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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, July 17, 2024




Well, as predicted, that shining stinking mackerel on the moonlit beach just became a whole lot more shiny and stinky. As I indicated in last Saturday's blog, the attempted assassination of Mr. Trump has undone my normal blogging schedule, and as also indicated, that would mean that if there were significant developments I would probably be back with more reviews of emerging deatails. There have been such developments, and they have the following components: (1) the wobbly "narrative" as it stands now and the unlikely shooter, (2) the BlackRock advertisement apparently showing the shooter, which has now been pulled; (3) allegations of the alleged shooter having undergone psychiatric or psychological therapy and the issues it raises, (4) a story in the New York Post indicating that there was a counter-sniper team inside the very building that the alleged shooter shot from, while he was on its roof, raising further questions; (5) audio forensics suggesting at least three different weapons in use, and finally, (6) Senator Joe Manchin's strange comment, (7) a re-emerging Trump messianism focus in some quarters.

The Narrative and the Unlikely Shooter

Insofar as any narrative actually exists at the current time, well-known traditionalist commentator Matt Walsh has summed it up this way (our thanks to V.T. for sharing this post:

Matt Walsh on thhe narrative thus far

I can only add to Mr. Walsh's skepticism my own, which is related to the fact that there appear to have been other suspects who have now more or less dropped from the narrative. I also share Mr. Walsh's concerns over the lack of any indicator of political radicalization. At least with Oswald "they" took the time to sheep-dip him as an ostensible pro-Castro Marxist.  But then again, in dumbed-down Amairikuh, one has to expect a certain degree of falling standards even in the covert ops business.

But while we're on the subject of Lee Harvey Oswald, we're supposed to believe he got off three shots with a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano bolt-action rifle with a misaligned scope, and did so in record time, and that it was the second shot that was the most accurate. This time, however, "they" appear not to have the time either to sheep-dip their anointed patsy, nor to find him an appropriately inaccurate weapon. However, they were able to insure that the anointed patsy was at least a member of a local gun club; they were not, however, able to guarantee he was a good shot, since his school gun club rejected him, but perhaps the local club he later joined improved his aim:

A lousy shot in school?

The BlackRock Advertisement

Then there's the matter that the alleged shooter was in a commercial for BlackRock, which has now been pulled by that company(article shared courtesy of our regular reader M.D., with our thanks):

BlackRock pulls ad featuring alleged shooter

Sirhan Sirhan Revisited? 

Now, while you're entertaining all those alleged-shooter-has-connections-with-BlackRock-hmmm-I-wonder-if-there-was-any-sort-of-MKUltra-shenanigans-going-on-here? thoughts, sure enough, you're not the only one out there that has found enough reason to wonder (article shared courtesy of our regular reader S.D. with our thanks):

I'll admit, the family connection to "mental health care" has me wondering, especially because that business is known to have fronted for various covert mind-control operations of the intelligence "community" in the past. If so, then perhaps we're looking at another Sirhan Sirhan, but one who had to be taken out because he missed, and because no one wanted him to be alive in order to raise the mind manipulation question, an inconvenience to whatever plotters may have been behind this, because Sirhan Sirhan certainly raises the issue for anyone who has bothered to research the matter.

Counter-Snipers in the Alleged Shooter's Building? And Audio-forensics

One of the most telltale signs that the mackerel is putrefying at a very speedy rate is the ugly stench raised by the following New York Post article (shared by regular reader B, with our gratitude:)

Local counter-sniper team was inside building where Trump shooter climbed on the roof and opened fire: sources

Of course, this article is based on unnamed "sources", but if true, then certain disturbing questions emerge from its central allegation:

The building — the AGR International Inc. factory in Butler, Pennsylvania — was being used by local police as a “watch post” for snipers to scan for threats as the former president spoke onstage only 130 yards away, according to sources.

Cops were inside, but not on the roof during the shooting, sources said.

So, there were teams covering the building the alleged shooter shot from, and they were allegedly in the building when the shooting occurred. So (1) why were they in the building and not also on the roof? (2) Did the shooter gain access to the roof because he somehow was waved through by this team? or worse, was the alleged shooter part of that counter-sniper team (hard to believe, since he apparently was a lousy shot, at least, in high school, but maybe he improved at the local rifle range), (3) was the team really there to provide a sniper's nest for a real shooter, the one on the roof being a patsy and a distraction for the counter-sniper teams on the neighboring buildings? If so, then that would mean this was a deep conspiracy. Interestingly enough, professional snipers usually like to shoot from cover; rifles sticking out of windows are just not professional as they give away position.  Either way, there's a whole lot of explaining to do if The New York Post story is true.

Joe Manchin's Strange Comment

And speaking of a whole lot of 'splainin to do, just what did well-known West Virginia US Senator Joe Manchin mean by this remark (video courtesy of regular reader M.D., with our thanks):

What Did Manchin mean when he said wait until this weekend?

Now, I don't for a moment suppose Senator Manchin was involved in some conspiracy to kill the former President. But he clearly heard something in the wind. The question is, what had he heard, and from whom, and when?

The Audio Forensics Scenario:

While you're still pondering the ramifications of The New York Post article about a local counter-sniper team in the building from which the alleged shooter shot, and the disturbing possibility that maybe that team and its snipers were the real assassins, consider the following article that states that audio recordings indicate more than one weapon being fired (article shared by S.C.G., with our thanks):

Audiio forensics suggest as many as three weapons fired at Trump rally

Now, this interests me a great deal, because as many of you probably already know, during the hearings held by the House Select Committee on Assassinations back in the mid-1970s, a dictabelt recording from a Dallas Police motorcycle was presented in evidence to the committee at the last minute. This recording was subjected to an intense computer and engineering audio analysis, and the conclusion was that there were shots being fired that were not coming from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, i.e., that there were four shots, not the three as determined by the Warren Report. Four shots meant another shooter, and another shooter meant a conspiracy.  Of course, the government disputed the whole analysis back then, but what does this mean for the Trump audio forensics? Just this: with todays audio analysis, it should be possible to  determine not only how many weapons there were, but more or less accurately were they where firing from. Any shots from inside the building that the shooter was on the roof of, would tentatively indicate that some other target was being shot at than the shooter, or that whoever was inside was shooting through the roof at the shooter...the problem is, that in every picture of the roof I've seen, there are no bullet holes in it emerging from below, with the telltale exit signs of a shot from below...

So recordings might be a telltale clue,  if, that is, reliable recordings can be obtained that have remained unknown to the government and in private hands... don't hold your breath.

The Trump Messianism Scenario

Then there's a certain segment out there that thinks someone behind Trump actually arranged this whole scenario to make the former president "look good" and promote sympathy for him. Many others on both the right and the left are arguing that this was a divine miracle that spared Mr. Trump.  I have no difficulty in believing that this was divine intervention, none at all. Nor am I. going to second guess Mr. Trump. I am truly and genuinely grateful that he survived, saddened at the other loss of life, and frankly thought and still think that he acted with some courage by standing up and showing everyone that he was ok, because the crowd - which had begun to panic - immediately calmed at that point.  Say what one will or second guess however one might, in my opinion that showed old-fashioned virtue, manliness, courage, and leadership However, this does not mean I've given a carte blanche imprimatur and nihil obstat to everything he has done, or may do if he regains office. He most assuredly is not Christ. He is not even a Constantine. At best he's a Cosimo de Medici, a rich man with some good intentions, a checkered past, and with the time and money to "play around" in serious matters, doing some good here, and some bad there, having enough intelligence to learn a lot in breadth, but shying away from learning in depth, and reliant upon experts to fill in his knowledge gaps. In short, he's human. Viewing the attempted assassination as a miraculous intervention thus only means that we who are inclined to view it that way must be doubly on our guard, and monitor his policies closely to ensure that the miraculous intervention was not in vain, and be the first to point out looming policy disasters, such as planscamdemics, or the associated lockdowns, or the untested and highly experimental injections, or advocacy of central bank digital currencies, or blank cheques to Israel or NATO or the Ukraine, and so on. Judas, after all, was there for many of Christ's miracles, and nevertheless ended in betrayal. And after decades of putrid Bushes, Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens, we've had enough Judases.

I will leave it there for now, with my thanks to all of you keeping your eyes and ears peeled.

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog please share it with your friends.)

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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