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An American Affidavit

Friday, July 5, 2024

Over 100M Americans think the COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’


Over 100M Americans think the COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’

And 66M Americans have "buyer's remorse." Also, new studies published in medical journals now show that mRNA shots cause permanent brain damage. Supreme Court Missouri v. Biden. Bird flu.

Executive summary

Covered today:

  1. Survey shows extreme buyer remorse for COVID shot
    Latest Rasmussen Survey: 33% of Americans think that the COVID shots are killing large numbers of Americans and nearly 25% of people who got the shot regret it.

  2. COVID shots more than double dementia risk and causes permanent brain damage. The good news is that it doesn’t happen to everyone.
    Three new studies, all published in the peer-reviewed literature, show that the mRNA vaccines can more than double your risk of dementia (140% increase). This means the “benefit” of these shots is a doubling of the number of dementia cases which creates a huge burden on society.

  3. Hulscher paper on autopsies of people who died after getting a COVID vaccine

    Paper showing the shot killed 74% of the cases where they did an autopsy (most were 1 week from the shot) is now in the peer-reviewed literature (again).

  4. Missouri v. Biden: Plaintiffs lack standing
    US Supreme Court hands Biden a “technical victory” on censoring free speech by ruling that the current lawsuit Plaintiffs lacked standing due to a lack of injury. So they can keep telling social media companies to censor the truth in the meantime.

  5. Bird flu: Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, …
    They are trying to panic people again.

  6. Protocol 7
    It’s in theaters soon. Check Fandango. I’ll be speaking at a special premier tonight in Palo Alto at the Aquarius Theater. Movie at 6:30pm and I talk at 8:30pm.

Rasmussen survey shows extreme buyer remorse for COVID shot

This came out last Friday, but as you can imagine, the mainstream media all ignored it. However, some enterprising individuals started getting the word out at airports!

Rasmussen is the last honest polling firm in America.

Their latest poll: 33% of Americans think that the COVID shots are killing a large number of Americans and nearly 25% of people who got the shot regret it.

Which translates into:

  • over 100M Americans think the shots are killing a lot of people

  • 67M Americans with “buyer’s remorse”

So it looks like we have a lot of people who now agree with us.

COVID shots more than double dementia risk

Check out this post:

Here’s the associated Substack article with the 3 papers showing a 140% increased risk of dementia in the first study.

Here’s a quote from the article:

He emphasized the concerning rise in dementia cases, stating, "An increase in dementia would be disastrous. The elderly who survive but are left with a higher risk of developing dementia." Currently, "one in five people over the age of 65 already have dementia." The situation could worsen dramatically, with Dr. Kamano cautioning, "This means it could become two in five people." If vaccination continues unchecked, the number of dementia cases will only rise, posing a significant public health challenge.

Hulscher paper on autopsies of people who died after getting a COVID vaccine shows the shot killed them in 74% of the cases is now in the peer-reviewed literature (again)

You can read the paper here. Most of the deaths happened within a week after the shots. 74% caused by the vaccine is a DISASTER.

Missouri v. Biden: Plaintiffs lack standing

The US Supreme Court hands Biden a “technical victory” on censoring free speech by ruling that the current lawsuit Plaintiffs lacked standing due to a lack of injury.

So they can keep telling social media companies to censor the truth in the meantime.

Other cases will not suffer from that defect, so it’s not over.

Bird flu: Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, …

They are trying to panic people again.

Watch the video here:

TONIGHT: Protocol 7 premiers in Palo Alto at 6:30pm tonight at the Aquarius Theater

I’ll be speaking after the film. It SOLD OUT in 2 days.

It starts at 6:30pm PST (the brochure below is wrong).


Don’t take any shots.

Never trust the CDC again.

The “COVID vaccines” were likely the biggest medical goof in world history. Is there anything bigger?

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