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An American Affidavit

Sunday, July 14, 2024

"I Thought I Was in a Hollywood Movie?"


"I Thought I Was in a Hollywood Movie?"




For over 2 weeks, the “fake-news” cycle has been consumed by conjecture over Biden’s mental decline. The overwhelming emphasis in American politics is on the actors in the White House,… no longer on issues and definitely not on the military industrial and Neocon script writers behind the curtain. None of our recent presidents showed one whit of consideration for the public beyond suckering them to vote Republican or Democrat; party affiliations serving nicely as chew-toys for the people to fight over and keep them occupied.  Were we the people ever on the same page, our greedy elite would be tarred, feathered and run out of power.  The job of the media is to conceal the fact that politicians are paid pretenders, pretending they determine the trajectory of the nation while our “shadow government” calls all the shots.  The U.S. Proxy War in ... Laurence M. Vance Buy New $5.95 (as of 06:52 UTC - Details)

Demented Biden colluded with the CCP, did Ukraine, gifted Israel with enough bombs to flatten Gaza, enacted a phony Green New Deal and opened borders to dilute our traditional culture,… while Trump gave the treasury to pharmaceutical raiders, failed to fire Fauci, crippled the nation with lockdowns and followed the lead of Netanyahu, his son-in-law and the rest of the Zionist Mafia. This only makes sense to gullible brain-trained ideologs existing within the frame of the system’s matrix.

All this campaigneering is so much fluff, empty promises and a total distraction from the identities and nefarious agendas of our real rulers.  Since the media is all rahrahrah and no help in identifying donors, one must dig deeper to see that corporate billionaires, industry lobbyists, various political action groups including foreign entities and Zionist AIPAC control our very lives with money that walks, talks and gets serviced,…the money that covers both sides of the aisle…the same money that buys airtime for focus-group tested ads, fake journalists and selected experts….the money that disappears like chaff in the wind.

You would have to be a stupid idiot to believe-in this longest running American soap opera or the lines of highly paid actors.  It would seem to be a real reality, but look at who owns the media!  Look at who profits from the greatest bullshit story ever told!  Then look around at our dilapidated infrastructure, our homeless camped on city streets, our polluted environment, our millions of opioid and veteran suicides, poorly educated kids destined for system indoctrination at our vaunted profit-driven universities, our under-performing uber-expensive drug-based healthcare system, our disease-forming processed food industry and our untouchable money-sucking intelligence and “offense” departments.

Our country is not great!  It is a failing decadent empire, as hollow as our figureheads and depleted as the American dollar.  Greedy people have over-mined our natural resources using devious technologies while the wealthy elite parasitize our bodies, minds and labors.  Pollutants, bad drugs and bad information have reduced the cognitive abilities of the public who remain confused in an artificial reality that defies all common sense. The Joy of Pain: Schad... Smith, Richard H. Best Price: $3.50 Buy New $19.93 (as of 08:52 UTC - Details)

Since my research has centered on human health, I generally avoid politics.  But judging by our unrelenting societal anxiety and physical diseases, it became plain to see the negative health effects of sensational fear mongering, lame public policy, economic deprivation and the general disconnect of an insane narrative.

Cut through the terabytes of fraudulently designed language and look at deliberate government actions in the hard light of day.  Mainstream rhetoric and actual dirty deeds provide a mind-bending disconnect.  The 99% have no recourse in this totally rigged game of thrones. We all saw the vile creatures guilting us for not wearing masks or standing 6ft apart online…the businesses, colleges and hospital death portals that required taking dangerous/useless mRNA vaxxxines…we saw the networks stand foursquare with Fauci’s lyin “The Science”…but we have yet to see a retraction or apology…not for Covid disinformation, not for pushing the invasion of Iraq, not for the Ukraine meat grinder and not for the extermination of Palestinians with our magnificent bombs.

Only a retarded population would accept the tyranny of our fake democracy.  Creating distractions, false consensus, thoughtless compliance, psychic pain and mass stupidity IS JOB ONE of clever establishment trolls who sold their souls for a stinken job.  Shame on these double-dealing dirtbags, if only for insulting my/our intelligence!

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