Unveiling the Sinister Agenda: The International Bird Flu Summit and the Next Man-Made PandemicAre you ready for another man-made pandemic? You may not have heard, but they have a Summit planned to get prepared to roll out fear first, then comes their control grid & SURPRISE: SHOTS FOR EVERYONE
Are you ready for another man-made pandemic? The upcoming International Bird Flu Summit, scheduled for October 2-3, 2024, is being promoted as a critical meeting for global public health officials, veterinarians, epidemiologists, and industry stakeholders to address the emergent threats posed by avian influenza, aka “bird flu.” Beneath its seemingly noble mission lies a sinister agenda. Unless we get the word out and stop them, this summit is laying the groundwork for a new “pandemic,” eerily reminiscent of the COVID-19 scam, meticulously designed to tighten control over everyone on earth. Are you braced to surrender more of your rights? Let's unveil the façade: behind the scenes, this summit seems geared towards engineering another fabricated health crisis, leveraging fear to justify heavy-handed tactics like forced vaccinations and an alarming erosion of personal freedoms. Just like COVID-19. *all images were downloaded from Envato * The Bird Flu Summit's brochure reads like a déjà vu for those who still shudder at the memories of the COVID-19 era. Sessions such as “Surveillance and Data Management” and “Emergency Response Management” seem like a blast from the not-so-distant past, reminding us of the fear-mongering tactics and authoritarian measures employed back then.As usual, its the same old tired strategy: “Hegelian Dialectic 101” Problem, Reaction, Solution. Step
1: “PROBLEM” Be afraid! Its coming and it’s going to kill your pets,
kill your loved ones, and kill you. That is how this thing begins on the
very top of the cover page. The summit eagerly promotes enhanced surveillance systems, data-sharing initiatives, and the ominous utilization of big data for early detection and response. This not-so-subtle emphasis on snooping around raises red flags about the looming specter of heightened surveillance under the guise of safeguarding public health. Critics are rightfully concerned that this could pave the way for a dystopian future where privacy is a relic of the past, and every move we make is scrutinized and controlled. The reality is that the H5N1 (bird flu) virus has been exaggerated as a significant threat for two decades. There was a strain of bird flu 20 years ago with a high fatality rate, killing about 60% of those infected, but according to Dr. Meryl Nass on her Substack, the virus has since mutated and is no longer as deadly. Currently, bird flu continues to pose a minimal threat to humans. The Associated Press reported that only nine individuals have contracted bird flu, all through direct contact with infected birds, and they experienced mild symptoms with no hospitalizations. Additionally, the CDC noted that there have been no instances of human-to-human transmission of H5N1. Nevertheless, the summit’s #1 topic is “Mass Fatality Management Planning," which focuses on developing and maintaining plans for mass fatalities, conducting morgue operations, and directing fatality management tactical operations. This session raises concerns that the authorities are preparing for a large-scale loss of life, possibly from an engineered (aka "gain-of-function") form of bird flu, which could be used to manipulate public perception and justify extreme government responses, such as lockdowns and enforced quarantines. Just like COVID-19. Speaking of lockdowns and quarantines… The U.S. Department of Homeland Security hosts a document written in 2007 during the George W. Bush administration that details a comprehensive plan to enforce quarantines and lockdowns that severely restrict constitutional rights. The document reveals the dystopian future they had planned: quarantines that are legally enforceable for anyone potentially exposed to a disease, orchestrated by the CDC, state and local public health officials, and even law enforcement. They also consider travel restrictions to control your every move. Public venues like concert halls, movie theaters, sports arenas, and shopping malls might shut down during pandemics, either voluntarily or by government mandate. Schools and non-essential businesses could also be closed to stifle disease transmission. Strategies like maintaining distance and avoiding close contact are proposed to limit disease spread. Quarantines became a stark reality in 2020, significantly restricting individual freedoms, and lockdowns went hand in hand. FYI, the COVID-19 quarantines isolated individuals potentially exposed to coronavirus, while COVID-19 lockdowns restricted the movement and activities of the general population to allegedly prevent widespread transmission. Remember, the big businesses all supported the lockdowns. Why? Because lockdowns are a colossal scam designed to cripple competitive capitalism. They serve as the ultimate handout to big businesses while systematically crushing and economically strangling independent small businesses. Throw Big Pharma into the mix, and you get the 2020 disaster—a meticulously planned wealth grab, shifting massive amounts of money from small and medium-sized businesses and the middle class into the coffers of the ultra-wealthy. The Bird Flu Summit will undoubtedly brainwash those in attendance into thinking more of the same is on the horizon, with the “Business Continuity Planning” session pretending to help businesses survive pandemic conditions. But let’s get real: it's about prepping us for another round of economic strangulation, as we just discussed. Do you remember when they shut down “nonessential” businesses during COVID-19? Funny how those included churches (because, you know, spiritual well-being isn't essential) and small mom-and-pop shops (who needs community, right?). Meanwhile, “essential” businesses like topless clubs and bars were open for business because naked entertainment and alcohol are apparently critical for public health. Now, they want to prepare us for more of the same. It’s all part of their plan to control us under the guise of keeping us “safe.” Just like COVID-19. But don’t fall for the lies. The summit's agenda isn't just about “protection” or “health”—it's a blueprint for another chapter in their playbook of fear and control. Discussions on “Delivery of Vaccine and Antiviral Medication” and “Medical Countermeasures” reveal their eagerness to fast-track new vaccines, possibly skipping the pesky safety and efficacy details as they did during COVID-19. Because who needs thorough testing when there's a crisis to exploit? They're also gearing up for social chaos with sessions like “Law Enforcement Agencies” and “First Responders: Fire Department.” It's not about public safety; it's about preparing to squash any dissent that might arise when people start questioning these rushed vaccines. They're ready to wield force to maintain their grip on power and silence those who dare to question the narrative. Just like COVID-19. Discussions on the “Global Policy Landscape and Political Responses to Avian Influenza” and “Socio-Economic Impacts on the Poultry Industry” reveal a not-so-subtle agenda: control over economic and political landscapes. The summit's fixation on regulatory frameworks, economic incentives, and international cooperation hints at a coordinated power grab under the guise of managing a health crisis. As the International Bird Flu Summit looms, we must stay vigilant and question the true motives driving these preparations. The patterns emerging from the summit's agenda echo the troubling echoes of COVID-19—a crisis where fear and control eclipsed genuine public health efforts. Uncovering and exposing these plans is our first line of defense against another onslaught of unnecessary restrictions and erosions of freedom. This isn't about health; it's about control. Just like COVID-19. We've already tasted governmental overreach and suffered through draconian mandates during COVID-19, and it's left a bitter taste in our mouths. We're not falling for the same old tricks wrapped in new packaging, like “bird flu.” As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." We've seen this playbook before, and we're not buying into it again without a fight. It's time to stand firm, stay informed, and defend our rights against any attempt to exploit fear for the sake of control. Remember, there is power in numbers. As more people awaken to the patterns of manipulation and control, we will stand united against the encroachment on our freedoms by the control freaks. No more blind compliance with mandates that curtail our liberty under the pretense of public health. The era of unquestioning obedience is over! Stay informed, stay prepared, and above all, stay free. You're currently a free subscriber to The Truth About Cancer. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |
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