Joachim Hagopian, Trump’s Acting Job Fakery in Butler

Joachim Hagopian

On July 13th at the Butler, Pennsylvania Trump campaign rally, events unfolded that clearly show it was not a misfit lone gunman patsy who tried shooting the former president on stage. After that worn-out lie, the majority of Americans [and world] may finally no longer be so willing to still buy into the mainstream media whores’ false narrative. So many in-our-face anomalies scream FALSE FLAG this time around, so the public is scrutinizing this one a little more carefully. After all, you can only lie through your teeth so much before enough of us finally begin to catch on. And that’s where we’re at now with this latest theatrical drama.


I will not go into all the unbelievable details as so much has already been exposed. Clearly, it is not incompetence at play on that Saturday that caused the result in Butler. Two camps of nonbelievers have emerged, the one that blames a false flag coverup on the current leftist regime that has demonized Trump for years and will do anything and everything to stop him from taking the White House again, even resort to trying to murder him. This is what the Trump camp wants you to believe. That the Trump train is unstoppable and American MAGA patriots under Trump’s leadership will restore America to its greatness, its constitutional republic liberties. Yeah, those dirty leftist Democrats conspired to assassinate the “populist” Trump with big help from the Secret Service, the Justice Department, Homeland Security and FBI, all so blatantly weaponized against him for over four years of persecution. Perhaps more Americans fall into this crowd that buying the lone gunman lies.


But there’s one more group of Americans that agree the shooting was clearly a false flag, and that Thomas Crooks did not act alone. This emerging group assessing available evidence as it emerges is ready to call it an inside job, with Trump’s collusion. Trump and his team of insiders were in on this charade from the get-go, staging this false flag that was amateurishly put together to point fingers at DEI-hard Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Biden putting Trump “in a bullseye,” and all the leftist Trump haters out there. The perfect setup by Trump and his insider team. But over the last week a number of viewers perusing through emerging evidence is now realizing that yep, Trump was in fact in on it. The evidence that more than one shooter was involved, that a bullet grazing an ear actually bleeds not just a trickle but with gravity it would be flowing down and be extremely visible to everyone. DrRima Laibow has articulated this medical anomaly well. Miles Mathis astute and thorough digging for plausible truth is also eye-opening. And all those eyewitnesses cannot be refuted nor discarded. Many of us have been pointing out so many unexplained discrepancies, inconsistencies and anomalies all pointing to Trump the showboat actor on center stage in a real staged plot that only thickens with time.


At his own GOP convention last week, let’s examine Trump’s own words recounting what happened him on July 13th:


I moved my right hand to my ear brought it down. My hand was covered with blood absolutely blood all over the place.


Yet after he went down, when he re-emerged an instant later with supposed secret service agents all around him and raised his right hand and fist, there was no blood visible, absolutely zero blood visible on his hand or arm. It’s very clear in the video. So Trump appears to be caught in a boldface lie trying to con the American people and entire world about bleeding profusely when he in fact he did not.


Also, in another video captured from a different angle where police snipers are visible as well as Trump speaking on stage, you can see that when those first three shots ring out, the bullets were clearly not coming from the rooftop where alleged shooter Crooks was allegedly located, but clearly from that camera angle and line of vision, if it’s genuine, those first three shots that Trump grabs his “shot” ear clearly came from the police sniper’s weapon, not from Crooks or any other shooter.
This visual audio evidence depicted in this video is unequivocal showing that those first three rounds fired that were wrongly claimed to be fired by Crooks whizzing by Trump head, now the world can easily see that those three rounds were actually fired very visibly by the police sniper. Therefore, the supposed first three shots said to have grazed Trump’s ear, did not in fact graze his ear at all. They were clearly fired by the police sniper in a totally different directional line of fire from Trump. The only accurate conclusion drawn from this video now surfacing on the web and hopefully going viral, is that those first three shots fired, did not come from Crooks, and that they absolutely come from the police sniper’s gun.


So, these two videos alone prove beyond all question or doubt that the so-called official story is a flat out lie, and that Trump is a bad actor playing a criminal role, pretending he was shot in a badly staged, amateurish production. When he went down and then re-emerged surrounded by agents within a second or two, he reappears with supposed blood on his upper right ear and supposed streaked blood across his cheek as the Trump straight out of Hollywood in action. While crouched down with his gang of “protectors,” he emerges with a quick application of fake painted Hollywood blood, raising his bloodless right hand, bloodless arm and bloodless fist in the iconic historic triumph photo of the ages, with hero Trump defiantly foiling and outlasting his murderous evildoers wanting him dead, saved by our Lord for history to propel him to sainthood as savior of the free world. Again, only in the movies, not in real life.


It’s a pathetic disgrace the human race has come to this artificial reality where truth gets one silenced, buried and too often killed. Ask JFK about that, the only American president in 61 years who had the guts and integrity to serve the American people’s best interests. The lesson was learned, all 11 of Kennedy’s successors are opportunistic, order-following sellouts paying homage to Zionist Israel. And though JFK’s nephew is a presidential candidate this year, and been courageous exposing Big Pharma bioweapons masquerading as harmful and lethal vaccines, he too like all the rest is owned by the very nation that played a heavy hand in murdering both his uncle and father. What does that say? Other than no one can be president that works for America first. So it’s a travesty of justice to let this two-bit Hollywood actor named Donald Trump reclaim his presidential throne, rewarded for his criminal mischief, fakery and lousy despicable acting job, yet now strongly favored to win the November election. Trump is nothing but a complete fraud and criminal, and unworthy of being our president. With him caught lying about this, it begs the question what else has he been lying about?


I’ll tell you what, he has lied about many things, but none worse than his raping little girls with his longtime buddy Jeffrey Epstein, he lied about that too. And earlier this month when another batch of Epstein documents was released with his name coming up, digging up his controversial pedophilic past, Trump couldn’t afford this can of worms reopening up so close to election, which gives Trump and Trump alone all the most motive, means and benefit to recklessly try pulling off this disgraceful false flag. And its exposure to the world irrefutably incriminates him, his chain of command, law enforcement authorities, the media, and US government members that plays along with this egregious lie.


Regardless of what happens, the die has been cast, and sadly America’s fate seems already sealed. It’s going down without a true leader as only lying criminals are in Washington, with virtually every one of them completely bought off and sold, blackmailed and controlled by Zionist Rothschild City of London founder of the genocidal Jewish State. That’s about the only fact that you can rely on. Check out the sad reality at no cost on, where Pedophilia & Empire documents this ghastly reality how innocent children are used as an expendable currency of control by Luciferian controllers. Recognize that just about everything you see, certainly in the West and Western media, is all virtually 100% fakery, bread and circus misdirection theater to monopolize and capture the masses’ relatively short attention spanned intelligence. But the criminality is out there for all of us to see and bear witness exposing it for prosecution and justice served at long last.


Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.


The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently https//, and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!)