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Friday, July 12, 2024

Perpetuating the Myth of Arab Responsibility for 9/11: A US State-Sponsored False Flag



Perpetuating the Myth of Arab Responsibility
for 9/11: A US State-Sponsored False Flag


by Stephen Lendman

  Media scoundrels continue suppressing what’s most important to explain about 9/11 - the mother of all false flags.

Bin Laden and Riyadh had nothing to do with it. Osama was dying in a Pakistani hospital, expiring in December 2001 of natural causes - Western media reporting his death, including the NYT.

Obama didn’t kill him, one of his many Big Lies. Twenty-eight pages of a congressional investigation (sic) coverup report of the 9/11 attacks remain unpublished.

According to NYT editors, they’re “being withheld amid suspicions that what they contain could implicate the Saudi government and Saudi citizens in the terrorist attack” - despite no evidence suggesting it.

The 9/11 whitewash commission found “no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials” were involved in the attacks.

Times editors called for release of the redacted pages so “all the facts (about what happened can) be known.” Facts if revealed would expose US culpability, maybe Israel’s, not Saudi Arabia.

If Riyadh was involved the 9/11 attacks, why did America wage war on Afghanistan, then Iraq 18 months later while maintaining close ties to the kingdom?

Attacking another nation is an act of war. Suggesting possible Saudi involvement distracts attention from US responsibility, perhaps CIA complicity with Israel’s Mossad.


On 9/11, numerous bin Laden and Saudi royal family members were in America. Despite an FAA ban on private flights after the attacks, they were allowed to leave for home unhindered.

On September 13, 2001, three Saudi nationals flew in a private Lear jet from Tampa, FL to Lexington, KY. They flew home on a Boeing 747 marked with Arabic writing.

Other flights in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 took numerous bin Laden and Saudi royal family members back to the kingdom unimpeded.

The NYT reported bin Laden family members escorted by FBI agents to a secret meeting in Texas, from there to Washington, where they left for home on a private aircraft.

Within days of the 9/11 attack, reports indicated at least six chartered flights took around 140 Saudi nationals, including bin laden and royal family members, home from US locations unhindered.

Would they have been allowed to leave if suspected of 9/11 involvement? Given close US/Saudi ties, what possible motive could the kingdom have to attack its important ally?

The myth of bin Laden’s involvement persists despite months of serious illness followed by his yearend 2001 death - along with the FBI admitting it “h(ad) no hard evidence connecting” him to what happened.

9/11 was Washington’s pretext for waging phony global war on terrorism, enacting police state laws, letting Big Brother watch everyone, criminalizing whistleblowers exposing government wrongdoing, and making America unsafe and unfit to live in.

Full-blown tyranny may be one more major false flag away.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. - See more at: http://www.rense.com/general96/perpetmyth911.html#sthash.kua7hk1u.dpuf





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