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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Exposing the Shadowy Alliance: The Pope, the WEF, and the Globalist Agenda


Exposing the Shadowy Alliance: The Pope, the WEF, and the Globalist Agenda

The Pope's alignment with the WEF and other globalist entities clearly indicates that something sinister is afoot, and it's up to us to stay vigilant and informed.

We recently posted an explosive article about Mel Gibson's letter to Archbishop ViganĂ², which sent shockwaves to religious and secular communities alike. In the letter, the award-winning actor didn’t hold back, accusing certain Catholic church leaders of actively collaborating with power-hungry globalists to undermine traditional Christian values and destabilize society's moral and spiritual foundations.

The backlash was instant and fierce, with a barrage of our readers up in arms over TTAC daring to air such “controversial” content. They wasted no time launching personal attacks on Mel Gibson, parroting media lies, and regurgitating baseless criticisms without evidence. All this while absurdly claiming that this information has no bearing on our decades-long mission to champion medical freedom and the right to live our lives free from “Big Brother” overreach. It's almost as if they believe ignoring the truth will make it disappear.

Spoiler alert: it won't.

It's absurd for people to dismiss this critical information simply because they don't like Mel Gibson. This is a classic example of the logical fallacy known as ad hominem, where the message is rejected based on the messenger rather than the content itself. Detractors and complainers are essentially burying their heads in the sand by focusing on Gibson's persona rather than the alarming points he raises. It’s an intellectually lazy and dangerous approach to ignore potentially significant insights and warnings about the globalist’s known agenda because of personal biases against the individual delivering the message.

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But here's the kicker: it’s precisely this kind of ill-informed response that underscores the urgency of discussing these issues. When the globalists, including the Pope, align with organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF), other shadowy entities, and control freaks, it raises critical questions about their true intentions. These are not benign alliances but calculated moves to centralize power and control.

We must cover these issues, even if it means facing criticism and name-calling because the stakes are incredibly high. The convergence of religious authority with globalist agendas is not just a political maneuver; it's a direct threat to individual freedoms and national sovereignty. Ignoring these alliances is tantamount to accepting a future where we are all enslaved to the whims of a few powerful elites, who dictate every aspect of our lives under the guise of “the greater good” and global cooperation.

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All it takes for evil to win is for good men and women to do nothing. We refuse!

By shedding light on these clandestine operations, we aim to wake people up to the reality that our freedoms are at risk. This is not just about medical choice; it's about resisting a globalist takeover that seeks to control every facet of our existence. The Pope's alignment with the WEF and other globalist entities clearly indicates that something sinister is afoot, and it's up to us to stay vigilant and informed.

That said, let’s dive into the details of this insidious alliance. This unholy trinity, masked under the guise of promoting global cooperation and sustainable development, is orchestrating a grand scheme that could potentially dismantle our fundamental freedoms and sovereignty. By embedding themselves into powerful institutions and manipulating global narratives, they aim to create a new world order where individual rights are subjugated to the whims of a select few.

Let’s peel back the layers of this globalist conspiracy and expose some of the machinations at play.

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The Pope's Global Vision in “Laudato Si'”

Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si'” is a pivotal document in Catholic social teaching. It addresses not only spiritual concerns but also ecological and social issues. Released in 2015, the document draws its title from St. Francis of Assisi's Canticle of the Sun, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all creation and humanity's duty to care for the Earth.

However, beneath its surface appeal, “Laudato Si'” critiques widespread consumerism, unbridled development, and the exploitation of natural resources, warning of their devastating impact on the environment and marginalized communities. It calls urgently for an ecological conversion and promotes lifestyles that respect nature and uphold human dignity.

Yet, lurking behind these seemingly noble intentions lies a darker agenda…

The encyclical critiques a global economic system that prioritizes profit at the expense of people and the planet. This critique mirrors concerns voiced by movements like the WEF's “build back better” initiative and their vision for a “Great Reset,” often accompanied by slogans such as “you’ll own nothing and be happy” by 2030. 

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While these initiatives appear to promise societal benefit and sustainability, they actually mask a broader agenda of centralized control and technocratic governance.

These plans for centralized control were made evident in 2021 when Pope Francis and Vatican bigwigs gathered with global financial elites to plot the post-COVID global makeover. Dubbed “Dreaming of a Better Restart,” this exclusive rendezvous, orchestrated by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, saw the participation of finance ministers from seven countries at the opulent Vatican’s Casino Pio IV.

In January 2024, Pope Francis addressed the WEF during their gathering in Davos, describing it as a pivotal moment for global stakeholders to explore innovative paths towards a better world. His message at Davos did not call for restraint among the affluent and influential figures present. Instead, he emphasized the urgency of international political action and coordinated measures to achieve global development.

Although the Pope spoke via video, Cardinal Peter Turkson attended in person, actively urging the WEF to advocate for a new international economic order. This underscores a deeper collaboration between the Vatican and the WEF, hinting at shared objectives beyond what meets the public eye.

Make no mistake—Pope Francis, the Vatican, the World Economic Forum, and many of the power-thirsty globalist control freaks are playing for the same team… and we ain’t on it! 

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The WEF's Great Reset

Under Klaus Schwab's leadership, the WEF has been a leading advocate for the Great Reset, positioning it as a transformative agenda for rebuilding the global economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Schwab's vision is overweening and despotic, centered on harnessing the potential of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to fundamentally reshape societal structures and economic systems. 

Central to the Great Reset is the concept of “stakeholder capitalism,” which advocates that businesses should prioritize not only profits but also the well-being of society and the environment. Cardinal Turkson, speaking at Davos in January 2024, endorsed the WEF's push for stakeholder capitalism. At first glance, this idea seems appealing: corporations should behave responsibly as good citizens. But who decides how a “good citizen” should act, and who decides which interest groups have a legitimate “stake” in a corporation? In reality, the Great Reset initiative represents a covert effort to consolidate global power and influence, undermining national sovereignty and democratic governance.

The Great Reset could pave the way for technocratic governance, where decisions are made by unelected experts and institutions rather than elected representatives. Furthermore, the Great Reset provides a framework for expanding digital governance and data collection under the guise of public welfare, leading to a dystopian future where individual freedoms are curtailed in the name of collective progress and “the greater good.”

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The Convergence & Need for Awareness

The convergence of Pope Francis’s advocacy, the WEF’s Great Reset, and the globalist agenda appears more than coincidental. The Vatican's participation in WEF meetings and the Pope’s endorsement of global economic reforms suggest a strategic alignment. This alliance aims to mold global policies and public opinion towards accepting a new socio-economic order that centralizes power under a few control freaks.

It is crucial for everyone to open their eyes and recognize the potential consequences of these global alliances. Ignoring these issues may lead us down a path where we become subservient to the whims of the WEF and other entities who do not have our best interests at heart. Discussions about the implications of such collaborations are essential to preserve our freedoms and ensure that power remains distributed among the people rather than concentrated in the hands of a few.

In summary, the alignment of the Pope, the WEF, and globalist leaders is not just a political maneuver; it is a calculated strategy that, if left unchecked, could lead to the creation of a class of slaves under the control of a powerful few.

The time to act is now… before it’s too late.

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