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An American Affidavit

Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Republican Form of Government: Section 10 — Existing Contracts from Anna Von Reitz


A Republican Form of Government: Section 10 — Existing Contracts from Anna Von Reitz


Section 10 — Existing Contracts
Once more, this is a discussion that centers basically around the topic of service contracts, treaties, and related issues, but before we go there I want to address for the Second time the pernicious idea that State Jural Assemblies are religious assemblies. They are not.
For starters, if they were religious community assemblies coming to us through the tradition of the English Church such Christian assemblies are called “Congregations” and if coming to us from the Catholic tradition, they would be called “Parishes”. Observe that with the single exception of
Louisiana, those words are not used anywhere in America to designate any political subdivision.
Second, we all have good cause to know that our Forefathers negotiated a “republican form” of government for our states — not a theocracy, not a democracy, not an oligarchy, and certainly not a monarchy of any kind.
Third, if they had created a Christian theocracy, being a Christian would be a requirement of Citizenship, and of holding Public Office, and of being an Elector. You can see for yourselves that none of this has ever been the case in America.

Fourth, some people have read the book I recommended as a starting point overview, The Excellence of the Common Law, by Brent Winters, and have taken his comments about the Common Law being based on the Bible to an irrational extreme. The “Common” part of “Common Law” the Old Testament which all three major land jurisdiction religions in the Western World hold in common. That is why our land and soil jurisdiction court buildings have traditionally featured art depicting Moses and the stone tablets of Ten Commandments.
Fifth, if our Forefathers wanted to start a theocracy, the Bible would have been the whole of the law and there would be no other “law” or legislation in evidence. Islam seeks theocracy and has established it in many countries with the result that all law is directly and explicitly taken from the Koran and interpretation of the Koran. If America were ever a Christian theocracy and its government had ever been constructed as such, the Bible would be the only law book in evidence, with many tomes interpreting the Bible for church members (ecclesiastical law) and church priests and lesser clerics and administrators (canon law). Observe that this is not the case in our courts and never has been.
Sixth, observe that freedom of religion is a fundamental guarantee and precept of our government, which means freedom of belief and practice of religion for all Americans, not just Christians. Faith is a private matter, and the only way it becomes a public matter in America, is if one’s faith embraces crime — murder, rape, theft, etc. — which we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the Public Law.
Seventh, we all have cause to know about the Separation of Church and State and the arguments that surrounded it at the time it was adopted, and the same wisdom that ruled our Forefathers then still needs to rule us now.
And that is perhaps an unintended lead-in to the actual topic.
As many of you have noted, the American Government is not a signatory to any modern treaties, memberships, accords, or similar conveyances. Time more or less stopped for us in 1860 with respect to those sorts of things, because the Federal States of States ceased to function. We could have, if we had been properly informed, operated our actual States then as now to resolve the

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issue — but other parties obscured the facts to profit themselves, and here we are, 150 years later.
So we are not members of the “United Nations” are not bound by the treaties ending World War I or World War II. We slept through it all. Our largely disloyal subcontractors obligated themselves and pretended to have authority to obligate the American Government to a great many things, all of which are foundationally flawed contracts.
But there are contracts that are not foundationally flawed by fraud and disclosure issues, most of which are now over 200 years old. The most important of these contracts are not the three constitutions creating the subcontracting “federal” government, but are in fact the Peace Treaties that guarantee our peace with the rest of the world and the National Trust indentures of every State and the country as a whole.
The Constitutions are important for the sake of reference points and basic principles, but one must realize that the function of the Constitutions was to set up governmental service agreements. The primary service agreement went to the Confederation of Federal States of States doing business as the States of America. The next service agreement went to the [British] Territorial United States. And the last service agreement went to the Holy See.
Each of these honorable service contracts imposed responsibilities on each of the parties and the granting of “powers” — basically permission to act and provide the stipulated services — required to enable the recipient of the contract to perform their duty.
This is not unlike hiring a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick-maker. You are giving your “business” vendors. If a vendor goes out of business or for some reason does not want to contract with you, you have to do the work yourself or find a new vendor.
America is all grown up now and able to provide its own Navy and its own military, administer its own territories, control its own money, set its own trade policies, handle its own patent office, provide its own postal service, and exercise all the other nineteen (19) enumerated “powers” that the States originally handed over to:

1. 2. 3.

the Federal Confederacy of States of America; the British Territorial United States; and
the Holy See.

Fine enough. In those practical ways it is safe to say that we have outgrown the Constitutions, that the Constitutions have failed to protect us in numerous ways and have been undermined, and so forth — but it is also true that these pre-existing contracts provide a basis for stability and guarantees that if properly enforced are potentially very beneficial. They also provide a framework for our government that cannot be arbitrarily or thoughtlessly demolished without causing a great deal of destruction and havoc.
For these reasons and because if we wish to have lawful progression and succession and maintain our rightful claims and our National Trusts we must maintain our continuance of government. That is, we can’t inherit what our Forefather’s provided and handed on to us if we go off willy-nilly. We have to keep our heads and maintain our connection to our past in order to secure our rights and assets for the future.

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All of this means that we have to go back, pick up where we left off, restore the government we owe ourselves, and then deal with making changes — whether those changes are service vendor contract changes or fundamental changes to the whole structure of the government we inherited.
Think of the American Government like a grand old Victorian Era house we have inherited. Does it need updating? Of course. Will it still function? Yes.
Do the service vendors we hired to cut the grass and deliver coal to the furnace still owe us Good Faith Services? Yes, they or their successors do.
The cloth-bound electrical wiring and antiquated plumbing need to go. In fact, we may have to tear out and rebuild walls, install new heating systems, and change a roofline or two. No doubt.
We can’t just “blink our eyes” and make it so, can we? There is a whole process involved. The inheritance has to be settled and brought forward. The new generation of owners have to take on the responsibilities and deal with the service providers. Then they have to agree on a plan for updates and changes.
It’s the same kind of process that we all face now to restore, update, and bring forward our American Government into the modern world.
Educating ourselves, getting our own records corrected, and “inhabiting” our land and soil jurisdiction States by explicitly re-conveying and permanently domiciling our Names/NAMES back to their jurisdiction — all that is just the first hurdle: reclaiming our inheritance.
Forming up our State Jural Assemblies is the second vital step: taking charge of our house and dealing with the service vendors.
Those who would mislead you into thinking that this is a “free for all” process without a rhyme, reason, logic, or necessity of process seek only to destroy this country and to provide an excuse for external powers, such as “the UN”, to come in here and decide our future “for” us.
That danger and those provocateurs are precisely the reason that we must start where we left off and proceed forward calmly and agreeably and in a business-like manner to restore the government that we both owe ourselves and which the service vendors owe us.
Once our State Jural Assemblies are restored and fully functioning, we can call for our Public Elections in each State, and elect Deputies to send to a Continental Congress of the land and soil jurisdiction States.
And that — with the actual land and soil jurisdiction States in Congress Assembled and in Session — is where we can make the updates and plan for the changes.
I want to take a moment to explain how we were “Grandfathered In” at the end of the Civil War. This has, obviously, been a problem of Law and Legality, both, for a long time. Provision had to be made to preserve the Inheritance rights to each State National Trust and to the Federal Trust as well.
Those of us who have ancestry going back before 1860 can claim back all rights, properties, assets, and interests of the National Trusts we are heir to, and this is, in terms of Law, what we are doing when we “return home”’ the land and soil jurisdiction of our States.
Nobody can say that our States are “abandoned” so long as at least one eligible Inheritor shows up, and thanks to the work we have already done:

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1.   the Federation Trust has been renewed;

2.   each one of the State National Trusts has been renewed and claimed by one or more eligible Inheritors.

This does not mean that these eligible inheritors “own” all the land and soil of say, Louisiana, in their private capacity. It means that they connect the continuity of ownership and right of jurisdiction and inheritance over the land and soil that defines “Louisiana” for themselves and for all other Louisianans.
All it takes is one birthright inheritor in every State who has reclaimed his or her proper political status and identity, and who has ancestors born in the States prior to 1860 to claim back that State’s National Trust — and we have long ago surpassed that threshold requirement thanks to brothers and sisters who were paying attention and taking action three years ago.
And now a few words about the dangers of the Paris Accord that was recently boycotted by President Trump, and which too many traitorous and unauthorized Presidents, Monarchs, and Prime Ministers signed:
The first thing I want to point out to all of you is that most of those persons acting to obligate their countries and people to this insane agreement — which is not, by the way, primarily about “climate change” — are not competent nor authorized to do so.
Like the situation in the “United States”, their leaders are not actually “Presidents” of countries, but are instead functioning as “Presidents” or “Prime Ministers”, etc., of commercial corporations. The Paris Accords are therefore designed to deceive people into thinking that they and their country have been obligated, when in fact the most that these Fakirs can contribute is the support of their corporations — either Territorial corporations or Municipal corporations.
It’s another Sting.
It is an attempt by the Holy See to consolidate and control all the organizations providing governmental services at the Territorial level worldwide and to place those corporations under the control of a “Queen”.
Via this fraudulent mechanism having nothing to do with the actual countries and peoples of the world, the Pope and the Queen would then control all governmental functions in the international jurisdiction of the sea, and usher in a new age of Commercial Feudalism.
The people in charge of the Territorial service corporations were, for the most part, either deluded or corrupted or just plain gullible enough to vote for this “in behalf of” the presumed shareholders — most of whom don’t realize that their identities have been stolen and their natural property rights have been unlawfully converted and that they are “shareholders” at all.
And the motive for all this cooperation and agreement about a carbon tax? Gold. Or to be more exact, access to gold that in fact belongs to the countries and people being defrauded.
This is a long-planned global coup which if successful, would end all national sovereignty on Earth and hand our countries and our corporations and everything we are and own, over to a multi-national group of Planners.
And who elected them?
And where, wearily, have we heard and seen this song and dance before?

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Semiramis, also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Isis, Cybele, Columbia (as in District of) and also as “the Mother of all Harlots” and “the Great Abomination” is also called “the Queen of Heaven”.
Catholics of the world, is this your Church anymore? The rest of us thought that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was the only “Queen of Heaven” — at least in the Christian world.
How would they fund this scheme? By their usual means: lies.
By creating a completely bogus and now thoroughly discredited theory that climate change on Earth is caused by excess emissions of carbon dioxide and imposing a horrible, destructive worldwide “carbon tax” — which is just another excuse for continued extortion and piracy.
The Russians, the Chinese, and the Americans are the only ones with the good sense to see through this Sting Operation and label it for what it is — yet another bid of the discredited hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church to launch yet another “Holy Roman Empire” to the detriment of everyone on Earth.
Catholics — your Pope proposes to play the role of the Anti-Christ, to reboot Satan’s Casino using gold stolen from almost every country on Earth, give some gold back to everyone to prime the pump — and use a Great Big Fat Lie justifying a “carbon tax” pay for it all.
Playing a game of “Good Pope” / “Bad Pontiff” for generations, acting as Middlemen and Gatekeepers in the Spiritual Realm in the same exact way as Bankers have acted as Middlemen and Gatekeepers in the Realm of Commerce — stealing the Good Names and estates of babies, and assigning these assets to the credit of “deceased” afterbirth debris — then blocking these bogus ACCOUNTS and using our credit and assets as they please, copyrighting our Names as franchises of their corporations, patenting our DNA, selling our labor, taxing us to death for purported “good causes” like the Crusades, and killing for Christ?
It’s literally time for all this crappola to end.
You can help by educating yourselves and exposing this gross corruption, and if you are Catholic, you can help by bringing your membership in the Church and your influence with your local priests and bishops to bear. It sincerely gives me no pleasure to bring these urgent and ugly issues to the attention of innocent Catholics worldwide.
I tried to work with the Roman Catholic Church leadership to put an end to this hideous nonsense, but — while professing a willingness to change and make correction with one breath, they have continued their sins with the next.
You can also help by alerting your local authorities, by correcting your own political status records, by explicitly making a choice and re-conveying your Given Name permanently back to the land and soil jurisdiction of your home State, and last, but not least, by helping to organize and join your State Jural Assembly — and operating it according to the guidelines I am giving you.
Be aware that these are indeed perilous times we live in, and there is a great deal of urgency in all of this. Also be aware that your safety and your property interests depend on reclaiming your natural birthright political status, operating your lawful State Jural Assemblies, and retaining for the time being, all the existing contracts, treaties, and conventions that you are owed.
Don’t let anyone cheat you or trick you into “voluntarily” giving away the protections and the government you are owed.

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The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

—Posted: Tuesday, January 22, 2019

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The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

Section 11 — Committees of Safety


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