature is similar to that of other humans

  4. A gunshot wound in a vascularized region would bleed abundantly

  5. A hand grasping the damaged area would be bloodied by contact with the wound

  6. That hand would show visible signs of blood

  7. The blood from a gunshot wound in a highly vascularized area could be expected to flow downward, not diagonally, and color face, shirt, suit, etc., if the victim were vertical.

  8. The assassination scenario as presented is

  1. So the important question is, “Why?” In my view, the answer is pretty clear: Make a hero out of this Uniparty Candidate, through a Theater Party and then, barring the introduction of reality into the political scene, we have a done deal, all neatly scripted, no matter which sock puppet stands against the HERO.

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    But have you heard the HERO decry the DARPA death shots? Not once. And quite the contrary, in fact. They are “My three beautiful shots”.

    Have you heard the HERO decry the UN, promising to get the US out at the moment he takes office, or any other time for that matter? Nope.
    Have you heard the HERO declare his unequivocal support for Informed Consent, the Law of the Land and a totally non-negotiable reality for any national which has ratified the Geneva Convention? Nope.

    Have you heard the HERO promise, on a stack of Bibles, Qurans or classified documents, to investigate and prosecute the COVID Criminals, whomever they might be? Nope, not a whisper.

    Thank you for reading Dr Rima Truth Reports Substack. This post is public so feel free to share it.


    Well, none of that is acceptable, not if you care about truth and your future. So here’s what we need to do, in my humble, but very adamant, opinion: we MUST prevail upon Congress to get us out of the United Nations since no President is going to do that unbidden. That’s why we have created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.
    Listen up: 10 million Americans need to take the Action Item at https://PreventGenocide2030.org to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S: 3428) now before Congress. And it must pass with a supermajority so it can override the inevitable Oval Office Sock Puppet veto that it will receive.

    And then, having done that, you need to do two more things: first, continue down the PreventGenocide2030.org page and send a Tweet to every Presidental Candidate asking for their answers to your questions about the UN, Informed Consent and Covid Criminal Convictions. Make that part of the Presidential dialogue.

    Next, spread the 10 Million Patriot Challenge to everyone you can reach.


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