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An American Affidavit

Monday, July 22, 2024

4944: International Public Notice: There. We Said It. from Lincoln County Watch


Sunday, July 21, 2024

4944: International Public Notice: There. We Said It. from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Charles Miller hasn't studied enough, widely enough, to know the actual structure of the American Government as it existed in 1860.  Like many other Americans including Derek Johnson, Charles and his commentaries have always been limited by that lack.  There was no Declaration of War by any Congress.  There was nothing but an Armistice occasioned by General Lee's surrender. No peace process resulting in a peace treaty followed.  

There is no possibility that the "American Civil War" or any other "war" declared since then has been an actual war according to Law and definition.  What we have been calling "wars" are in fact and by definition Mercenary Conflicts, which are illegal and unlawful.   The American Civil War, the Spanish-American War, the First World War, the Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.... and literally hundreds of smaller mercenary conflicts have been described as wars, but they were waged by corporations, not governments. 

Faced with the horrors of war either way, you may be tempted to say --- what difference does that make?   Wars engaged over political, cultural, and even religious differences are largely defensive in nature and are used to preserve national honor, security, and integrity of territory.   Mercenary conflicts are just the opposite -- struggles engaged in to achieve material advantage and coercive political power over others whether or not they have attacked you.  It's the difference between marital love and rape, honor and thuggery. 

It is clear from the public and private records that Lincoln unlawfully converted our military into a mercenary force and there is nothing indicating that our "military" has ever been returned to lawful and honorable status.  Instead, our military has remained a mercenary force in the employ of the British Crown.  Even today, SERCO, a British Corporation, acts as the Paymaster for "our" military.  

If it were "our" military, such a circumstance would be unthinkable, but when you realize that "our" military has been hired by the British Crown as mercenaries, it makes all the sense in the world.  

This also explains why politicians like George H.W. Bush, diplomats like Henry Kissinger, and generals like Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell were knighted by Queen Elizabeth II --- and why they were able to accept such foreign titles and honors despite clear prohibitions against this in all three Federal Constitutions.   This is only possible if they were serving in a private capacity as privateers in service to the Queen under Letters of Mark or similar provisions. 

Now, these are hard facts to know and bear; generations of Americans -- my own Father and Husband among them -- have served in what they believed was an honorable military employed for honorable causes.  These men and women were never aware of Lincoln's deceit.  They never knowingly enlisted as mercenaries and they certainly weren't told the truth about this circumstance, a fact that is self-evident:  if they had known they were working as mercenaries, they would have demanded better pay and benefits, in exchange for the mortal danger, hardships, crimes to be committed, and the moral taint.  

An Airman First Class, an E-3 rate, working for the US Air Force currently makes $2378 per month; a mercenary working for, for example, the Wagner Group, makes $10,000 per month and enjoys better benefits.  

Given this disparity, we also know the reason(s) that the true nature of all this "military" activity was kept secret.  Men who believe they are fighting in a just cause, in defense of their country, fight harder and with more endurance.  They also ask a lot less in terms of pay and benefits, which is more than enough motivation for any corporate employer to keep mum. 

This also explains how Donald J. Trump could continue on as the Commander-in-Chief of a corporation (USA, Inc.) even after leaving office as President of another corporation (US, Inc.) and all the resulting political and social and economic upheaval this circumstance has occasioned.  These are private offices, not public ones.  

This also explains the odd use of the Electoral College to elect these men, despite the illusion of a public and popular election process.  These foreign corporations have shareholders and those shareholders have proxies called Electors, who vote their own self-interest despite whatever or whoever the General Public wants in office.  

The entire political process in this country is a sham and it has been for a long time.  

The Post-World War II observation that, "They (the political parties) select them, and we elect them" didn't go quite far enough, because neither the servicemembers nor the General Public has elected anyone as our American Federation President, The President of The United States of America, in over 150 years.  What we have had instead is a long string of British Territorial Corporation "Presidents", mostly Bar Attorneys and Titled Academics, whose primary preoccupation has been war-for-profit.  

As of July 9th 2024 the mercenary forces of the USA, Inc. have resumed direct "occupational" control of this country and are taking over all the government services and functions from the Postal Service to the dog pound.  As they go, they are ramping up their immoral and illegal and unlawful activities against anyone they consider a "dissident" -- that is, anyone exposing the actual history and their de facto occupation of our country and impersonation of our government.  

That this has been allowed to go on undetected in this country for more than a century and a half, and has also overtaken the entirety of the former British Union, British Commonwealth, 
seventeen still-illegally occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, Iraq, and numerous other foreign nations, is a testament to our mistaken trust in government.  And "our" military. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 21st 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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