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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Just What Kind of Pressure is Being Applied Here?


Just What Kind of Pressure is Being Applied Here?

The Butler PA events have applied massive pressure to US politics. What kind, exactly, and what is that pressure designed to accomplish?

Trump after rising from behind podium

Alleged wound circled in red

So I got to thinking: since the Posterior Auricular Artery, a branch of the external carotid artery, when opened (as by a bullet, for example, or a barber’s razor) bleeds abundantly, and the treatment is to apply pressure until the bleeding stops because it bleeds so abundantly, why was no pressure applied to the alleged wound by the men and women tasked with protecting the life and well-being of former President Trump in Butler, PA?


Trump emerges from behind the podium, after the Secret Service pushes him down, with a supposed wound caused by a supposed gunshot fired by a supposed lone gunman (who managed to fire off shots visible from both the roof on which he was lying, in full view of a counter sniper team on the second story in a building behind him, and a water tower and, according to acoustic forensic analysists, from a third gun as well. So, dead or alive, we have to admit that this was one unusually talented 20 year old lone gunman! And that gunshot wound, which has opened the posterior auricular artery, does not have a bandage on it, let alone a pressure dressing, his or anyone else’s hand on the wound or any other kind of apparent treatment.

There is a line of blood at the rear of the external ear which appears to have congealed because during the increased heart rate and blood pressure of the money-shot fist pump (under strangely cerulean skies which were cloudy for everyone else in every other video that day - another sign that God is partisan, perhaps?), that dribble of blood does not drip onto the pristine collar of the former President’s shirt, nor does it besmirch his neck.

But forget the uniquely cloudless and bright blue skies of the amazing, unposed, happenstance-rich money fist pump shot. Where is the medical aide delivered to a wounded protectee? Did the Secret Service detail know that the former president under their protection was afflicted with an astonishingly rapid (and potentially very dangerous, if it were, in fact, that rapid) clotting time so that no pressure would be necessary on that wound?

Normal clotting time is from 2-8 minutes. The time between the alleged wound and the fist pump is much less yet there is no significant blood flow. Is he on anticoagulants for that abnormal clotting tendency? Oh, wait, that would mean there would be MORE blood.

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If he clots that fast, and is not on anticoagulants, he is being exposed to medical malpractice. But wait! His former doctor, now a Senator, said he was in the pink of health. So that can’t be right.

So: either Trump has abnormally fast clotting or sustained no wound. Take your pick.

But assuming that we are looking at a real wound, one has to wonder about the competence of the Secret Service in dealing with it. Do Secret Service Agents not, in fact, know emergency medicine and first aid procedures? That seems like a significant oversight to me, but I have never been trained as, or trained, a Secret Service Agent.

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But fortunate as we are to live in the internet AI world, I could ask AI about this, and so I did. Here is my conversation with the AI “named” Copilot:


Sent by you:

Are secret service agents trained in first aid


Sent by Copilot:

Absolutely! Secret Service agents undergo comprehensive training that includes emergency medicine. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Initial Training:

    • New special agent trainees receive several months of formal classroom, fitness, firearms, and simulation training during their first year of employment.

    • This training takes place at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia.

    • It covers a wide range of skills, including emergency medicine1.

  2. Special Agent Training Course:

    • After completing the Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP) at FLETC, special agents proceed to an 18-week Special Agent Training Course.

    • This course focuses on Secret Service policies and procedures related to investigations and protection.

    • Trainees learn about combating counterfeiting, financial crimes, protective intelligence, physical protection techniques, and emergency medicine.

    • They also receive marksmanship, control tactics, water survival, and physical fitness training1.

  3. Continuous Training:

In summary, Secret Service agents are well-prepared, not only in protection and investigations but also in emergency medical response. [Emphasis added by me in all cases - REL]

Hmmm… Well, I thought, maybe times have changed and it is no longer thought to be good practice to apply pressure to an ear, face or scalp wound. Let’s check, I thought, and off I went to confer with Copilot again.

And here is the Copilot response:


Sent by you:

Does a gunshot wound to the posterior auricular artery bleed heavily


Sent by Copilot:

A gunshot wound to the posterior auricular artery can indeed result in significant bleeding. Let’s break it down:

  1. Posterior Auricular Artery:

  2. Bleeding Potential:

  3. Emergency Care:

Remember, any gunshot wound requires urgent professional care. If you or someone else is dealing with this situation, seek immediate medical assistance. [Emphasis added by me in all cases - REL]

And then, when checking online for care of external ear wounds, we find:

“Specific treatment for cuts and wounds of the ear that need more than minor treatment at home will be discussed by your child's healthcare provider. In general, call your child's provider right away or get medical care for ear cuts and wounds that:

  • Are bleeding heavily and don't stop after 5 to 10 minutes of direct pressure. If the bleeding is gushing, hold pressure for 5 to 10 minutes without stopping to look at the cut. If the cloth becomes soaked with blood, put a new cloth on top of the old one. Don't lift the original cloth.

  • Are deep or longer than 1/2 inch”1

There is plenty of pressure being applied in this case, but it is not physical. It is psychological and it is designed to deify and make Trump immune from questions about his deceitful and deadly bioweapon/vaccine support and playacting to protect his presidential bid.

His choice of a VP makes that pressure and intention for more of same abundantly clear. There were no coincidences here. This was staged to bring about the new positioning of the god-touched anointed one who can supposedly get away with anything and have his base endorse and embrace it. No vaccine repudiation here. No Informed Consent here. No prosecution of Covid crimes here. Nope. More of same, laced with AI coming right up.

Second verse, worse than the first.

I was asked to participate in a SAG-AFTRA program today on whether the Butler PA event was a theatrical event or not. You would imagine that professional screen writers and actors would have a different take on these events and, indeed they did.

James Fetzer, PhD, Fred Corbin and I focused on various aspects of the event while another person shared biblical perspectives. Those rest, of course, on a belief system that cannot be verified objectively so they are a matter of belief, not scientific method and are thus neither subject to confirmation nor falsification.

Dr. Fetzer, Mr. Corbin and I focused on more testable aspects of the events.

Dr. Fetzer suggested at the beginning of his presentation that there may have been a real assassination attempt in the works, but that Team Trump got wind of it and “flipped it to their advantage”.

I do not know if that is an accurate speculation, but it certainly would account for a number of intriguing possibilities, like the presence of fake blood on the scene at the right time and in something like the right amount, like the immediate hosing down of the roof where the alleged shooter was allegedly killed (destruction of evidence, anyone?), the towing of the SUV from the water tower base after dark, the placement of the highly skilled and very lucky photographers at just the right place and time (shepherded by a compliant Secret Service Agent putting the press just exactly where they needed to be for the shots of the shot and its aftermath), the perfectly choreographed fist punch circle of Secret Service Agents in just the right configuration to make the shot iconic, the lack of concern by the spectators, several of whom cross themselves at precisely the identical moment after glancing up from the phones that they are watching from the best seats in the house while Trump talks and so forth.

This event has turned Trump from a Presidental candidate to a near deity, touched by God, a hero of the nation who was shot for our sins, complete with three who suffered and allegedly died with him (really, folks? really?) but with no pictures of the viewing casket of the supposedly slain and now heroic fire chief, or of those who were wounded or other corroboration other than a mis-spelled firefighter’s jacket.

C’mon, guys.

I guess our would-be masters think if we were dumb enough to take the shots, again and again, and accept the lock downs and the social distancing and the masks and the loss of freedom of speech and movement and so forth, we will buy anything.

I have already called bullshit on this. It still reeks to high heaven and the reek will only get worse.

You watch.

OK, we understand this is globalist theatrics controlling the Uniparty show. So what do we do about it? We change the playing field. We stop waiting for a political solution (“Well, who are you going to vote for, Dr. Rima?”)

There is none because the politicians are all sock puppets. We take matters, peacefully and legally, into our own hands: the solution is to detach from the globalist puppet masters who are using the UN as their Death Machine. You can make that happen by taking the 10 Million Patriot Challenge here: PreventGenocide2030.org.

Do it. Now.

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