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An American Affidavit

Saturday, July 13, 2024

BIDEN PSYOP ALERT! Everything points to VOICE TO SKULL technology being used on the Gaffer-in-Chief….


BIDEN PSYOP ALERT! Everything points to VOICE TO SKULL technology being used on the Gaffer-in-Chief….

…which means we are all watching a meticulously
staged and cynically choreographed election year melodrama designed to distract and distract and
then distract again, among a slew of other much
more nefarious NWO objectives and WEF goals. 

Submitted by A Targeted Individual
SOTN Exclusive

This exposé is going to be a real doozy.

First, it’s important to understand the following emergency medical history undergone by Joe Biden as documented by various MSM news outlets at the time of their occurrence:

On February 12, 1988, Joe Biden underwent surgery to repair an aneurysm and the damage done to his brain. Blood was leaking in his brain and it required an immediate operation. His condition was so serious that he received Last Rites from a Catholic priest.  On May 4, 1988, Biden underwent a second surgery to continue the process of putting his brain back into working order.
(Source: In February of 1988 Joe Biden had a brain aneurysm)

Next, it’s critical to  comprehend the basics of Voice-to-Skull technologies which have been in use for several decades.  As follows:

Voice to Skull Communication Explained

Then there are the many recent speaking blunders by Joe Biden not only since his June 2024 debate with Donald Trump, but also over the course of his entire political career.  What follows are just the most recent glaring gaffes — TODAY — by the Gaffer-in-Chief.

What’s the crucial point?

Just like Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama and BIG MIKE were thrust on the American people as a cultural marxist experiment, so too is Joe Biden and his handler wife Jill Giacoppo “Jacobs” Biden. See: Edith Wilson Biden (Née Jill Giacoppo)

Only in the case of Joe Biden, his well concealed puppet masters have really created the ultimate marionette who could be made to say (and do) anything they wanted him to. See: Biden’s masters finally expose themselves

In this way, his countless gaffes and fake street-talking lingo over decades were used to create this false image of a ‘funny guy’ who the blue collar voters could identify with.  However, how he talked was not how he really was, but then no politician is ever like that.

The real psyop here revolves around the very subtle stratagem whereby Biden’s puppeteers fabricated this facade of an old avuncular man who was harmless and not to bright, and therefore who no one would ever suspect of IRREPARABLY DESTROYING THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC AT WARP SPEED!!!

Because that’s the real mission of POTUS Imposter Joe Biden, who is not only the worst president in U.S. history but also the most dangerous one BY FAR.

Remember, Biden was Obama’s VPOTUS for eight long years and a key architect of the Obamanation that was left in the wake of those 8 long years of premeditated devastation inflicted by those two pretenders.

Back to the Voice to Skull technology that permits Biden’s masters to present him how ever they wish to.

The preceding list of epic blunders and highly consequential gaffes over such a short period of time is simply too long to explain away as Parkinson’s-induced Dementia.

Yes, Joe Biden has both Parkinson’s disease and Dementia, but his public profile can easily be exacerbated now that his masters utilize voice-to-skull communication full bore.  In this fashion, The Powers That Be can accomplish at least the following 5 goals quite quickly and efficiently:

#1–Stage the most captivating and entertaining political melodrama in US history

#2–Remove Biden from the stage forever so that Manchurian Candidate Kamala Harris can take over

#3–Further degrade American politics for all to see so that the USA is the laughingstock of the world

#4–Manufacture as much election cycle chaos, confusion and conflict as possible to carry out other malevolent schemes

#5–DISTRACT… DISTRACT…DISTRACT everyone, everywhere, as much as possible from the numerous crime waves perpetrated by the US Federal Government against the American people and all of humanity

Of course, the achievement of each of these objectives is not an end in and of themselves; rather, they are all setting the global stage for a much greater purpose having to do with the swift advancement of the New World Order agenda and long planned Great Reset.

Targeted Individuals

Who has not heard by now about the many TIs who have been relentlessly attacked and profoundly victimized by various secret mind-control programming operations carried out by the DARPA, the US Military and the C.I.A.?

Meet the Targeted Individual Community

Who has not witnessed or heard about the countless mass shooters over decades who have spoken about ‘hearing voices’ just before they perpetrated the deadly mass casualty event?

Well, we now have a president who has been targeted by the same clandestine CIA-conducted operations where voice-to-skull technologies (aka V2K) are the backbone of the ongoing MK-Ultra/Monarch programming mind control project.  As follows:

Targeted Individual / V2K / Voice to Skull / Voice of God

Let that sink in if you really want to understand the rapidly deteriorating State of the Nation in 2024.

To be continued —

A Targeted Individual
State of the Nation
July 11, 2024


The once great United States of America becomes the laughingstock of the world

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